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formal spec can now start form origin or byron
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JaredCorduan committed Mar 27, 2020
1 parent 65fe5f6 commit e1d2c27
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Showing 2 changed files with 82 additions and 59 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -47,9 +47,12 @@ prevHashToNonce
:: PrevHash crypto
-> Nonce
prevHashToNonce = \case
GenesisHash -> NeutralNonce -- This case is impossible.
-- The function is only called on a new epoch,
-- but the GenesisHash can only occur as the first block.
GenesisHash -> NeutralNonce -- This case can only happen when starting Shelley from genesis,
-- setting the intial chain state to some epoch e,
-- and having the first block be in epoch e+1.
-- In this edge case there is no need to add any extra
-- entropy via the previous header hash to the next epoch nonce,
-- so using the neutral nonce is appropriate.
BlockHash ph -> hashHeaderToNonce ph

updTransition :: Crypto crypto => TransitionRule (UPDN crypto)
Expand Down
132 changes: 76 additions & 56 deletions shelley/chain-and-ledger/formal-spec/chain.tex
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ \section{Blockchain layer}
\newcommand{\activeSlotCoeff}[1]{\fun{activeSlotCoeff}~ \var{#1}}
\newcommand{\slotToSeed}[1]{\fun{slotToSeed}~ \var{#1}}
\newcommand{\hashHeaderToNonce}[1]{\fun{hashHeaderToNonce}~ \var{#1}}
\newcommand{\prevHashToNonce}[1]{\fun{prevHashToNonce}~ \var{#1}}

\newcommand{\vrf}[3]{\fun{vrf}_{#1} ~ #2 ~ #3}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ \section{Blockchain layer}

This chapter introduces the view of the blockchain layer as required for the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,7 +154,7 @@ \subsection{Block Definitions}
\BHBody =
\var{prev} & \HashHeader & \text{hash of previous block body}\\
\var{prev} & \HashHeader^? & \text{hash of previous block body}\\
\var{vk} & \VKey & \text{block issuer}\\
\var{vrfVk} & \VKey & \text{VRF verification key}\\
\var{slot} & \Slot & \text{block slot}\\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,8 +195,8 @@ \subsection{Block Definitions}
& \text{size of a block body} \\
\slotToSeed{} & \Slot \to \Seed
& \text{convert a slot to a seed} \\
\hashHeaderToNonce{} & \HashHeader \to \Seed
& \text{convert a header hash to a seed} \\
\prevHashToNonce{} & \HashHeader^? \to \Seed
& \text{convert an optional header hash to a seed} \\
\fun{bbodyhash} & \seqof{\Tx} \to \HashBBody \\
Expand All @@ -208,7 +210,7 @@ \subsection{Block Definitions}
\fun{bbody} & \Block \to \seqof{\Tx} \\
\fun{bvkcold} & \BHBody \to \VKey &
\fun{bvkvrf} & \BHBody \to \VKey \\
\fun{bprev} & \BHBody \to \HashHeader &
\fun{bprev} & \BHBody \to \HashHeader^? &
\fun{bslot} & \BHBody \to \Slot \\
\fun{bblockno} & \BHBody \to \BlockNo &
\fun{bnonce} & \BHBody \to \Seed \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -592,7 +594,7 @@ \subsection{Update Nonce Transition}
\eta & \Seed & \text{new nonce} \\
\var{pp} & \PParams & \text{protocol parameters} \\
h_c & \HashHeader & \text{current previous hash} \\
\var{ph} & \HashHeader^? & \text{current previous hash} \\
b & \Bool & \text{is new epoch} \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -644,13 +646,13 @@ \subsection{Update Nonce Transition}
{ \eta_e \leteq \fun{extraEntropy}~\var{pp}
\eta_p \leteq \hashHeaderToNonce h_c
\eta_p \leteq \prevHashToNonce \var{ph}
\eta \\
\var{pp} \\
h_c \\
\var{ph} \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -681,7 +683,7 @@ \subsection{Update Nonce Transition}
\eta \\
\var{pp} \\
h_c \\
\var{ph} \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1276,14 +1278,23 @@ \subsection{Protocol Transition}
\emph{Protocol states}
\LastAppliedBlock =
\var{b_\ell} & \Slot & \text{last block number} \\
\var{s_\ell} & \Slot & \text{last slot} \\
\var{h} & \HashHeader & \text{latest header hash} \\
\PrtclState =
\var{cs} & \KeyHash_{pool} \mapsto \N & \text{operational certificate issues numbers} \\
\var{h} & \HashHeader & \text{latest header hash} \\
\var{s_\ell} & \Slot & \text{last slot} \\
\var{b_\ell} & \BlockNo & \text{last block number} \\
\var{lab} & \LastAppliedBlock^? & \text{last applied block} \\
\eta_0 & \Seed & \text{current epoch nonce} \\
\eta_v & \Seed & \text{evolving nonce} \\
\eta_c & \Seed & \text{candidate nonce} \\
Expand All @@ -1299,6 +1310,30 @@ \subsection{Protocol Transition}
\caption{Protocol transition-system types}
\emph{Helper Functions}
& \fun{lastAppliedHash} \in \LastAppliedBlock^? \to \HashHeader^? \\
& \fun{lastAppliedHash}~\var{lab} =
\Nothing & lab = \Nothing \\
h & lab = (\wcard,~\wcard,~h) \\
& \fun{checkPrtclSeq} \in \Slot \to \Slot \to \BlockNo \to \LastAppliedBlock^? \to \Bool \\
& \fun{checkPrtclSeq}~\var{slot}~\var{s_{now}}~\var{bn}~\var{lab} =
lab = \Nothing
\var{s_\ell} < \var{slot} \leq \var{s_{now}} \land \var{b_\ell} + 1 = \var{bn}
lab = (b_\ell,~s_\ell,~\wcard) \\

