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CAD-1393 txgen: implement Cardano mode
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deepfire committed Aug 3, 2020
1 parent c5a897b commit db81c57
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Showing 9 changed files with 585 additions and 343 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions cardano-tx-generator/cardano-tx-generator.cabal
Expand Up @@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ library

build-depends: aeson
, async
, attoparsec
, base >=4.12 && <5
, bytestring
, cardano-api
, cardano-binary
, cardano-cli
, cardano-config
, cardano-crypto-class
, cardano-crypto-wrapper
Expand All @@ -49,6 +51,7 @@ library
, filepath
, formatting
, generic-monoid
, generics-sop
, ghc-prim
, http-client
, http-types
Expand Down
167 changes: 76 additions & 91 deletions cardano-tx-generator/src/Cardano/Benchmarking/GeneratorTx.hs
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-all-missed-specialisations #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missed-specialisations #-}
Expand All @@ -21,14 +22,15 @@ module Cardano.Benchmarking.GeneratorTx
, TPSRate(..)
, TxAdditionalSize(..)
, TxGenError
, genesisBenchmarkRunner
, secureFunds
, runBenchmark
) where

import Cardano.Prelude
import Prelude (String, id)
import Prelude (String, error, id)

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_)
import Control.Monad (fail, forM, forM_)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except.Extra (left, right, newExceptT)
import Control.Tracer (traceWith)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,34 +65,6 @@ import Cardano.Benchmarking.GeneratorTx.Submission
import Cardano.Benchmarking.GeneratorTx.Tx

-- | Genesis benchmark runner (we call it in 'Run.runNode').
-- Using a _richman_ (from genesis block) to supply some initial
-- amount of funds for disbursment.
:: EraSupportsTxGen era
=> Benchmark -> Era era -> SigningKeyFile
-> ExceptT TxGenError IO ()
genesisBenchmarkRunner b p keyFile = do
key <- readSigningKey p keyFile
liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit p) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
$ "******* Tx generator, signing keys are ready *******"

fundsWithGenesisMoney <- liftIO $
prepareInitialFunds b p
(extractGenesisFunds p key) key
(keyAddress p key)

liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit p) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
$ "******* Tx generator, initial funds are prepared (sent to sourceAddress) *******"

runBenchmark b p key (keyAddress p key) fundsWithGenesisMoney

Main logic
readSigningKey ::
Era era -> SigningKeyFile
-> ExceptT TxGenError IO (SigningKeyOf era)
Expand All @@ -105,44 +79,57 @@ readSigningKey p =
, FromSomeType (AsSigningKey AsPaymentKey) id

-- Obtain initial funds.
:: forall era
. EraSupportsTxGen era
secureFunds :: ConfigSupportsTxGen mode era
=> Benchmark
-> Era era
-> (TxIn, TxOut era)
-> SigningKeyOf era
-> Address era
-> IO (TxIn, TxOut era)
Benchmark{bTxFee, bInitialTTL} p (_, TxOut _ genesisCoin) key toAddr = do
r <- submitTx (eraLocalConnInfo p) (castTxMode tx)
liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit p) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
-> Mode mode era
-> GeneratorFunds
-> ExceptT TxGenError IO (SigningKeyOf era, (TxIn, TxOut era))

secureFunds Benchmark{bTxFee, bInitialTTL} m (FundsGenesis keyF) = do
key <- readSigningKey (modeEra m) keyF
let (_, TxOut _ genesisCoin) = extractGenesisFunds m key
toAddr = keyAddress m key
(tx, txin, txout) =
genesisExpenditure m key toAddr genesisCoin bTxFee bInitialTTL
txOfMode = castTxMode m tx
r <- liftIO $ submitTx (modeLocalConnInfo m) txOfMode
liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit m) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug $ "------------- WIN3"
case r of
TxSubmitSuccess ->
liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit m) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
$ mconcat
[ "******* Genesis funds move (", show txin, " -> ", show txout
, ") submission result: "
, show r]
pure (txin, txout)
(tx, txin, txout) =
genesisExpenditure p key toAddr genesisCoin bTxFee bInitialTTL
[ "******* Funding secured (", show txin, " -> ", show txout
, "), submission result: " , show r ]
e -> fail $ show e
pure (key, (txin, txout))

