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Merge pull request #1619 from input-output-hk/origin/andre/plutus-spe…
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Various changes and additions requested by Polina
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polinavino committed Jul 10, 2020
2 parents f4a4b44 + c5d6481 commit 6611345
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Showing 10 changed files with 145 additions and 120 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions goguen/formal-spec/frontmatter.tex
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Polina Vinogradova \\ {\small \texttt{}} \\
Andre Knispel \\ {\small \texttt{}} \\

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11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions goguen/formal-spec/goguen-changes.tex
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\DeliverableResponsible{Formal Methods Team}
%\EditorName{Jared Corduan, \IOHK}
Polina Vinogradova \quad \texttt{}
Polina Vinogradova \quad \texttt{} \\
Andre Knispel \quad \texttt{}
%\DueDate{15$^{\textrm{th}}$ October 2019}
%\SubmissionDate{8th October 2019}{2019/10/08}
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24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions goguen/formal-spec/properties.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
\section{Properties of the Goguen Ledger}

This section collects properties that the ledger described previously
is expected to satisfy.

\item Any token with the $\PolicyID$ of Ada is an Ada token, i.e. it
also has the $\AssetID$ of Ada.
\item The general accounting property holds with any transaction,
whether it is fully processed or just paying fees. In particular,
this implies that the total amount of Ada in the system is constant.
\item If a transaction is accepted and marked as paying fees only
(i.e. $\fun{txvaltag}\, tx \in \Yes$), then the only change to the ledger
when processing the transaction is that the inputs marked for paying
fees are moved to the fee pot.
\item If a Shelley transaction is accepted, it is fully processed.
\item If a transaction extends the UTxO, all its scripts validate, and
if it has a script that does not validate, it cannot extend the
\item A valid transaction that does not forge tokens satisfies the
accounting property of the Shelley ledger where the type $\Coin$ is
replaced by $\Value$.
45 changes: 15 additions & 30 deletions goguen/formal-spec/transactions.tex
Expand Up @@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ \section{Transactions}
except for the following changes and additions:

\item $\ScriptHash$ is the type of hashes
\item $\PolicyID$ is the type of hashes
of Plutus and MSig scripts (and any other scripts added in the future)

\item $\RdmrsHash$ is the type of hashes of the indexed redeemer structure
included in the transaction (details about this structure below)

\item $\Token,~\Quantity$ are types
\item $\AssetID,~\Quantity$ are types
related to native multicurrency on the ledger.

\item $\ScriptMSig$ is the native multisignature scripts already supported.
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\item $\Value$ is the multicurrency type used to represent
both fungible and non fungible tokens. The key of this finite map type is
the hash of the monetary policy script for tokens of this currency.
This hash is referred to as the ID of the currency. Within a single
currency, there may be tokens with different token identifiers
(of type $\Token$). Tokens with different currency IDs
or different token identifiers are not fungible with each other.
This hash is referred to as the $\PolicyID$ of the currency. Within a single
currency, tokens belong to an $\AssetID$, which is assigned at the creation
the token and can be controlled by monetary policy script. Tokens with different
$\PolicyID$s or different $\AssetID$s are not fungible with each other.
See the note below for a discussion of Ada representation.

\item $\IsFee$ is a tag that indicates when an input has been marked
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,14 +166,15 @@ \section{Transactions}
\var{h} &\ScriptHash & \text{ script hash}\\
\var{polid} &\PolicyID & \text{hash of policy scripts}\\
\var{hdv} &\RdmrsHash & \text{hash of the indexed redeemers structure}\\
\var{tok} & \Token & \text{token identifier}\\
\var{assetid} & \AssetID & \text{asset identifier}\\
\var{quan} & \Quantity & \text{quantity of a token}\\
\var{msig} & \ScriptMSig & \text{Multisig scripts} \\
\var{plc} & \ScriptPlutus & \text{Plutus scripts of initial Plutus version} \\
\var{yes} & \Yes & \text{tag type for yes} \\
\var{no} & \Nope & \text{tag type for no} \\
\var{dat} & \Data & \text{the $\Data$ type} \\
Expand All @@ -188,11 +189,6 @@ \section{Transactions}
\var{scr} & \Script & \ScriptPlutus \uniondistinct \ScriptMSig \\
\var{isv} & \IsValidating & \Yes \uniondistinct \Nope \\
& \Data
& \mathbb{N}\uniondistinct\mathbb{H}\uniondistinct(\mathbb{N}\times\seqof{\Data})
\uniondistinct\seqof{\Data}\uniondistinct\seqof{\Data \times \Data}
% & \text{the $\Data$ type}\\
Expand All @@ -201,7 +197,7 @@ \section{Transactions}
\var{val} & \Value
& \ScriptHash \mapsto (\Token \mapsto \Quantity)
& \PolicyID \mapsto (\AssetID \mapsto \Quantity)
% & \text{a collection of tokens}
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\textbf{Data Representation.}
The type $\Data$ is a Plutus type, however, there is a similar type in the
ledger. We do not assume these are the same $\Data$, but we do assume there
is structural equality between them. Often we must represent the empty type,
$\Nothing$, as a term of type $\Data$. We use the notation defined in
Figure \ref{fig:defs:todata} to do this.

