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CAD-2858 Explain differing nonce values
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NeilBurgess42 committed Oct 25, 2021
1 parent 1381924 commit 1136a18
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Showing 3 changed files with 28,953 additions and 548 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion content/05-explore-cardano/04-cardano-entropy.mdx
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ In Cardano, the entropy addition mechanism works as follows: the system adds spe

The epoch beginning on **Monday, April 5 at 21:44:51 UTC (epoch 258)** invoked the mechanism: in particular, the previous block hash appearing in the first block on or after **Wednesday, April 7 at 15:44:51 UTC (slot 151200 of epoch 258)** will determine the transition nonce; this will take place roughly 42 hours after the epoch has begun and thus leave six hours for the genesis delegates to cast their votes. Recalling the hash chain structure of the Ouroboros blockchain, this hash value depends on the entire blockchain up to that point.

For more details on the value of the entropy parameter, see the [explanation of the nonce](./explain-nonce).

70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions content/05-explore-cardano/09-explain-nonce.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
title: Explanation of the nonce value
metaTitle: Explanation of the nonce value
## Question:
Why does the nonce have a different hex value from what was provided in the CLI command to create the proposal?

When using the Cardano command line interface (cardano-CLI), a user supplies a nonce for a transaction, but when they view the contents of the transaction, the nonce returned is different.
## Steps to reproduce:
The cardano-cli governance create-update-proposal command creates an update proposal.
cardano-cli governance create-update-proposal --epoch 258 --extra-entropy d8b0ee71c3eab43750882bdc0880cf0b46a488d82e5bc9fd5b2fb3e7297bdbd4 --out-file mainnet-258-entropy.proposal $(for i in {1..7}; do echo "--genesis-verification-key-file genesis-keys/genesis$i.vkey "; done)

The cardano-cli transaction build-raw command creates a transaction.
cardano-cli transaction build-raw --tx-in b2bdbe07d5cd4da8b8dbef9eee67ff6fb1877055d0b8309fbd4718591389eac5#0 --tx-out addr1q9jytwcggewzdn6rtfp8fwx6mlm48vae4pl5428cs3u5x82wkertsmcc7m6zve5y7dlmeaqz03jsw37ug5nc4v9l3j8q54uy5u+$((5000000 - 217553)) --fee 217553 --ttl $(cardano-cli query tip --mainnet | jq '.slot + 5000') --update-proposal-file mainnet-258-entropy.proposal --out-file tx-entropy.txbody

The cardano-cli transaction view command displays the transaction contents.
cardano-cli transaction view --tx-body-file tx-entropy.txbody

In the output, the nonce is different.
"auxiliary_data": null,
"auxiliary_data_hash": null,
"certificates": [],
"era": "Mary",
"fee": 217553,
"inputs": [
"mint": {
"lovelace": 0,
"policies": {}
"outputs": [
"address": "016445bb08465c26cf435a4274b8dadff753b3b9a87f4aa8f88479431d4eb646b86f18f6f4266684f37fbcf4027c650747dc45278ab0bf8c8e",
"amount": {
"lovelace": 4782447,
"policies": {}
"update": "Update (ProposedPPUpdates (fromList [(KeyHash \"162f94554ac8c225383a2248c245659eda870eaa82d0ef25fc7dcd82\",PParams
{_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing}),(KeyHash \"2075a095b3c844a29c24317a94a643ab8e22d54a3a3a72a420260af6\",PParams {_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing}),(KeyHash \"268cfc0b89e910ead22e0ade91493d8212f53f3e2164b2e4bef0819b\",PParams {_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing}),(KeyHash \"60baee25cbc90047e83fd01e1e57dc0b06d3d0cb150d0ab40bbfead1\",PParams {_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing}),(KeyHash \"ad5463153dc3d24b9ff133e46136028bdc1edbb897f5a7cf1b37950c\",PParams {_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing}),(KeyHash \"b9547b8a57656539a8d9bc42c008e38d9c8bd9c8adbb1e73ad529497\",PParams {_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing}),(KeyHash \"f7b341c14cd58fca4195a9b278cce1ef402dc0e06deb77e543cd1757\",PParams {_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing})])) (EpochNo 258)",
"validity_interval": {
"invalid_before": null,
"invalid_hereafter": 26253029
"withdrawals": []
The fields being compared are
`--extra-entropy d8b0ee71c3eab43750882bdc0880cf0b46a488d82e5bc9fd5b2fb3e7297bdbd4`
`_extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\")`
## Explanation:
Internally, the --extra-entropy argument is hashed using Blake2b-256 before it is placed in the update proposal transaction. This hash is applied to the binary representation, rather than the base16 representation supplied. This additional hash does not affect the quality of the entropy provided. For instance, the above example’s output can be replicated in python with the following sequence of commands:
>>> import hashlib
>>> hashlib.blake2b(bytes.fromhex(
... "d8b0ee71c3eab43750882bdc0880cf0b46a488d82e5bc9fd5b2fb3e7297bdbd4"),
... digest_size=32).hexdigest()

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