The environments for this transition are:
Expand All @@ -1319,9 +1354,7 @@ \subsection{Protocol Transition}
The states for this transition consists of:
\item The operational certificate issue number mapping.
\item The slot of the last block header.
\item The last block number.
\item The hash of last block header.
\item The last applied block information.
\item The current epoch nonce.
\item The evolving nonce.
\item The canditate nonce for the next epoch.
Expand All @@ -1336,19 +1369,21 @@ \subsection{Protocol Transition}
\var{slot} \leteq \bslot{bhb}
\var{s_\ell} < \var{slot} \leq \var{s_{now}}
\var{h} = \bprev{bhb}
\var{b_\ell} + 1 = \fun{bblockno}~\var{bhb}
\lastAppliedHash{lab} = ph
\eta \\
\var{pp} \\
h \\
\var{ph} \\
\var{ne} \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1378,6 +1413,8 @@ \subsection{Protocol Transition}
\vdash \var{cs}\trans{\hyperref[fig:rules:overlay]{overlay}}{\var{bh}} \var{cs}'
\var{lab'}\leteq(b_\ell + 1,~\var{slot},~\bhHash{bh})
Expand All @@ -1391,9 +1428,7 @@ \subsection{Protocol Transition}
\var{cs} \\
\var{h} \\
\var{s_\ell} \\
\var{b_\ell} \\
\var{lab} \\
\eta_0 \\
\eta_v \\
\eta_c \\
Expand All @@ -1402,9 +1437,7 @@ \subsection{Protocol Transition}
\varUpdate{cs'} \\
\varUpdate{\bhHash{bh}} \\
\varUpdate{slot} \\
\varUpdate{b_\ell + 1} \\
\varUpdate{lab'} \\
\varUpdate{\eta_0'} \\
\varUpdate{\eta_v'} \\
\varUpdate{\eta_c'} \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1615,9 +1648,7 @@ \subsection{Chain Transition}
~\eta_v & \Seed & \text{evolving nonce} \\
~\eta_c & \Seed & \text{candidate nonce} \\
~\eta_h & \Seed & \text{seed generated from hash of previous epoch} \\
\var{h} & \HashHeader & \text{latest header hash} \\
\var{s_\ell} & \Slot & \text{last slot} \\
\var{b_\ell} & \Slot & \text{last block number} \\
\var{lab} & \LastAppliedBlock^? & \text{latest applied block} \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1726,9 +1757,7 @@ \subsection{Chain Transition}
\var{cs} \\
\var{h} \\
\var{s_\ell} \\
\var{b_\ell} \\
\var{lab} \\
\eta_0 \\
\eta_v \\
\eta_c \\
Expand All @@ -1737,9 +1766,7 @@ \subsection{Chain Transition}
\var{cs'} \\
\var{h'} \\
\var{s_\ell'} \\
\var{b_\ell'} \\
\var{lab'} \\
\eta_0' \\
\eta_v' \\
\eta_c' \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1775,9 +1802,7 @@ \subsection{Chain Transition}
\eta_v \\
\eta_c \\
\eta_h \\
\var{h} \\
\var{s_\ell} \\
\var{b_\ell} \\
\var{lab} \\
Expand All @@ -1787,9 +1812,7 @@ \subsection{Chain Transition}
\varUpdate{\eta_v'} \\
\varUpdate{\eta_c'} \\
\varUpdate{\eta_h'} \\
\varUpdate{\var{h}'} \\
\varUpdate{\var{s_\ell}'} \\
\varUpdate{\var{b_\ell}'} \\
\varUpdate{\var{lab}'} \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1828,22 +1851,21 @@ \subsection{Byron to Shelley Transition}
\emph{Shelley Initial States}
& \fun{initialShelleyState} \in \Slot \to \BlockNo \to \Epoch \to\HashHeader \to \UTxO
\to \Coin \\
& ~~~ \to (\KeyHashGen \mapsto \KeyHash) \to (\Slot\mapsto\KeyHashGen^?)
\to \PParams \to \ChainState \\
& \fun{initialShelleyState} \in \LastAppliedBlock^? \to \Epoch \to \UTxO
\to \Coin \to (\KeyHashGen \mapsto \KeyHash) \\
& ~~~ \to (\Slot\mapsto\KeyHashGen^?)
\to \PParams \to \Seed \to \ChainState \\
& \fun{initialShelleyState}~
\var{s} \\
\var{bn} \\
\var{lab} \\
\var{e} \\
\var{h} \\
\var{utxo} \\
\var{reserves} \\
\var{genDelegs} \\
\var{os} \\
\var{pp} \\
\var{initNonce} \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1916,13 +1938,11 @@ \subsection{Byron to Shelley Transition}
\right) \\
\var{cs} \\
\hashHeaderToNonce{h} \\
\hashHeaderToNonce{h} \\
\hashHeaderToNonce{h} \\
\var{initNonce} \\
\var{initNonce} \\
\var{initNonce} \\
0_{seed} \\
\var{h} \\
\var{s} \\
\var{bn} \\
\var{lab} \\
\right) \\
& ~~~~\where cs = \{\var{hk}\mapsto 0~\mid~\var{hk}\in\range{genDelegs}\} \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1955,15 +1975,15 @@ \subsection{Byron to Shelley Transition}
\var{s_{last}} \\
\var{bn} \\
(\var{s_{last}}~\var{bn},~\prevHashToNonce{h}) \\
e \\
\fun{hash}~{h} \\
\var{utxo} \\
\var{reserves} \\
\var{gd} \\
\overlaySchedule{e}{(\dom{gd})}{pp} \\
\var{pp} \\
\prevHashToNonce{h} \\
\right) \\
& ~~~~\where \\
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