secureFunds _ m@ModeShelley{} (FundsUtxo keyF txin txout) = do
key <- readSigningKey (modeEra m) keyF
pure (key, (txin, txout))

secureFunds _ m@ModeCardanoShelley{} (FundsUtxo keyF txin txout) = do
key <- readSigningKey (modeEra m) keyF
pure (key, (txin, txout))

secureFunds _ m f =
error $ "secureFunds: unsupported config: " <> show m <> " / " <> show f

-- Obtain initial funds.
:: forall era
. EraSupportsTxGen era
:: forall mode era
. ConfigSupportsTxGen mode era
=> Benchmark
-> Era era
-> Mode mode era
-> SigningKeyOf era
-> (TxIn, TxOut era)
-> ExceptT TxGenError IO (Set (TxIn, TxOut era))
Benchmark{ bTxFee=fee@(Lovelace feeRaw), bTxCount=NumberOfTxs numTxs
, bTxFanIn=NumberOfInputsPerTx txFanin
p sourceKey fundsTxIO@(_, (TxOut addr (Lovelace rawCoin))) = do
m sourceKey fundsTxIO@(_, (TxOut addr (Lovelace rawCoin))) = do
let -- The number of splitting txout entries (corresponds to the number of all inputs we will need).
numRequiredTxOuts = numTxs * fromIntegral txFanin
splitFanout = 60 :: Word64 -- near the upper bound so as not to exceed the tx size limit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,7 +157,7 @@ splitFunds
-- Submit all splitting transactions sequentially.
forM_ (zip splittingTxs [0::Int ..]) $ \((tx, _), i) ->
liftIO (submitTx (eraLocalConnInfo p) (castTxMode tx))
liftIO (submitTx (modeLocalConnInfo m) (castTxMode m tx))
>>= \case
TxSubmitSuccess -> pure ()
x -> left . SplittingSubmissionError $ mconcat
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,7 +191,7 @@ splitFunds
identityIndex + fromIntegral numOutsPerInitTx - 1]
(repeat txOut)
(mFunds, _fees, outIndices, splitTx) =
mkTransactionGen p sKey (txIO :| []) Nothing outs 0 fee
mkTransactionGen m sKey (txIO :| []) Nothing outs 0 fee
!splitTxId = getTxId $ getTxBody splitTx
txIOList = flip map (Map.toList outIndices) $
\(_, txInIndex) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,32 +228,30 @@ splitFunds
-- So if one Cardano tx contains 10 outputs (with addresses of 10 recipients),
-- we have 1 Cardano tx and 10 fiscal txs.
:: forall era
. (EraSupportsTxGen era)
:: forall mode era
. ConfigSupportsTxGen mode era
=> Benchmark
-> Era era
-> Mode mode era
-> SigningKeyOf era
-> Address era
-> (TxIn, TxOut era)
-> ExceptT TxGenError IO ()
runBenchmark b@Benchmark{ bTargets
, bTps
, bInitCooldown=InitCooldown initCooldown
fundsWithGenesisMoney = do
liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit p) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
$ "******* Tx generator, phase 1: make enough available UTxO entries using: " <> (show fundsWithGenesisMoney :: String)
m fundsKey funds = do
let recipientAddress = keyAddress m fundsKey

liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit m) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
$ "******* Tx generator, phase 1: make enough available UTxO entries using: " <> (show funds :: String)
fundsWithSufficientCoins <-
splitFunds b p sourceKey fundsWithGenesisMoney
splitFunds b m fundsKey funds

liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit p) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit m) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
$ "******* Tx generator: waiting " ++ show initCooldown ++ "s *******"
liftIO $ threadDelay (initCooldown*1000*1000)

liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit p) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit m) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
$ "******* Tx generator, phase 2: pay to recipients *******"

let localAddr :: Maybe Network.Socket.AddrInfo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,16 +281,16 @@ runBenchmark b@Benchmark{ bTargets
let numTargets :: Natural = fromIntegral $ NE.length bTargets
txs :: [Tx era] <-
b p
b m
(NE.length bTargets)

liftIO $ do
traceWith (trTxSubmit p) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
traceWith (trTxSubmit m) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
$ "******* Tx generator, launching Tx peers: " ++ show (NE.length remoteAddresses) ++ " of them"
submission <- mkSubmission (trTxSubmit p) $
submission <- mkSubmission (trTxSubmit m) $
{ spTps = bTps
, spTargets = numTargets
Expand All @@ -314,15 +299,15 @@ runBenchmark b@Benchmark{ bTargets
allAsyncs <- forM (zip [0..] $ NE.toList remoteAddresses) $
\(i, remoteAddr) ->
tpsFeeder <- async $ tpsLimitedTxFeeder submission txs
-- Wait for all threads to complete.
mapM_ wait (tpsFeeder : allAsyncs)
traceWith (trTxSubmit p) =<<
traceWith (trTxSubmit m) =<<
TraceBenchTxSubSummary <$> mkSubmissionSummary submission

-- | At this moment 'sourceAddress' contains a huge amount of money (lets call it A).
Expand All @@ -335,10 +320,10 @@ runBenchmark b@Benchmark{ bTargets
-- | Work with tx generator thread (for Phase 2).
:: forall era
. EraSupportsTxGen era
:: forall mode era
. ConfigSupportsTxGen mode era
=> Benchmark
-> Era era
-> Mode mode era
-> Address era
-> SigningKeyOf era
-> Int
Expand All @@ -351,13 +336,13 @@ txGenerator Benchmark
, bTxFanOut=NumberOfOutputsPerTx numOfOutsPerTx
, bTxExtraPayload=txAdditionalSize
p recipientAddress sourceKey numOfTargetNodes
m recipientAddress sourceKey numOfTargetNodes
fundsWithSufficientCoins = do
liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit p) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit m) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
$ " Generating " ++ show numOfTransactions
++ " transactions, for " ++ show numOfTargetNodes ++ " peers"
txs <- createMainTxs numOfTransactions numOfInsPerTx fundsWithSufficientCoins
liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit p) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
liftIO . traceWith (trTxSubmit m) . TraceBenchTxSubDebug
$ " Done, " ++ show numOfTransactions ++ " were generated."
pure txs
Expand All @@ -384,7 +369,7 @@ txGenerator Benchmark
(txInputs, updatedFunds) <- getTxInputs insNumPerTx funds
let (_, _, _, txAux :: Tx era) =
(NE.fromList txInputs)
(Just addressForChange)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -431,9 +416,9 @@ txGenerator Benchmark
-- TODO: transform comments into haddocks.
:: forall era
. EraSupportsTxGen era
=> Era era
:: forall mode era
. ConfigSupportsTxGen mode era
=> Mode mode era
-> Maybe Network.Socket.AddrInfo
-- local address binding (if wanted)
-> Network.Socket.AddrInfo
Expand All @@ -443,7 +428,7 @@ launchTxPeer
-> Natural
-- Thread index
-> IO (Async ())
launchTxPeer p localAddr remoteAddr ss ix =
launchTxPeer m localAddr remoteAddr ss ix =
async $
benchmarkConnectTxSubmit p localAddr remoteAddr
(txSubmissionClient p (trN2N p) (trTxSubmit p) ss ix)
benchmarkConnectTxSubmit m localAddr remoteAddr
(txSubmissionClient m (trN2N m) (trTxSubmit m) ss ix)

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