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lehins committed Oct 26, 2021
1 parent bc57d5c commit f4dc6b3
Showing 1 changed file with 154 additions and 132 deletions.
286 changes: 154 additions & 132 deletions eras/alonzo/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Alonzo/CompactTxOut.hs
@@ -1,62 +1,70 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}

module Test.Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.CompactTxOut where

import Data.ByteString(ByteString,pack,unpack,index)
import Cardano.Binary(serialize',unsafeDeserialize')
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Cardano.Binary (serialize', unsafeDeserialize')
import Cardano.Crypto.Hash.Class
( Hash (),
import Cardano.Ledger.Address (Addr (..), BootstrapAddress (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Data (DataHash (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxBody (TxBody, TxOut (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.CompactAddr (CompactAddr(..), compactAddr, decompactAddr)
import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes(StrictMaybe(..),Network(..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Era(Era,Crypto)
import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes (Network (..), StrictMaybe (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Compactible (CompactForm, Compactible (..))
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Core as Core
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Data(DataHash(..))
import Cardano.Ledger.SafeHash(SafeHash(..),extractHash,unsafeMakeSafeHash)
import Cardano.Crypto.Hash.Class(Hash(),hash,hashToBytes,hashFromBytesShort,hashWith,HashAlgorithm,castHash)

import Cardano.Ledger.Address(Addr(..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Credential
( Credential(..),
import Cardano.Ledger.Hashes(ScriptHash(..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Keys(KeyHash(..))
import Cardano.Slotting.Slot(SlotNo(..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Mary.Value(Value(..))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Word(Word8,Word16,Word64)
( Credential (..),
Ix (..),
PaymentCredential (..),
Ptr (..),
StakeCredential (..),
StakeReference (..),
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Crypto as CC
import Cardano.Ledger.Era (Crypto, Era)
import Cardano.Ledger.Hashes (ScriptHash (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Keys (KeyHash (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Mary.Value (Value (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.SafeHash (SafeHash (..), extractHash, unsafeMakeSafeHash)
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.CompactAddr (CompactAddr (..), compactAddr, decompactAddr)
import Cardano.Slotting.Slot (SlotNo (..))
import Data.Bits
( Bits,(.&.),
( Bits,
import Cardano.Ledger.Address(BootstrapAddress(..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Compactible (Compactible (..),CompactForm)
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Crypto as CC
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, index, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Word (Word16, Word64, Word8)

-- ==================================================
-- Getting to the ByteString that Underlies each Hash

safeHashToBytes :: SafeHash crypto a -> ByteString
safeHashToBytes = hashToBytes . extractHash

bytesToSafeHash :: HashAlgorithm (CC.HASH c) => ByteString -> SafeHash c a
bytesToSafeHash :: HashAlgorithm (CC.HASH c) => ByteString -> SafeHash c a
bytesToSafeHash x = unsafeMakeSafeHash (makeHash x)

makeHash :: HashAlgorithm c => ByteString -> Hash c a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,152 +102,166 @@ labelAddrShare (Addr Mainnet (ScriptHashObj hash1) stake) = 2
labelAddrShare (Addr Mainnet (KeyHashObj hash1) stake) = 3
labelAddrShare (AddrBootstrap byron) = 4

-- ======================================================
makeTag :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
makeTag addr val dhash
| (addr >= 0 && addr <= 4) && (val >= 0 && val <= 2) && (dhash >= 0 && dhash <= 1) =
(addr * 8 + val * 2 + dhash) -- (shiftL addr 3 .|. shiftL val 1 .|. dhash)
| otherwise = error ("tags are not in the correct ranges "++show (addr,val,dhash) ++"in (0-4,0-2,0-1).")
| otherwise = error ("tags are not in the correct ranges " ++ show (addr, val, dhash) ++ "in (0-4,0-2,0-1).")

getTags :: Word8 -> (Word8,Word8,Word8)
getTags tag = (addr,val,dhash)
where dhash = mod tag 2
val = mod (div tag 2) 4
addr = mod (div tag 8) 8
getTags :: Word8 -> (Word8, Word8, Word8)
getTags tag = (addr, val, dhash)
dhash = mod tag 2
val = mod (div tag 2) 4
addr = mod (div tag 8) 8

testTag = [ getTags(makeTag addr val dhash) == (addr,val,dhash) | addr <- [0..4], val <- [0..2], dhash <- [0..1]]
testTag = [getTags (makeTag addr val dhash) == (addr, val, dhash) | addr <- [0 .. 4], val <- [0 .. 2], dhash <- [0 .. 1]]

