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test(e2e): mint handles
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iadmytro committed Jun 2, 2023
1 parent b08d055 commit f02d9e1
Showing 1 changed file with 194 additions and 0 deletions.
194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions packages/e2e/test/wallet/PersonalWallet/handle.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
/* eslint-disable sonarjs/no-duplicate-string */
import { Cardano, metadatum, nativeScriptPolicyId } from '@cardano-sdk/core';
import { FinalizeTxProps, PersonalWallet } from '@cardano-sdk/wallet';
import { InitializeTxProps } from '@cardano-sdk/tx-construction';
import { KeyRole, TransactionSigner, util } from '@cardano-sdk/key-management';
import { Metadatum, TokenMap } from '@cardano-sdk/core/dist/cjs/Cardano';
import { burnTokens, createStandaloneKeyAgent, submitAndConfirm, walletReady } from '../../util';
import { createLogger } from '@cardano-sdk/util-dev';
import { firstValueFrom } from 'rxjs';
import { getEnv, getWallet, walletVariables } from '../../../src';

const env = getEnv(walletVariables);
const logger = createLogger();

type HandleMetadata = {
[policyId: string]: {
[handleName: string]: {
augmentations: [];
core: {
handleEncoding: string;
og: number;
prefix: string;
termsofuse: string;
version: number;
description: string;
image: string;
name: string;
website: string;

const createHandleMetadata = (handlePolicyId: string, handleNames: string[]): HandleMetadata => {
const result: HandleMetadata[0] = {};
for (const key of handleNames) {
result[key] = {
augmentations: [],
core: {
handleEncoding: 'utf-8',
og: 0,
prefix: '$',
termsofuse: '',
version: 0
description: 'The Handle Standard',
image: 'ipfs://some-hash',
name: '$handle1',
website: ''
return { [handlePolicyId]: result };

describe('Ada handle', () => {
let wallet: PersonalWallet;
let wallet2: PersonalWallet;
let policySigner: TransactionSigner;
let policyId: Cardano.PolicyId;
let policyScript: Cardano.NativeScript;
let assetIds: Cardano.AssetId[];

const assetNames = ['6861646e6c6531', '6861646e6c6532', '6861646e6c6533'];
let walletAddress: Cardano.PaymentAddress;
const coins = 10_000_000n; // number of coins to use in each transaction

const mint = async (tokens: Cardano.TokenMap, txMetadatum: Cardano.Metadatum) => {
const auxiliaryData = {
blob: new Map([[721n, txMetadatum]])

const txProps: InitializeTxProps = {
mint: tokens,
outputs: new Set([
address: walletAddress,
value: {
assets: tokens,
witness: { extraSigners: [policySigner], scripts: [policyScript] }

const unsignedTx = await wallet.initializeTx(txProps);

const finalizeProps: FinalizeTxProps = {
tx: unsignedTx,
witness: { extraSigners: [policySigner], scripts: [policyScript] }

const signedTx = await wallet.finalizeTx(finalizeProps);
await submitAndConfirm(wallet, signedTx);

beforeAll(async () => {
wallet = (await getWallet({ env, idx: 0, logger, name: 'Minting Wallet', polling: { interval: 50 } })).wallet;
await walletReady(wallet, coins);
wallet2 = (await getWallet({ env, idx: 1, logger, name: 'Receiving Wallet', polling: { interval: 50 } })).wallet;
await walletReady(wallet, coins);
const keyAgent = await createStandaloneKeyAgent(
env.KEY_MANAGEMENT_PARAMS.mnemonic.split(' '),
await firstValueFrom(wallet.genesisParameters$),
await wallet.keyAgent.getBip32Ed25519()

const derivationPath = {
index: 2,
role: KeyRole.External
const pubKey = await keyAgent.derivePublicKey(derivationPath);
const keyHash = await keyAgent.bip32Ed25519.getPubKeyHash(pubKey);
policySigner = new util.KeyAgentTransactionSigner(keyAgent, derivationPath);
policyScript = {
__type: Cardano.ScriptType.Native,
kind: Cardano.NativeScriptKind.RequireAllOf,
scripts: [
__type: Cardano.ScriptType.Native,
kind: Cardano.NativeScriptKind.RequireSignature
policyId = nativeScriptPolicyId(policyScript);
assetIds = [Cardano.AssetId(`${policyId}${assetNames[0]}`), Cardano.AssetId(`${policyId}${assetNames[1]}`)];
walletAddress = (await firstValueFrom(wallet.addresses$))[0].address;

afterEach(async () => {
await burnTokens({
policySigners: [policySigner],
scripts: [policyScript],
await burnTokens({
policySigners: [policySigner],
scripts: [policyScript],
wallet: wallet2

afterAll(async () => {

it('mint and send handle', async () => {
const tokens = new Map([
[assetIds[0], 1n],
[assetIds[1], 1n]
const txMetadatum = metadatum.jsonToMetadatum(createHandleMetadata(policyId, ['handle1']));
await mint(tokens, txMetadatum);
let handles = await firstValueFrom(wallet.balance.utxo.available$);
let handles2 = await firstValueFrom(wallet2.balance.utxo.available$);

const token = new Map([[assetIds[0], 1n]]);
const destAddresses = (await firstValueFrom(wallet2.addresses$))[0].address;
const txBuilder = wallet.createTxBuilder();
const { tx } = await txBuilder
.addOutput(await txBuilder.buildOutput().address(destAddresses).coin(2_000_000n).assets(token).build())
await wallet.submitTx(tx);

handles = await firstValueFrom(wallet.balance.utxo.available$);
handles2 = await firstValueFrom(wallet2.balance.utxo.available$);

it('mint same handle again', async () => {
const tokens: TokenMap = new Map([[assetIds[0], 1n]]);
const txMetadatum: Metadatum = metadatum.jsonToMetadatum(createHandleMetadata(policyId, ['handle1']));
await mint(tokens, txMetadatum);
await mint(tokens, txMetadatum);
const handles = await firstValueFrom(wallet.balance.utxo.available$);

it('double minted handles one tx', async () => {
const tokens = new Map([[assetIds[0], 2n]]);
const txMetadatum: Metadatum = metadatum.jsonToMetadatum(createHandleMetadata(policyId, ['handle1']));
await mint(tokens, txMetadatum);
const handles = await firstValueFrom(wallet.balance.utxo.available$);

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