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header only validation properties
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Jared Corduan committed Apr 13, 2020
1 parent 3e6b6f6 commit 09dbe74
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Showing 4 changed files with 249 additions and 24 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -10,32 +10,47 @@ module Shelley.Spec.Ledger.API.Validation
( ShelleyState,

import Byron.Spec.Ledger.Core (Relation (..))
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.DSIGN as DSIGN
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.Crypto
import Cardano.Prelude (NoUnexpectedThunks (..))
import Control.Arrow (left, right)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (runReader)
import Control.State.Transition.Extended (TRC (..), applySTS)
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.BaseTypes (Globals)
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.BaseTypes (Globals (..))
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.BlockChain
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.Crypto
import qualified Shelley.Spec.Ledger.LedgerState as LedgerState
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.PParams (PParams)
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.Slot (SlotNo)
import qualified Shelley.Spec.Ledger.STS.Bbody as STS
import qualified Shelley.Spec.Ledger.STS.Chain as STS
import qualified Shelley.Spec.Ledger.STS.Tick as STS
import qualified Shelley.Spec.Ledger.TxData as Tx

-- | Type alias for the state updated by TICK and BBODY rules
type ShelleyState = LedgerState.NewEpochState

CHAIN Transition checks
chainChecks ::
forall crypto m.
(Crypto crypto, MonadError (STS.PredicateFailure (STS.CHAIN crypto)) m) =>
Globals ->
PParams ->
BHeader crypto ->
m ()
chainChecks globals pp bh = STS.chainChecks (maxMajorPV globals) pp bh

Applying blocks
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -12,17 +12,18 @@ module Shelley.Spec.Ledger.STS.Chain
, PredicateFailure(..)
, initialShelleyState
, totalAda
, chainChecks

import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)

import Cardano.Prelude (asks)
import Cardano.Prelude (MonadError (..), asks, unless)
import Cardano.Slotting.Slot (WithOrigin (..))
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.BaseTypes (Globals (..), Nonce (..), Seed (..), ShelleyBase)
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.BlockChain (BHBody, Block (..), LastAppliedBlock (..),
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.BlockChain (BHBody, BHeader, Block (..), LastAppliedBlock (..),
bHeaderSize, bhbody, bheaderSlotNo, hBbsize)
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.Coin (Coin (..))
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.Delegation.Certificates (PoolDistr (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,6 +139,20 @@ instance
initialRules = []
transitionRules = [chainTransition]

:: (Crypto crypto, MonadError (PredicateFailure (CHAIN crypto)) m)
=> Natural
-> PParams
-> BHeader crypto
-> m ()
chainChecks maxpv pp bh = do
unless (m <= maxpv) $ throwError (ObsoleteNodeCHAIN m maxpv)
unless (fromIntegral (bHeaderSize bh) <= _maxBHSize pp) $ throwError HeaderSizeTooLargeCHAIN
unless (hBbsize (bhbody bh) <= _maxBBSize pp) $ throwError BlockSizeTooLargeCHAIN
(ProtVer m _) = _protocolVersion pp

:: forall crypto
. ( Crypto crypto
Expand All @@ -154,13 +169,11 @@ chainTransition = judgmentContext >>=
let NewEpochState _ _ _ (EpochState _ _ _ _ pp _) _ _ _ = nes

maxpv <- liftSTS $ asks maxMajorPV
let (ProtVer m _) = _protocolVersion pp
m <= maxpv ?! ObsoleteNodeCHAIN m maxpv
case chainChecks maxpv pp bh of
Right () -> pure ()
Left e -> failBecause e

let bhb = bhbody bh
let s = bheaderSlotNo bhb
fromIntegral (bHeaderSize bh) <= _maxBHSize pp ?! HeaderSizeTooLargeCHAIN
fromIntegral (hBbsize bhb) <= _maxBBSize pp ?! BlockSizeTooLargeCHAIN
let s = bheaderSlotNo $ bhbody bh
let gkeys = getGKeys nes

nes' <-
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27 changes: 14 additions & 13 deletions shelley/chain-and-ledger/formal-spec/chain.tex
Expand Up @@ -1607,7 +1607,8 @@ \subsection{Chain Transition}

The environment for the chain rule is the current slot number \var{s_{now}}.