-- ===============================================
-- It should be the case that getAddrBytes and readAddr are inverses?

getAddrBytes :: Addr crypto -> (Word8,StakeReference crypto,ByteString)
getAddrBytes (Addr Testnet (ScriptHashObj (ScriptHash hash1)) stake) = (0,stake,hashToBytes hash1)
getAddrBytes (Addr Testnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash hash1)) stake) = (1,stake,hashToBytes hash1)
getAddrBytes (Addr Mainnet (ScriptHashObj (ScriptHash hash1)) stake) = (2,stake,hashToBytes hash1)
getAddrBytes (Addr Mainnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash hash1)) stake) = (3,stake,hashToBytes hash1)
getAddrBytes (AddrBootstrap byron) = (4,undefined,undefined)

getAddrBytes :: Addr crypto -> (Word8, StakeReference crypto, ByteString)
getAddrBytes (Addr Testnet (ScriptHashObj (ScriptHash hash1)) stake) = (0, stake, hashToBytes hash1)
getAddrBytes (Addr Testnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash hash1)) stake) = (1, stake, hashToBytes hash1)
getAddrBytes (Addr Mainnet (ScriptHashObj (ScriptHash hash1)) stake) = (2, stake, hashToBytes hash1)
getAddrBytes (Addr Mainnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash hash1)) stake) = (3, stake, hashToBytes hash1)
getAddrBytes (AddrBootstrap byron) = (4, undefined, undefined)

readAddr :: forall c. HashAlgorithm (CC.ADDRHASH c) => Word8 -> Int -> StakeReference c -> ByteString -> (Int, Addr c)
readAddr 0 i stake bs = (i2,Addr Testnet (ScriptHashObj (ScriptHash (makeHash bs2))) stake)
where (i2,bs2) = readByteString 28 i bs
readAddr 0 i stake bs = (i2, Addr Testnet (ScriptHashObj (ScriptHash (makeHash bs2))) stake)
(i2, bs2) = readByteString 28 i bs
readAddr 1 i stake bs = (i2, Addr Testnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash (makeHash bs2))) stake)
where (i2,bs2) = readByteString 28 i bs
readAddr 2 i stake bs =(i2,Addr Mainnet (ScriptHashObj (ScriptHash (makeHash bs2))) stake)
where (i2,bs2) = readByteString 28 i bs
(i2, bs2) = readByteString 28 i bs
readAddr 2 i stake bs = (i2, Addr Mainnet (ScriptHashObj (ScriptHash (makeHash bs2))) stake)
(i2, bs2) = readByteString 28 i bs
readAddr 3 i stake bs = (i2, Addr Mainnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash (makeHash bs2))) stake)
where (i2,bs2) = readByteString 28 i bs
(i2, bs2) = readByteString 28 i bs
readAddr 4 i stake bs = undefined

-- ===============================================
-- It should be the case that getValueBytes and readVal are inverses?

getValueBytes :: CC.Crypto crypto => Value crypto -> (Word8,ByteString)
getValueBytes (Value 0 m) | Map.null m = (0,mempty)
getValueBytes (Value n m) | Map.null m = (1,word64ToByteString (fromIntegral n))
getValueBytes (v@(Value _ _)) = (2,word16ToByteString n <> valBytes)
where unJust (Just x) = x
unJust Nothing = error ("Value does not have compact form.")
valBytes = serialize' (unJust(toCompact v))
n :: Word16
n = fromIntegral (BS.length valBytes)

getValueBytes :: CC.Crypto crypto => Value crypto -> (Word8, ByteString)
getValueBytes (Value 0 m) | Map.null m = (0, mempty)
getValueBytes (Value n m) | Map.null m = (1, word64ToByteString (fromIntegral n))
getValueBytes (v@(Value _ _)) = (2, word16ToByteString n <> valBytes)
unJust (Just x) = x
unJust Nothing = error ("Value does not have compact form.")
valBytes = serialize' (unJust (toCompact v))
n :: Word16
n = fromIntegral (BS.length valBytes)

