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174 lines (125 loc) · 7.07 KB

MultilingualPress 2 to 3 Migration

A WP plugin that allows migrating data from MultilingualPress version 2 to version 3.


NOTE: This repository is no longer maintained.


The migration tool is a WP CLI command, shipped as a regular WP plugin. Install it as you would any other plugin, i.e. in any of the following ways:

  • If a build is available, you can install from ZIP.
  • Install with Composer: composer require inpsyde/multilingualpress2to3:^0.1.
  • Clone the repo into your plugins directory.


  1. MLP3 must contain the changes made in eebfc1b (v2.11.3).

    This is necessary in order to satisfy requirement 4.

  2. MLP2 must contain the changes in 7dccc9c (3.2.0).

    This is necessary in order to prevent automatic deletion of the site_relations table by MLP2 on uninstall. This table has the same name in MLP2 and MLP3, and therefore should remain after MLP2 is uninstalled.

  3. This plugin must be active.

    It registers the WP CLI command, and is also necessary in order to satisfy requirement 4.

  4. MLP3 must be active during migration.

    • The tool assumes that the tables to migrate the data into have already been created.
    • The tool uses some info exposed by MLP3 classes:
      • Languages table structure, to create the temporary table.
  5. All options tables must have the same collation.

    This is necessary in order to run a UNION query on them, which is needed for migrating redirections.


  1. Back up your database!
  2. Make sure that all 3 plugins are installed but inactive: MLP2, MLP3, Migration (this plugin).
  3. Activate the Migration plugin.
  4. Activate MLP3.
  5. Run the migration, i.e. wp mlp2to3 all, and make sure it completes all migrations successfully.
  6. Deactivate and then uninstall MLP2 by clicking the "Delete" button.
  7. Deactivate and then uninstall the Migration plugin.

You can also run wp help mlp2to3 to see all available arguments and flags.

Please consult the documentation for a more verbose explanation.

Known Limitations

  1. When migrating the language repository, most languages will be migrated.

    Ideally, only the custom (modified) languages would be migrated. However, in the current state it is not possible to determine which languages are different from their defaults. Due to inconsistencies between language defaults in MLP2 vs MLP3, the best possible comparison strategy determines most MLP2 languages to be different from those in MLP3 defaults. This results in the custom languages being migrated, but also over a hundred others.


This project uses Docker for testing and development. Therefore, you must have Docker Toolbox or Docker Desktop - whichever is suitable for your platform - in order to use the bundled development and testing environment.

Dependency Management

After you have cloned the project, you need to install dependencies compatible with the project's target environment. The environment already exists, and is the test Docker Compose service. If you are on Windows and using MinTTY/GitBash or similar, you may want to use the winpty utility by prefixing commands to be run in docker with it.


Before this, however, you will need to configure Composer authentication. This is because some of the dependencies are private packages (currently the MLP3 plugin package), and therefore this project uses Obviously for technical details the authentication details are missing from this package, and you will need to configure your own. Run the following in the project root:

composer config --auth <your-username> <your-token>

This will create an auth.json file with these credentials, which is set to be ignored by Git - these are your personal details, do not commit them!

Installing Deps

After you have configured authentication, just run composer install in the test container:

docker-compose run test composer install

Alternatively, when you need to update dependencies (perhaps you have added some), run this instead:

docker-compose run test composer update

View Website

If you need to preview something visual during development, you need to access a WordPress test site. This is set up as the wordpress service. Just access the IP of your Docker machine.

$ docker-machine ip

If you are using some native solution instead of explicitly using Docker Machine, the IP is most likely your localhost.

Access Database

The database lives in the mysql service. You can connect to it using your preferred client on the IP of the host machine (see above for explanation), on port 8082. Use the root user with password wordpress.

Alternatively, you can use phpMyAdmin by accessing the machine at port 1234, which will be handled by the phpmyadmin service.


Testing of the project is also handled by appropriate Docker services.


We use Codeception to run acceptance tests, and this is what the codecept service is for.

Use the below command to run the acceptance suite in the codecept service:

docker-compose run codecept run acceptance


This project uses Phing to run tasks related to the build process. The test service has all environmental dependencies fulfilled. Therefore, to create a release simply run phing in the test container, e.g. to release this package as mlp2to3 at version 0.1.0-alpha1 run the following:

docker-compose run test vendor/bin/phing release -Dversion=0.1.0-alpha1 -Dbuild_name=mlp2to3

This will create a timestamped archive in the build/release directory, containing the built version of the current state of the checked-out branch. The timestamp allows multiple builds of the same version to not collide. The archive will be named the same as the build name, plus the version, plus timestamp, e.g. The files will be additionally placed into a directory named after the build, in order to satisfy the requirement for WordPress plugins.