The transition checks three things:
The transition checks three things (via $\fun{chainChecks}$
from Figure~\ref{fig:funcs:chain-helper}):
\item The size of \var{bh} is less than or equal to the maximal size that the
protocol parameters allow for block headers.
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& \fun{chainChecks} \in \PParams \to \BHeader \to \Bool \\
& \fun{chainChecks}~\var{pp}~\var{bh} = \\
& ~~~~ m \leq \MaxMajorPV \\
& ~~~~ \land~\bHeaderSize{bh} \leq \fun{maxHeaderSize}~\var{pp} \\
& ~~~~ \land~\hBbsize{(\bhbody{bh})} \leq \fun{maxBlockSize}~\var{pp} \\
& ~~~~ \where (m,~\wcard)\leteq\fun{pv}~\var{pp}

\caption{Helper Functions used in Rewards and Epoch Boundary}
\caption{Helper Functions used in the CHAIN transition}

Expand All @@ -1712,22 +1722,13 @@ \subsection{Chain Transition}
\var{bh} \leteq \bheader{block}
\var{bhb} \leteq \bhbody{bh}
\var{gkeys} \leteq \fun{getGKeys}~\var{nes}
\var{s} \leteq \bslot{bhb}
\var{s} \leteq \bslot{(\bhbody{bh})}
(\wcard,~\wcard,~\wcard,~(\wcard,~\wcard,~\wcard,~\var{pp}),~\wcard,~\wcard,\wcard) \leteq \var{nes}
m \leq \MaxMajorPV
\bHeaderSize{bh} \leq \fun{maxHeaderSize}~\var{pp}
\hBbsize{bhb} \leq \fun{maxBlockSize}~\var{pp}
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198 changes: 197 additions & 1 deletion shelley/chain-and-ledger/formal-spec/properties.tex
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -660,6 +660,202 @@ \subsection{Non-negative Deposit Pot}


\subsection{Header-Only Validation}
The header-only validation properties of the Shelley Ledger are the analogs
of those from Section 8.1 of \cite{byron_chain_spec}.

In any given chain state, the consensus layer needs to be able to validate the
block headers without having to download the block bodies.
Property~\ref{prop:header-only-validation} states that if an extension of a
chain that spans less than $\SlotsPrior$ slots is valid, then validating the
headers of that extension is also valid. This property is useful for its
converse: if the header validation check for a sequence of headers does not
pass, then we know that the block validation that corresponds to those headers
will not pass either.

First we define the header-only version of the $\mathsf{CHAIN}$ transition,
which we call $\mathsf{CHAINHEAD}$.
It is very similiar to $\mathsf{CHAIN}$, the only difference being that
it does not call $\mathsf{BBODY}$.

\var{bh} \leteq \bheader{block}
\var{gkeys} \leteq \fun{getGKeys}~\var{nes}
\var{s} \leteq \bslot{(\bhbody{bh})}
(\wcard,~\wcard,~\wcard,~(\wcard,~\wcard,~\wcard,~\var{pp}),~\wcard,~\wcard,\wcard) \leteq \var{nes}
\var{gkeys} \\
} \\~\\
\leteq\var{nes} \\
\leteq\var{nes'} \\
( \wcard,
( (\wcard,~\wcard,~\wcard,~\wcard,~\wcard,~\var{genDelegs}),~
\var{ne} \leteq \var{e_1} \neq \var{e_2}\\
\var{pp'} \\
\var{osched} \\
\var{pd} \\
\var{genDelegs} \\
\var{s_{now}} \\
\var{cs} \\
\var{lab} \\
\eta_0 \\
\eta_v \\
\eta_c \\
\eta_h \\
\var{cs'} \\
\var{lab'} \\
\eta_0' \\
\eta_v' \\
\eta_c' \\
\eta_h' \\
} \\~\\~\\
\var{nes} \\
\var{cs} \\
\eta_0 \\
\eta_v \\
\eta_c \\
\eta_h \\
\var{lab} \\
\varUpdate{\var{nes}'} \\
\varUpdate{\var{cs}'} \\
\varUpdate{\eta_0'} \\
\varUpdate{\eta_v'} \\
\varUpdate{\eta_c'} \\
\varUpdate{\eta_h'} \\
\varUpdate{\var{lab}'} \\
\caption{Chain-Head rules}