readVal :: forall crypto. CC.Crypto crypto => Word8 -> Int -> ByteString -> (Int, Value crypto)
readVal 0 i bs = (i,Value 0 Map.empty)
readVal 0 i bs = (i, Value 0 Map.empty)
readVal 1 i bs = (j, Value (fromIntegral n) Map.empty)
where (j,n) = readWord64 i bs
readVal 2 i bs = (i3, fromCompact(unsafeDeserialize' bytes))
where (i2,n) = readWord16 i bs
(i3,bytes) = readByteString (fromIntegral n) i2 bs
(j, n) = readWord64 i bs
readVal 2 i bs = (i3, fromCompact (unsafeDeserialize' bytes))
(i2, n) = readWord16 i bs
(i3, bytes) = readByteString (fromIntegral n) i2 bs

-- ===================================================
-- It should be the case that getDataHashBytes and readDataHash are inverses?

getDataHashBytes :: StrictMaybe (DataHash crypto) -> (Word8,ByteString)
getDataHashBytes SNothing = (0,mempty)
getDataHashBytes (SJust mhash) = (1,safeHashToBytes mhash)
getDataHashBytes :: StrictMaybe (DataHash crypto) -> (Word8, ByteString)
getDataHashBytes SNothing = (0, mempty)
getDataHashBytes (SJust mhash) = (1, safeHashToBytes mhash)

readDataHash :: forall c. HashAlgorithm (CC.HASH c) => Word8 -> Int -> ByteString -> (Int, StrictMaybe (DataHash c))
readDataHash 0 i bs = (i,SNothing)
readDataHash 1 i bs = (i2,SJust (bytesToSafeHash bs2))
where (i2,bs2) = readByteString 28 i bs
readDataHash 0 i bs = (i, SNothing)
readDataHash 1 i bs = (i2, SJust (bytesToSafeHash bs2))
(i2, bs2) = readByteString 28 i bs

-- ===============================================

data CompactTxOut era
= PostByron !(StakeReference (Crypto era)) !ByteString
| Byron !(BootstrapAddress (Crypto era)) !ByteString

= PostByron !(StakeReference (Crypto era)) !ByteString
| Byron !(BootstrapAddress (Crypto era)) !ByteString

transTxOut ::
( Era era,
Show(Core.Value era),
Show (Core.Value era),
Core.Value era ~ Value (Crypto era)
) => TxOut era -> CompactTxOut era
) =>
TxOut era ->
CompactTxOut era
transTxOut (TxOut addr val dhash) =
case addrTag of
4 -> Byron undefined (valueBytes <> dhashBytes)
_ -> PostByron stake (tagBytes <> addrBytes <> valueBytes <>dhashBytes)
where (dhashTag,dhashBytes) = getDataHashBytes dhash
(valueTag,valueBytes) = getValueBytes val
(addrTag,stake,addrBytes) = getAddrBytes addr
tagBytes = pack[makeTag addrTag valueTag dhashTag]

decompactTxOut :: forall era.
case addrTag of
4 -> Byron undefined (valueBytes <> dhashBytes)
_ -> PostByron stake (tagBytes <> addrBytes <> valueBytes <> dhashBytes)
(dhashTag, dhashBytes) = getDataHashBytes dhash
(valueTag, valueBytes) = getValueBytes val
(addrTag, stake, addrBytes) = getAddrBytes addr
tagBytes = pack [makeTag addrTag valueTag dhashTag]

decompactTxOut ::
forall era.
( Era era,
Core.Value era ~ Value (Crypto era)
) => CompactTxOut era -> TxOut era
) =>
CompactTxOut era ->
TxOut era
decompactTxOut (PostByron stake bytes) = TxOut addr val dhash
where (i1,(addrtag,valtag,dhashtag)) = readTags 0 bytes
(i2,addr) = readAddr @(Crypto era) addrtag i1 stake bytes
(i3,val) = readVal @(Crypto era) valtag i2 bytes
(i4,dhash) = readDataHash @(Crypto era) dhashtag i3 bytes