\Nothing_d ~\in~& \Data \\
& \text{the Data representation of empty type} \\
\caption{Empty Data Representation}
is structural equality between them.

In Figure \ref{fig:defs:utxo-shelley-2}, the type $\TxWitness$ contains everything
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,7 +541,7 @@ \section{Transactions}
is an implementation detail, which we omit here.
Note that it necessarily is equivalent to $\Value$, optimized
for Ada-only cases, has a unique representation for the Ada token class,
and does not allow tokens of the Ada currency to have a $\Token$ value
and does not allow tokens of the Ada currency to have a $\AssetID$ value
of anything other than $\mathsf{adaToken}$.
In Figure \ref{fig:defs:functions-helper} are the following helper functions,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -599,9 +584,9 @@ \section{Transactions}
\emph{Abstract Functions and Values}
\mathsf{adaID} \in& ~\ScriptHash
\mathsf{adaID} \in& ~\PolicyID
& \text{Ada currency ID} \\
\mathsf{adaToken} \in& ~\Token
\mathsf{adaToken} \in& ~\AssetID
& \text{Ada Token} \\
\mathsf{co} \in& ~\Quantity \to \Coin
& \text{type conversion} \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -664,7 +649,7 @@ \section{Transactions}
\emph{Abstract Script Validation Functions}
&\fun{hashScript} \in ~\Script\to \ScriptHash \\
&\fun{hashScript} \in ~\Script\to \PolicyID \\
&\text{compute script hash} \\~\\
&\fun{hashData} \in ~\Data \to \DataHash \\
&\text{compute hash of data} \\~\\
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84 changes: 52 additions & 32 deletions goguen/formal-spec/utxo.tex
Expand Up @@ -35,13 +35,20 @@ \subsection{UTxO Transitions}
and non-script transaction inputs.

Because the $\Tx$ type is a sum of $\ShelleyTx$ and $\GoguenTx$, and
there was a way of computing an ID from a Shelley transaction, there
is potential for confusion how the ID of a transaction is
computed. Here, $\TxId$ is always computed from values of type $\Tx$,
never from $\ShelleyTx$ or $\GoguenTx$.

Note that when submitting a transaction, the wallet is responsible for
determining the total price of the
validation of all the Plutus scripts in a transaction
by running the script itself to see how much resources it takes and doing the
fee calculation using the cost model in protocol parameters. It is then
also responsible for adding enough inputs to the transaction to cover the
fees required.
fees required. In the implementation of the wallet this is handled
automatically by default, so this generates no overhead for users.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,33 +147,32 @@ \subsection{UTxO Transitions}
to the deposit pot.
This calculation now also takes the current slot number as an argument, which is
needed to construct the correct UTxO outputs.

\item For calculating the minimum size of an output, we need the
function $\fun{scaledValueSize}$ that computes the size of a
$\Value$. It is defined as the size of the serialization of the
$\Value$, in analogy to $\fun{txSize}$.

\subsection{Value Operations and Partial Order.}
Note that
the $\fun{consumed}$ and $\fun{produced}$ values are compared as $\Value$.
The type $\Value$ has a partial order defined on it in (see~\cite{plutus_eutxo}).
The idea of this partial order, as well as operations like addition and subtraction
of terms of the $\Value$ type, is that a term $v \in \Value$ can be treated
as a total map that maps to the trivial element $\epsilon \in \Token \to \Quantity$
almost everywhere except for a several currency IDs that appear in $\dom~v$.
Some of the UTxO update and precondition functions now operate on the $\Value$
type instead of $\Coin$ (sometimes on a combination of $\Value$ and $\Coin$).
To make this precise, we must define basic operations on $\Value$, which
include, most notably, addition and $\leq$ comparison.

