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CAD-1285 WIP
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Signed-off-by: Alexander Diemand <>
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CodiePP committed Jul 3, 2020
1 parent 9d41436 commit a4d57b7
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Showing 5 changed files with 227 additions and 0 deletions.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions bm-timeline/bm-timeline.cabal
Expand Up @@ -50,3 +50,22 @@ executable bmtime2block

executable bmresources
main-is: Resources.hs
other-modules: Cardano.BM.Common
, Cardano.BM.Csv
, Cardano.BM.CPUticks
, Cardano.BM.MemResident
, Cardano.BM.Stats
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base >=4.12 && <4.14
, text
, time
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings

ghc-options: -Wall -Werror

26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions bm-timeline/src/Cardano/BM/CPUticks.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module Cardano.BM.CPUticks
CPUticks (..)
, parseline

import Data.Text.Lazy (unpack)

import Cardano.BM.Common

data CPUticks = CPUticks {
timestamp :: Timestamp,
ticks :: Int,
node :: NodeId
} deriving (Show)

instance Lineparser CPUticks where
-- example:
-- "2020-06-29 16:06:21.85","Stat.cputicks",1252

itemFromArray [ts, _ev, t] = CPUticks
(parseTS (remquotes ts))
(read . unpack $ t)
itemFromArray _ = CPUticks time0 (-1) (-1)
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions bm-timeline/src/Cardano/BM/Csv.hs
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Cardano.BM.Csv
, named_columns
, pairs_in_columns
, timestamp_with_list
, list_to_columns
, Range
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,6 +45,9 @@ named_columns ls =
pairs_in_columns :: (Show a, Show b) => [(a,b)] -> Range
pairs_in_columns = map (\(a,b) -> [textify a, textify b])

timestamp_with_list :: Show a => [(Text,[a])] -> Range
timestamp_with_list = map (\(a,b) -> a : (map textify b))

list_to_columns :: Show a => [a] -> Range
list_to_columns ls = [ map textify ls ]

Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions bm-timeline/src/Cardano/BM/MemResident.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module Cardano.BM.MemResident
MemResident (..)
, parseline

import Data.Text.Lazy (unpack)

import Cardano.BM.Common

data MemResident = MemResident {
timestamp :: Timestamp,
memresident :: Int,
node :: NodeId
} deriving (Show)

instance Lineparser MemResident where
-- example:
-- "2020-06-29 16:07:21.89","Mem.resident",112472064

itemFromArray [ts, _ev, mem] = MemResident
(parseTS (remquotes ts))
(read . unpack $ mem)
itemFromArray _ = MemResident time0 (-1) (-1)
152 changes: 152 additions & 0 deletions bm-timeline/src/Resources.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Main
-- (
-- main
-- )

import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TLIO
import Data.Time.Clock (diffUTCTime)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO (IOMode(..), withFile)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

import Cardano.BM.Common
import Cardano.BM.Csv
-- import Cardano.BM.Stats
import qualified Cardano.BM.CPUticks as CPUticks
import qualified Cardano.BM.MemResident as MemResident

{- data types -}
type Milliseconds = Int

-- type KeyTxAdopted = TxId
-- type ValTxAdopted = TxAdopted.TxAdopted --(Timestamp, NodeId, SlotNum)
-- type HMTxAdopted = HM.HashMap KeyTxAdopted ValTxAdopted

-- type KeyTxMempool = TxId
-- type ValTxMempool = (Timestamp, NodeId)
-- type HMTxMempool = HM.HashMap KeyTxMempool ValTxMempool

{- main procedure -}
main :: IO ()
main = do
(n, basep) <- parseArguments
let nodes = mknodes n
process basep nodes

mknodes :: Int -> [NodeId]
mknodes n = [0 .. n-1]

parseArguments :: IO (Int, FilePath)
parseArguments = do
parsed <- getArgs >>= return . parseArgs
case parsed of
Left m -> TLIO.putStrLn "call: reconstruct-time2block <basepath>" >> error m
Right res -> return res

parseArgs [] = Left "no arguments"
parseArgs (_a : []) = Left "not enough arguments"
parseArgs (n : bp : []) =
case readMaybe n of
Nothing -> Left $ "can't parse: " ++ n
Just v -> if v > 0
then Right (v, bp)
else Left $ "wrong value: " ++ n
parseArgs _ = Left "too many arguments"