\begin{property}[Header only validation]\label{prop:header-only-validation}
For all environments $e$, states $s$ with slot number $t$\footnote{i.e. the
component $\var{s_\ell}$ of the last applied block of $s$ equals $t$},
and chain extensions $E$ with corresponding headers $H$ such that:
0 \leq t_E - t \leq \SlotsPrior
we have:
e \vdash s \transtar{\hyperref[fig:rules:chain]{chain}}{E} s'
e \vdash s \transtar{\hyperref[fig:rules:chainhead]{chainhead}}{H} s''
where $t_E$ is the maximum slot number appearing in the blocks contained in
$E$, and $H$ is obtained from $E$ by applying $\fun{bheader}$ to each block in $E$.

\begin{property}[Body only validation]\label{prop:body-only-validation}
For all environments $e$, states $s$ with slot number $t$, and chain
extensions $E = [b_0, \ldots, b_n]$ with corresponding headers $H$ such that:
0 \leq t_E - t \leq \SlotsPrior
we have that for all $i \in [1, n]$:
e \vdash s \transtar{\hyperref[fig:rules:chainhead]{chainhead}}{H} s_{h}
e \vdash s \transtar{\hyperref[fig:rules:chain]{chain}}{[b_0 \ldots b_{i-1}]} s_{i-1}
e_{i-1} \vdash s_{i-1}\trans{\hyperref[fig:rules:chainhead]{chainhead}}{h_i} s'_{h}
where $t_E$ is the maximum slot number appearing in the blocks contained in $E$.

Property~\ref{prop:body-only-validation} states that if we validate a sequence
of headers, we can validate their bodies independently and be sure that the
blocks will pass the chain validation rule. To see this, given an environment
$e$ and initial state $s$, assume that a sequence of headers
$H = [h_0, \ldots, h_n]$ corresponding to blocks in $E = [b_0, \ldots, b_n]$ is
valid according to the $\mathsf{chainhead}$ transition system:
e \vdash s \transtar{\hyperref[fig:rules:chainhead]{chainhead}}{H} s'
Assume the bodies of $E$ are valid
according to the $\mathsf{bbody}$ rules, but $E$ is not valid according to
the $\mathsf{chain}$ rule. Assume that there is a $b_j \in E$ such that it is
\textbf{the first block} such that does not pass the $\mathsf{chain}$
validation. Then:
e \vdash s \transtar{\hyperref[fig:rules:chain]{chain}}{[b_0, \ldots b_{j-1}]} s_j
But by Property~\ref{prop:body-only-validation} we know that
e_j \vdash s_j \trans{\hyperref[fig:rules:chainhead]{chainhead}}{h_j} s_{j+1}
which means that block $b_j$ has valid headers, and this in turn means that the
validation of $b_j$ according to the chain rules must have failed because it
contained an invalid block body. But this contradicts our assumption that the
block bodies were valid.

\begin{property}[Existence of roll back function]\label{prop:roll-back-funk}
There exists a function $\fun{f}$ such that for all chains
$$C = C_0 ; b; C_1$$
we have that if for all alternative chains $C'_1$, $\size{C'_1} \leq \frac{\SlotsPrior}{2}$, with
corresponding headers $H'_1$
e \vdash s_0 \transtar{\hyperref[fig:rules:chain]{chain}}{C_0;b} s_1 \transtar{\hyperref[fig:rules:chain]{chain}}{C_1} s_2
e \vdash s_1 \transtar{\hyperref[fig:rules:chain]{chain}}{C_1'} s'_1
(\fun{f}~(\bheader{b})~s_2) \transtar{\hyperref[fig:rules:chainhead]{chainhead}}{H'_1} s_h

Property~\ref{prop:roll-back-funk} expresses the fact the there is a function
that allow us to recover the header-only state by rolling back at most $k$
blocks, and use this state to validate the headers of an alternate chain. Note
that this property is not inherent to the $\mathsf{chain}$ rules and can be
trivially satisfied by any function that keeps track of the history of the
intermediate chain states up to $k$ blocks back. This property is stated here
so that it can be used as a reference for the tests in the consensus layer,
which uses the rules presented in this document.

\subsection{Validity of a Ledger State}

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