This way, when adding two terms of type value, $\{ cid1 \mapsto tkns1\}$ and
$\{ cid2 \mapsto tkns2\}$, the result is
\[ \{ cid1 \mapsto (tkns1 + \epsilon), cid2 \mapsto (\epsilon + tkns2)\} \]
Because the absence of a token in a $\Value$ has the same semantics as
the token being present with an amount of $0$, we regard two elements of
type $\Value$ as the same if they only differ by some tokens with
amount $0$. This means that we can equivalently regard values as total
maps that map all except a finite amount of its inputs to $0$.

which simplifies to
This way, when adding two partial maps, $m_1$ and $m_2$, $m_1 + m_2$ is defined
by $(m_1 + m_2)~\var{pid}~\var{aid} := (m_1~\var{pid}~\var{aid}) + (m_2~\var{pid}~\var{aid})$.

\[ \{ cid1 \mapsto tkns1, cid2 \mapsto tkns2\} \]
Similarly, if we compare two maps, we compare them as follows:

This definition of addition is also defined in Section~\ref{sec:notation-shelley}.
Similarly, if we compare these two tokens, we compare them as follows
(element-wise, with $\epsilon$ as the value associated to any currency ID
not present in on of the values),

\[ (\{ cid1 \mapsto tkns1\}~\leq~\{ cid2 \mapsto tkns2\}) \Leftrightarrow \\
(tkns1 \leq \epsilon~\wedge~ \epsilon \leq tkns2) \]
\[ m_1 \leq m_2 \Leftrightarrow \forall~\var{pid}~\var{aid}, m_1~\var{pid}~\var{aid} \leq m_2~\var{pid}~\var{aid} \]

\emph{Helper Functions}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,6 +219,9 @@ \subsection{Value Operations and Partial Order.}
&~~\ubalance{(\outs{slot}~{txb})} + \fun{coinToValue}(\txfee{txb} \\
&~~+ \deposits{pp}{stpools}~{(\txcerts{txb})})\\
& \text{value produced} \\
& \fun{scaledValueSize} \in \Value \to \N \\
& \fun{scaledValueSize}~\var{val} = \fun{valueSize}~\var{val} / \fun{valueSize}~(\fun{coinToValue}~1) \\
\caption{Functions used in UTxO rules}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,7 +279,7 @@ \subsection{Putting Together Plutus Scripts and Their Inputs}
\emph{Helper functions}
&\fun{indexedScripts} \in \GoguenTx \to (\ScriptHash \mapsto \Script) \\
&\fun{indexedScripts} \in \GoguenTx \to (\PolicyID \mapsto \Script) \\
& \text{make a finite map of hash-indexed scripts} \\
&\fun{indexedScripts}~{tx} ~=~ \{ h \mapsto s ~\vert~ \fun{hashScript}~{s}~=~h,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -739,11 +748,11 @@ \subsection{Updating the UTxO State}
\emph{State transitions}
\_ \vdash
\var{\_} \trans{utxos}{\_} \var{\_}
\var{\_} \trans{utxo, utxos}{\_} \var{\_}
\subseteq \powerset (\UTxOEnv \times \UTxOState \times \GoguenTx \times \UTxOState)
\caption{UTxO state update types}
\caption{UTxO and UTxO script state update types}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -810,10 +819,8 @@ \subsection{Updating the UTxO State}
\var{refunded} \leteq \keyRefunds{pp}{stkCreds}~{txb}
\var{decayed} \leteq \decayedTx{pp}{stkCreds}~{txb}
\var{depositChange} \leteq
(\deposits{pp}~{stpools}~{\txcerts{txb}}) - (\var{refunded} + \var{decayed})
(\deposits{pp}~{stpools}~{(\txcerts{txb})}) - \var{refunded}
Expand All @@ -837,7 +844,7 @@ \subsection{Updating the UTxO State}
\varUpdate{\var{(\txins{txb} \subtractdom \var{utxo}) \cup \outs{slot}~{txb}}} \\
\varUpdate{\var{deposits} + \var{depositChange}} \\
\varUpdate{\var{fees} + \txfee{txb} + \var{decayed}} \\
\varUpdate{\var{fees} + \txfee{txb}} \\
\varUpdate{\var{ups'}} \\
\right) \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -951,6 +958,8 @@ \subsection{Updating the UTxO State}
\mathsf{adaID}~\notin \dom~{\fun{forge}~tx} \\
\forall txout \in \txouts{txb}, ~ \fun{getValue}~txout ~\geq ~ 0 \\~
\forall txout \in \txouts{txb}, ~ \fun{getCoin}~txout ~\geq \\
\fun{scaledValueSize}~(\fun{getValue}~txout) * \fun{minUTxOValue}~pp \\~
\fun{txsize}~{tx}\leq\fun{maxTxSize}~\var{pp} \\
\fun{txexunits}~{txb} \leq \fun{maxTxExUnits}~{pp}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1041,14 +1050,14 @@ \subsection{Witnessing}
& \hspace{-1cm}\fun{scriptsNeeded} \in \UTxO \to \GoguenTx \to
& \hspace{-1cm}\text{items that need script validation and corresponding script hashes} \\
& \hspace{-1cm}\fun{scriptsNeeded}~\var{utxo}~\var{tx} = \\
& ~~\{ \fun{validatorHash}~(\fun{getAddr}~{txout}) \mid i \mapsto \var{txout} \in \var{utxo},\\
& ~~~~~i\in\fun{txinsScript}~{(\fun{txinputs}~\var{txb})}~{utxo}\} \\
\cup & ~~\{ \var{a} \mid a \mapsto c \in \fun{txwdrls}~\var{txb}),
a\in \AddrRWDScr \} \\
\cup & ~~\ScriptHash \cap \fun{certWitsNeeded}~{txb} \\
\cup & ~~\PolicyID \cap \fun{certWitsNeeded}~{txb} \\
\cup & ~~\{ cid \mid cid \mapsto \var{tkns}~\in~\fun{forge}~{txb} \} \\
& \where \\
& ~~~~~~~ \var{txb}~=~\txbody{tx} \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1098,13 +1107,24 @@ \subsection{Witnessing}
If these conditions are all satisfied, the resulting UTxO state change is fully determined
by the UTXO transition (the application of which is also part of the conditions).