process :: FilePath -> [NodeId] -> IO ()
process basep nodes = do
-- let snodes = map (TL.pack . show) nodes
cputicks0 <- foldM (processCPUticks basep) [] nodes
memusage0 <- foldM (processMemory basep) [] nodes
withFile "resources.csv" WriteMode $ \_h -> do
-- let hm_txadopted = collect_txadopted txadopted
let cputicks1 = sortOn CPUticks.timestamp cputicks0
let memusage1 = sortOn MemResident.timestamp memusage0
let cpuusage = sortOn fst $ reverse $ process_cputicks (length nodes) cputicks0
-- TLIO.putStrLn . TL.pack . show $ hm_adopted
-- TLIO.putStrLn . TL.pack . show $ hm_leader
TLIO.putStrLn . TL.pack . show $ take 20 cputicks1
TLIO.putStrLn . TL.pack . show $ take 20 memusage1
TLIO.putStrLn . TL.pack . show $ take 20 cpuusage
-- let cdf = calc_cdf time2block
-- TLIO.putStrLn . TL.pack . show $ cdf
-- let boxplot = calc_boxplot time2block
-- TLIO.putStrLn . TL.pack . show $ boxplot
-- output_csv h
mapM_ (TLIO.putStrLn . TL.pack . show) $ named_columns [ ("timestamp" : (map (\nid -> "cpu " <> T.pack (show nid)) nodes), timestamp_with_list(cpuusage)) ]
-- , (["min","q1","median","q3","max"], list_to_columns(boxplot))]
return ()

process_cputicks :: Int -> [CPUticks.CPUticks] -> [(Text, [Double])]
process_cputicks _nnodes [] = []
process_cputicks nnodes ticks = process_cputicks' ticks (replicate nnodes Nothing) [(pack "",replicate nnodes 0.0)]
process_cputicks' :: [CPUticks.CPUticks] -> [Maybe CPUticks.CPUticks] -> [(Text, [Double])] -> [(Text, [Double])]
process_cputicks' [] _ acc = acc
process_cputicks' (t : ts) lastticks acc =
let (ln, lastticks') = calc_cpuusage t lastticks
process_cputicks' ts lastticks' (ln : acc)
setAt :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
setAt _ _val [] = []
setAt 0 val (_v : vs) = val : vs
setAt idx val (v : vs) = v : setAt (idx - 1) val vs
calc_cpuusage :: CPUticks.CPUticks -> [Maybe CPUticks.CPUticks] -> ((Text, [Double]), [Maybe CPUticks.CPUticks])
calc_cpuusage cputicks lastticks =
let nodeid = CPUticks.node cputicks
timestamp = CPUticks.timestamp cputicks
newticks = CPUticks.ticks cputicks
in case lastticks !! nodeid of
Nothing -> ( (formatTS timestamp
, setAt nodeid
0.0 -- usage [%]
(replicate (length lastticks) 0.0) )
, setAt nodeid (Just cputicks) lastticks )
Just cpu -> let difftime = realToFrac $ 1000.0 * diffUTCTime timestamp (CPUticks.timestamp cpu)
deltaticks = fromIntegral $ newticks - CPUticks.ticks cpu
( (formatTS timestamp
, setAt nodeid
(deltaticks / difftime * 1000.0) -- usage [%] since last
(replicate (length lastticks) 0.0) )
, setAt nodeid (Just cputicks) lastticks )

let basep = "../benchmarks/shelley3pools/test-data/"
(txadopted, txmempool) <- processCsv basep
let hm_txadopted = collect_txadopted txadopted
let time2block = calc_time2block hm_txadopted txmempool
-- let time2block = filter (\t -> tm >= 0) time2block0
-- let s_tms = sort time2block
calc_cdf time2block

processCPUticks :: FilePath -> [CPUticks.CPUticks] -> NodeId -> IO [CPUticks.CPUticks]
processCPUticks basep acc nodeid = do
csv <- TLIO.readFile $ basep ++ "/cpu-" ++ show nodeid ++ ".csv"
ln <- mapLines csv
return $ acc ++ map (\mem -> mem{CPUticks.node = nodeid}) ln

processMemory :: FilePath -> [MemResident.MemResident] -> NodeId -> IO [MemResident.MemResident]
processMemory basep acc nodeid = do
csv <- TLIO.readFile $ basep ++ "/mem-" ++ show nodeid ++ ".csv"
ln <- mapLines csv
return $ acc ++ map (\mem -> mem{MemResident.node = nodeid}) ln

mapLines :: Lineparser a => Text -> IO [a]
mapLines csv =
return $ map parseline (TL.lines csv)

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