(i1, (addrtag, valtag, dhashtag)) = readTags 0 bytes
(i2, addr) = readAddr @(Crypto era) addrtag i1 stake bytes
(i3, val) = readVal @(Crypto era) valtag i2 bytes
(i4, dhash) = readDataHash @(Crypto era) dhashtag i3 bytes

-- =============================================
showBS :: ByteString -> String
showBS bs = show(unpack bs)
showBS bs = show (unpack bs)

word64ToByteString :: Word64 -> ByteString
word64ToByteString w64 = pack(loop 8 w64 [])
where loop :: Word64 -> Word64 -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
loop 0 _ ans = ans
loop cnt n ans = loop (cnt - 1) (div n 256) ((fromIntegral (mod n 256)):ans)
word64ToByteString w64 = pack (loop 8 w64 [])
loop :: Word64 -> Word64 -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
loop 0 _ ans = ans
loop cnt n ans = loop (cnt - 1) (div n 256) ((fromIntegral (mod n 256)) : ans)

word16ToByteString :: Word16 -> ByteString
word16ToByteString w16 = pack(loop 2 w16 [])
where loop :: Word16 -> Word16 -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
loop 0 _ ans = ans
loop cnt n ans = loop (cnt - 1) (div n 256) ((fromIntegral (mod n 256)):ans)

word16ToByteString w16 = pack (loop 2 w16 [])
loop :: Word16 -> Word16 -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
loop 0 _ ans = ans
loop cnt n ans = loop (cnt - 1) (div n 256) ((fromIntegral (mod n 256)) : ans)

readWord8:: Int -> ByteString -> (Int,Word8)
readWord8 :: Int -> ByteString -> (Int, Word8)
readWord8 i bs | i > (BS.length bs -1) = error ("Not enough bytes to read a Word8")
readWord8 i bs = (i+1,index bs i)
readWord8 i bs = (i + 1, index bs i)

readTags:: Int -> ByteString -> (Int,(Word8,Word8,Word8))
readTags :: Int -> ByteString -> (Int, (Word8, Word8, Word8))
readTags i bs | i > (BS.length bs -1) = error ("Not enough bytes to read the Tags")
readTags i bs = (i+1,getTags(index bs i))

readWord64:: Int -> ByteString -> (Int,Word64)
readWord64 i bs | i+7 > BS.length bs = error ("Not enough bytes to read a Word64")
readWord64 i bs = (i+8,loop 0 0)
where loop :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64
loop i ans | i >= 8 = ans
loop i ans = loop (i+1) (ans * 256 + fromIntegral(index bs i))

readWord16:: Int -> ByteString -> (Int,Word16)
readWord16 i bs | i+2 > BS.length bs = error ("Not enough bytes to read a Word16")
readWord16 i bs = (i+2,loop 0 0)
where loop :: Int -> Word16 -> Word16
loop i ans | i >= 2 = ans
loop i ans = loop (i+1) (ans * 256 + fromIntegral(index bs i))
readTags i bs = (i + 1, getTags (index bs i))

readWord64 :: Int -> ByteString -> (Int, Word64)
readWord64 i bs | i + 7 > BS.length bs = error ("Not enough bytes to read a Word64")
readWord64 i bs = (i + 8, loop 0 0)
loop :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64
loop i ans | i >= 8 = ans
loop i ans = loop (i + 1) (ans * 256 + fromIntegral (index bs i))

readWord16 :: Int -> ByteString -> (Int, Word16)
readWord16 i bs | i + 2 > BS.length bs = error ("Not enough bytes to read a Word16")
readWord16 i bs = (i + 2, loop 0 0)
loop :: Int -> Word16 -> Word16
loop i ans | i >= 2 = ans
loop i ans = loop (i + 1) (ans * 256 + fromIntegral (index bs i))

-- | Read a (sub) ByteString of length 'len', starting at index 'i' from 'bs'
readByteString:: Int -> Int -> ByteString -> (Int,ByteString)
readByteString len i bs | i+len > BS.length bs =
error ("Not enough bytes to read a ByteString of length "++show len)
readByteString len i bs = (i+len,BS.take len (BS.drop i bs))
readByteString :: Int -> Int -> ByteString -> (Int, ByteString)
readByteString len i bs
| i + len > BS.length bs =
error ("Not enough bytes to read a ByteString of length " ++ show len)
readByteString len i bs = (i + len, BS.take len (BS.drop i bs))

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