\emph{State transitions}
\_ \vdash
\var{\_} \trans{utxow}{\_} \var{\_}
\subseteq \powerset (\UTxOEnv \times \UTxOState \times \Tx \times \UTxOState)
\caption{UTxO with witnesses state update types}

\var{tx}~\leteq~\fun{toGoguenTx}~{tx}_o \\~\\
\var{h}_{txo}~\leteq~\fun{hash}~{tx}_o &
\var{txb}\leteq\txbody{tx} &
\var{txw}\leteq\fun{txwits}~{tx} &
\var{tx}~\in~\GoguenTx \\
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\forall h \in ~\fun{scriptsNeeded}~\var{utxo}~\var{tx}, ~h\mapsto s~\in~\fun{indexedScripts}~{tx},\\
s \in \ScriptPlutus~\Leftrightarrow ~\fun{findRdmr}~{tx}~{c}\neq \emptyset
\forall \var{cert}~\in~\fun{txcerts}~{txb}, \fun{regCred}~{cert}\in \ScriptHash \Leftrightarrow
\forall \var{cert}~\in~\fun{txcerts}~{txb}, \fun{regCred}~{cert}\in \PolicyID \Leftrightarrow
\var{cert} \in~ \DCertDeRegKey \\~\\
\var{txin} \mapsto \var{(\wcard,\wcard,h_d)} \in \var{utxo},
Expand All @@ -1136,7 +1156,7 @@ \subsection{Witnessing}
\fun{hash}~(\fun{txrdmrs}~\var{txw})~ =~ \fun{rdmrsHash}~{txb} \\
\forall \var{vk} \mapsto \sigma \in \txwitsVKey{txw},
\mathcal{V}_{\var{vk}}{\serialised{\var{h}_{tx}}}_{\sigma} \\
\mathcal{V}_{\var{vk}}{\serialised{tx_{o}}}_{\sigma} \\
\fun{witsVKeyNeeded}~{utxo}~{tx}~{genDelegs} \subseteq \var{witsKeyHashes}
genSig \leteq
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions shelley-mc/formal-spec/frontmatter.tex
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Polina Vinogradova \\ {\small \texttt{}} \\
Andre Knispel \\ {\small \texttt{}} \\

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