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cleaned up, got rid of nextBits.
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TimSheard committed Oct 14, 2021
1 parent 2f9f633 commit 322cbb8
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 57 deletions.
100 changes: 43 additions & 57 deletions libs/small-steps/src/Data/Compact/KeyMap.hs
Expand Up @@ -121,12 +121,8 @@ initBitState key = BitState (path key) key
getBytes :: BitState -> Key
getBytes (BitState _ bs) = bs

-- | Consume the next segment from a path
nextBits :: String -> BitState -> (Int,BitState)
nextBits _ (BitState (x:xs) key) = (x,BitState xs key)
nextBits message (BitState [] key) =
error ("NextBits out of bounds. The key "++show key++" has run out of bits."++message)

-- | Make a new BitState from a Key, using the old BitState to figure out
-- how far down the path have we already gone.
next2 :: BitState -> Key -> BitState
next2 (BitState ps _) key = (BitState (drop n (path key)) key)
where n = (fromIntegral keyPathSize) - length ps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,67 +174,63 @@ instance HeapWords v => HeapWords (HashMap v) where
-- ======================================================================
-- Insertion

indexFromSegment :: Bitmap -> Int -> Int
indexFromSegment bmap j = sparseIndex bmap (setBit 0 j)

insert' :: BitState -> v -> HashMap v -> HashMap v
insert' bs0 v0 m0 = go bs0 v0 m0
go !state !x Empty = Leaf (getBytes state) x
go !state x (One j node) =
case (nextBits "One" state) of
(i,state1) ->
case compare j i of
EQ -> One j (go state1 x node)
LT -> Two (setBit (setBit 0 i) j) node (go state1 x Empty)
GT -> Two (setBit (setBit 0 i) j) (go state1 x Empty) node
go (BitState [] k) _ _ = error ("In insert', ran out of bits for key "++show k)
go (BitState (i:is) k) x (One j node) =
case compare j i of
EQ -> One j (go (BitState is k) x node)
LT -> Two (setBits [i,j]) node (go (BitState is k) x Empty)
GT -> Two (setBits [i,j]) (go (BitState is k) x Empty) node
go state x t@(Leaf bs1 y)
| getBytes state == bs1 = if x `ptrEq` y then t else (Leaf bs1 x)
| otherwise = makeTwo state t (next2 state bs1) x
go state x t@(BitmapIndexed bmap arr)
| not(testBit bmap tagbits) =
let !arr' = insertAt arr i $! (Leaf (getBytes state) x)
in bitmapIndexedOrFull (bmap .|. m) arr'
go (BitState (j:js) k) x t@(BitmapIndexed bmap arr)
| not(testBit bmap j) =
let !arr' = insertAt arr i $! (Leaf k x)
in bitmapIndexedOrFull (bmap .|. (setBit 0 j)) arr'
| otherwise =
let !st = index arr i
!st' = go state1 x st
!st' = go (BitState js k) x st
in if st' `ptrEq` st
then t
else BitmapIndexed bmap (update arr i st')
where (!tagbits,!state1) = nextBits "BitmapIndexed" state
m = setBit 0 tagbits
i = sparseIndex bmap m
go state x t@(Two bmap x0 x1)
| not(testBit bmap tagbits) =
let !arr' = insertAt (fromlist [x0,x1]) i $! (Leaf (getBytes state) x)
in bitmapIndexedOrFull (bmap .|. m) arr'
where i = indexFromSegment bmap j
go (BitState (j:js) k) x t@(Two bmap x0 x1)
| not(testBit bmap j) =
let !arr' = insertAt (fromlist [x0,x1]) i $! (Leaf k x)
in bitmapIndexedOrFull (bmap .|. (setBit 0 j)) arr'
| otherwise =
let !st = if i==0 then x0 else x1 -- index arr i
!st' = go state1 x st
let !st = if i==0 then x0 else x1
!st' = go (BitState js k) x st
in if st' `ptrEq` st
then t
else if i==0
then Two bmap st' x1
else Two bmap x0 st'
where (!tagbits,!state1) = nextBits "Two" state
m = setBit 0 tagbits
i = sparseIndex bmap m
go state x t@(Full arr) =
where i = indexFromSegment bmap j
go (BitState (j:js) k) x t@(Full arr) =
let !st = index arr i
!st' = go state1 x st
!st' = go (BitState js k) x st
in if st' `ptrEq` st
then t
else Full (update arr i st')
where (!tagbits,!state1) = nextBits "Full" state
m = setBit 0 tagbits
i = sparseIndex fullNodeMask m
where i = indexFromSegment fullNodeMask j

makeTwo :: BitState -> HashMap v -> BitState -> v -> HashMap v
makeTwo state1 leaf1 state2 val2
| i1==i2 = One i1 (makeTwo state1' leaf1 state2' val2)
| otherwise = -- trace ("MAKETWO (i1,i2)="++show(i1,i2)++"\n state1="++show state1++"\n state2="++show state2) $
if i1 < i2
then Two (setBits [i1,i2]) (Leaf (getBytes state1') val2) leaf1
else Two (setBits [i1,i2]) leaf1 (Leaf (getBytes state1') val2)
where (i1,state1') = nextBits "makeTwo1" state1
(i2,state2') = nextBits ("makeTwo2 "++"\n "++show state1++"\n "++show state2) state2
makeTwo (BitState [] k) _leaf _state _val = error ("Case 1. In makeTwo, out of bits for key "++show k)
makeTwo _state _leaf (BitState [] k) _val = error ("Case 2. In makeTwo, out of bits for key "++show k)
makeTwo (BitState (i:is) k1) leaf1 (BitState (j:js) k2) val2
| i==j = One i (makeTwo (BitState is k1) leaf1 (BitState js k2) val2)
| otherwise = if i < j
then Two (setBits [i,j]) (Leaf k1 val2) leaf1
else Two (setBits [i,j]) leaf1 (Leaf k1 val2)

insert :: Key -> v -> HashMap v -> HashMap v
insert bs v hashmap = insert' (initBitState bs) v hashmap
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -335,23 +327,17 @@ foldWithKey accum ans0 (Full arr) = loop ans0 0
-- ==================================================================
-- Lookup a key

indexFromStateAndBitmap :: BitState -> Bitmap -> (BitState,Int)
indexFromStateAndBitmap state bmap = (state1,sparseIndex bmap m)
where (!bs,!state1) = nextBits "indexFromStateAndBitmap" state
m = setBit 0 bs

lookup' :: BitState -> HashMap v -> Maybe v
lookup' _ Empty = Nothing
lookup' state (Leaf bs v) = if (getBytes state)==bs then Just v else Nothing
lookup' state (One i x) = if i==j then lookup' state' x else Nothing
where (j,state') = nextBits "ONE in lookup" state
lookup' state (Two bm x0 x1) = if i==0 then lookup' state' x0 else lookup' state' x1
where (state',i) = indexFromStateAndBitmap state bm
lookup' state (BitmapIndexed bm arr) = lookup' state' (index arr i)
where (state',i) = indexFromStateAndBitmap state bm
lookup' state (Full arr) = lookup' state' (index arr i)
where (state',i) = indexFromStateAndBitmap state fullNodeMask
lookup' (BitState [] k) _ = error ("lookup', out of bits for key "++show k)
lookup' (BitState (j:js) k) (One i x) = if i==j then lookup' (BitState js k) x else Nothing
lookup' (BitState (j:js) k) (Two bm x0 x1) = if i==0 then lookup' (BitState js k) x0 else lookup' (BitState js k) x1
where i = indexFromSegment bm j
lookup' (BitState (j:js) k) (BitmapIndexed bm arr) = lookup' (BitState js k) (index arr i)
where i = indexFromSegment bm j
lookup' (BitState (j:js) k) (Full arr) = lookup' (BitState js k) (index arr i)
where i = indexFromSegment fullNodeMask j

lookupHM :: Key -> HashMap v -> Maybe v
lookupHM bytes mp = lookup' (initBitState bytes) mp
Expand Down

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