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Transaction costs and determinism
Transaction costs and determinism

Cardano’s approach to price setting mainly relies on market demand over actual supply. On Cardano, more than one type of demand competes for the common supply. Thus, it is crucial to consider both relative and absolute pricing. One way to do this is to inspect the effects of smart contract pricing, non-fungible token (NFT) operations, and so on, with respect to some common value – in our case, the consumption of Cardano’s processing power.

The Cardano ledger's design is focused on high assurance, security, and proven formal verification. In alignment with this strategy, it is also important to ensure that transaction processing is deterministic, meaning that a user can predict the impact and outcome of a transaction before its actual execution.

The ability to guarantee the cost of transaction execution and how the transaction behaves on the ledger before it is submitted became even more prominent with the introduction of smart contract support in 2021. This feature is different from other blockchains, including Ethereum, where other network activity can influence the gas cost. This ability is also guaranteed by the deterministic nature of Cardano and Plutus scripts.


Determinism, in the context of transaction and script processing, is a synonym for predictability. This means that a user can predict locally (off-chain) how their transaction will impact the on-chain state of the ledger, without encountering the following:

  • unexpected script validation outcomes or failures
  • unexpected fees
  • unexpected ledger or script state updates.


An important aspect of processing a transaction is validating the actions it is taking. A transaction is taking an action when it contains data in the specific field to that action. For example, a transaction is spending UTXO U when it contains a reference to U in its input field, and it is minting a token X when its mint field contains X.

Cardano uses scripts to validate actions. These scripts, which are pieces of code, implement pure functions with True or False outputs. Script validation is the process of invoking the script interpreter to run a given script on appropriate arguments.

Script validation can be performed for the following actions:

  • Spending a UTXO locked by a script address: the script that is run is the one whose hash forms the address.
  • Minting a token: the script that is run is the one whose hash forms the policy ID of the token being minted.
  • Reward withdrawal: the script that is run is the one whose hash forms the staking address.
  • Applying a certificate: the script that is run is the one whose hash forms the certificate author’s credential.

Besides letting the node know which script to run, all transaction actions indicate how to assemble arguments passed to that script. Alonzo introduced a new approach to transaction validation on Cardano due to the implementation of Plutus scripts.

Ledger features

The Alonzo upgrade changed the data on the ledger as follows:

  1. Plutus scripts can lock UTXOs.
  2. A component, added to the contents of the output parts of UTXOs, enables script state-like functionality. In addition to assets and an address, a UTXO locked by Plutus scripts also contains a datum. A datum is a piece of data that can be thought of as an interpretation of the script state.
  3. There are a number of protocol parameters used to impose additional validation requirements on transactions. These include upper limits on computational resources that scripts can consume.

To support Plutus scripts, transactions have the following features:

  1. For each of its actions, the transaction carries a user-specified argument, called a redeemer. Depending on the script, a redeemer can serve a different purpose. For example, it can act as the bid the user places in an auction, or the user’s guess in a guessing game, among many other functions.
  2. The transaction specifies computational execution budgets for each script.
  3. To ensure that a transaction can pay its execution fee, Alonzo introduced collateral.
  4. Transactions contain an integrity hash, needed to ensure that it has not been compromised, outdated, etc.

With the Vasil upgrade, Plutus scripts were upgraded to V2 functionality with an improved cost model and new built-ins. The use of reference inputs, inline datums, and reference scripts allowed for efficient throughput and significantly increased performance. See the complete Vasil feature overview here.

The node performs the checks that ensure the transaction is constructed correctly. For example, it must not exceed the maximum execution resource budget. It also invokes the Plutus script interpreter to run the scripts.

The non-deterministic gas model can charge users unpredictably large fees. In Cardano scripts, this source of indeterminism is addressed by requiring that the resource budget itself, as well as the fee required to cover this budget, are included in the transaction. Script execution necessarily returns either True or False, and will not loop indefinitely. The reason for this is that every operation a script performs takes a non-zero amount of resources, which are tracked by the interpreter. If the budget specified by the transaction is exceeded, script execution terminates and returns False.

The following key points make the outcomes of script and transaction validation predictable:

  • the script interpreter will always terminate and return the same validation result when applied to the same arguments
  • a transaction necessarily fixes all arguments that will be passed to the script interpreter during validation
  • a transaction specifies all the actions it is taking that require script validation
  • compulsory signatures on a transaction ensure that it cannot be altered by an adversary in a way that causes scripts to fail
  • applying a transaction in the EUTXO ledger model is deterministic.

Script validation failure or success does affect how a transaction is processed. However, the True or False outcome, as well as ledger changes associated with either outcome, are predictable for a given transaction.


Further reading:
