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mgudemann committed Nov 14, 2019
1 parent cac44e5 commit adaf7e3
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Showing 2 changed files with 6 additions and 170 deletions.
175 changes: 5 additions & 170 deletions shelley/chain-and-ledger/executable-spec/src/LedgerState.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,19 +42,14 @@ module LedgerState
, KeyPairs
, UTxOState(..)
, StakeShare(..)
, mkStakeShare
, emptyAccount
, emptyPState
, emptyDState
, poolRAcnt
, treasury
, reserves
-- * state transitions
, asStateTransition
, asStateTransition'
, retirePools
, emptyDelegation
, applyUTxOUpdate
, applyTxBody
-- * Genesis State
, genesisId
Expand All @@ -64,15 +59,7 @@ module LedgerState
, LedgerValidation(..)
, minfee
, txsize
, validStakePoolRetire
, validInputs
, validNoReplay
, validFee
, validKeyRegistration
, validKeyDeregistration
, validStakeDelegation
, validTx
, preserveBalance
, produced
, consumed
, verifiedWits
Expand All @@ -95,15 +82,9 @@ module LedgerState
-- refunds
, keyRefunds
, keyRefund
, decayedKey
, decayedTx
, poolRefunds
-- epoch boundary
, poolRewards
, leaderRew
, memberRew
, rewardOnePool
, reward
, stakeDistr
, applyRUpd
, createRUpd
Expand All @@ -129,8 +110,7 @@ import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Delegation.Certificates (requiresVKeyWitness)
import EpochBoundary (BlocksMade (..), SnapShots (..), Stake (..), aggregateOuts,
baseStake, emptySnapShots, maxPool, poolRefunds, poolStake, ptrStake,
baseStake, emptySnapShots, maxPool, poolStake, ptrStake, rewardStake)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Keys (AnyKeyHash, GenDelegs (..), GenKeyHash, KeyDiscriminator (..), KeyHash,
KeyPair, Signable, hash, undiscriminateKeyHash)
Expand All @@ -142,10 +122,10 @@ import PParams (PParams (..), activeSlotCoeff, d, emptyPParams, keyDec
import Slot (Duration (..), Epoch (..), Slot (..), epochFromSlot, firstSlot,
slotsPerEpoch, (+*), (-*))
import Tx (extractKeyHash)
import TxData (Addr (..), Credential (..), Delegation (..), Ix, PoolParams, Ptr (..),
RewardAcnt (..), StakeCredential, Tx (..), TxBody (..), TxId (..), TxIn (..),
TxOut (..), body, certs, getRwdCred, inputs, poolOwners, poolPledge,
poolRAcnt, ttl, txfee, wdrls, witKeyHash)
import TxData (Addr (..), Credential (..), Ix, PoolParams, Ptr (..), RewardAcnt (..),
StakeCredential, Tx (..), TxBody (..), TxId (..), TxIn (..), TxOut (..), body,
certs, getRwdCred, inputs, poolOwners, poolPledge, poolRAcnt, ttl, txfee,
wdrls, witKeyHash)
import Updates (AVUpdate (..), PPUpdate (..), Update (..), UpdateState (..), emptyUpdate,
import UTxO (UTxO (..), balance, deposits, txinLookup, txins, txouts, txup, verifyWitVKey)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,13 +158,6 @@ newtype StakeShare =
StakeShare Rational
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, NoUnexpectedThunks)

-- | Construct an optional probability value
mkStakeShare :: Rational -> Maybe StakeShare
mkStakeShare p =
if 0 <= p
then Just $ StakeShare p
else Nothing

data DState crypto= DState
{ -- |The active stake keys.
_stkCreds :: StakeCreds crypto
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -662,75 +635,8 @@ validTx tx d' slot pp l =
(l ^. utxoState)
<> validRuleUTXOW tx d' l

-- The rules for checking validiy of stake delegation transitions return
-- `certificate_type_correct(cert) -> valid_cert(cert)`, i.e., if the
-- certificate is of a different type, it's considered to be valid due to the
-- falsified hypothesis.

-- | Checks whether a key registration certificat is valid.
:: DCert crypto
-> DState crypto
-> Validity
validKeyRegistration cert ds =
case cert of
RegKey key -> if not $ Map.member key stakeKeys
then Valid else Invalid [StakeKeyAlreadyRegistered]
where (StakeCreds stakeKeys) = ds ^. stkCreds
_ -> Valid

:: DCert crypto
-> DState crypto
-> Validity
validKeyDeregistration cert ds =
case cert of
DeRegKey key -> if Map.member key stakeKeys
then Valid else Invalid [StakeKeyNotRegistered]
where (StakeCreds stakeKeys) = ds ^. stkCreds
_ -> Valid

:: DCert crypto
-> DState crypto
-> Validity
validStakeDelegation cert ds =
case cert of
Delegate (Delegation source _)
-> if Map.member source stakeKeys
then Valid else Invalid [StakeDelegationImpossible]
where (StakeCreds stakeKeys) = ds ^. stkCreds
_ -> Valid

:: DCert crypto
-> PState crypto
-> Validity
validStakePoolRetire cert ps =
case cert of
RetirePool key _ -> if Map.member key stakePools
then Valid else Invalid [StakePoolNotRegisteredOnKey]
where (StakePools stakePools) = ps ^. stPools
_ -> Valid

-- Functions for stake delegation model

-- |Retire the appropriate stake pools when the epoch changes.
:: LedgerState crypto
-> Epoch
-> LedgerState crypto
retirePools ls@(LedgerState _ ds _) epoch =
ls & delegationState .~
(ds & pstate . stPools .~
(StakePools $ Map.filterWithKey
(\hk _ -> Map.notMember hk retiring')
& pstate . retiring .~ active)
where (active, retiring') = Map.partition (epoch /=) (ds ^. pstate . retiring)
(StakePools stakePools) = ds ^. pstate . stPools

-- |Calculate the change to the deposit pool for a given transaction.
:: LedgerState crypto
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -778,77 +684,6 @@ applyUTxOUpdate
-> UTxOState crypto
applyUTxOUpdate u tx = u & utxo .~ txins tx (u ^. utxo) txouts tx

-- |Apply a delegation certificate as a state transition function on the ledger state.
:: Ptr
-> DCert crypto
-> DPState crypto
-> DPState crypto

applyDCert ptr dcert@(RegKey _) ds =
ds & dstate %~ applyDCertDState ptr dcert

applyDCert ptr dcert@(DeRegKey _) ds =
ds & dstate %~ applyDCertDState ptr dcert

applyDCert ptr dcert@(RegPool _) ds = ds & pstate %~ applyDCertPState ptr dcert

applyDCert ptr dcert@(RetirePool _ _) ds =
ds & pstate %~ applyDCertPState ptr dcert

applyDCert _ (GenesisDelegate _) ds = ds -- TODO: check this

applyDCert _ (InstantaneousRewards _) _ = undefined

-- TODO do we also have to check hashKey target?
applyDCert ptr dcert@(Delegate _) ds =
ds & dstate %~ applyDCertDState ptr dcert

:: Ptr
-> DCert crypto
-> DState crypto
-> DState crypto
applyDCertDState (Ptr slot txIx clx) (DeRegKey key) ds =
ds & stkCreds .~ (StakeCreds $ Map.delete hksk stkcreds')
& rewards %~ Map.delete (RewardAcnt hksk)
& delegations %~ Map.delete hksk
& ptrs %~ Map.delete (Ptr slot txIx clx)
where hksk = key
(StakeCreds stkcreds') = ds ^. stkCreds

applyDCertDState (Ptr slot txIx clx) (RegKey key) ds =
ds & stkCreds .~ (StakeCreds $ Map.insert hksk slot stkcreds')
& rewards %~ Map.insert (RewardAcnt hksk) (Coin 0)
& ptrs %~ Map.insert (Ptr slot txIx clx) hksk
where hksk = key
(StakeCreds stkcreds') = ds ^. stkCreds

applyDCertDState _ (Delegate (Delegation source target)) ds =
ds & delegations %~ Map.insert source target

applyDCertDState _ _ ds = ds

:: Ptr
-> DCert crypto
-> PState crypto
-> PState crypto
applyDCertPState (Ptr slot _ _ ) (RegPool sp) ps =
ps & stPools .~ (StakePools $ Map.insert hsk slot' pools)
& pParams %~ Map.insert hsk sp
& retiring %~ Map.delete hsk
where hsk = sp ^. poolPubKey
(StakePools pools) = ps ^. stPools
slot' = fromMaybe slot (Map.lookup hsk pools)

-- TODO check epoch (not in new doc atm.)
applyDCertPState _ (RetirePool key epoch) ps =
ps & retiring %~ Map.insert key epoch

-- | Use only pool registration or retirement certificates
applyDCertPState _ _ ps = ps

-- epoch boundary calculations --
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Lens.Micro ((^.))

import Delegation.Certificates
import EpochBoundary (poolRefunds)
import LedgerState
import PParams
import Slot
Expand Down

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