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In this document we describe how to deploy a Shelley testnet and perform some operations on it.

The definition of the testnet (nodes, topology, etc) is done using nix.

Deployment of the testnet is done using nixops (which you do not need to install it, since it will be done by nix when entering a nix-shell). Using nixops means that creating, starting, stopping, and destroying the testnet, as well as performing operations on the nodes (like logging in to the via ssh) should be done via the nixops command. We'll see examples of such commands later on.

The instructions described here will allow you to deploy a testnet locally or on AWS-EC2 machines.


The following instructions assume you have a Unix system, and nix installed. Depending on where you want to deploy the tesnet, i.e. locally or on AWS, you need to perform different preparatory steps.

Local deployment

The local deployment uses libvirt. Make sure that you have it installed and properly configured.

To setup on NixOS first enable libvirtd:

{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
  virtualisation.libvirtd.enable             = true; = lib.mkForce true;
  networking.firewall.checkReversePath       = false;
  environment.systemPackages                 = with pkgs; [ virtmanager ];

On Ubuntu see these instructions.

For other Linux distros refer to their documentation on how to install libvirt.

After libvirt is installed and configured, check whether the default pool is available. Run as root:

virsh pool-list

You should see the following output:

 Name                 State      Autostart
 default              active     yes

If the default pool is not setup yet, as root run:

virsh pool-define /dev/stdin <<EOF
<pool type='dir'>
# virsh pool-start default
# virsh pool-autostart default

and check that the default pools is listed when running virsh pool-list.

In addition, nix uses large amounts of temporary storage, so you might want to make sure your runtime directory is large enough. Depending on your Linux distro, the way to achieve this might be modifying the value of RuntimeDirectorySize in /etc/systemd/logind.conf so that the runtime directory has a least 4G of space, but use 8 or 16 if possible to be on the safe side. After modifying that file you should log out and in again.

Finally, if you find out you did not allocated enough space for the temporary directory, you can either set the value of RuntimeDirectorySize to a larger value, or set the TMPDIR variable to point to a location with sufficient space.

AWS deployment

To deploy on AWS you need to add your ssh key to the cls-developers attribute in overlays/ssh-keys.nix. This file can be found in the ops-lib repository.

Configuring the deployment

To spin up a custom cluster first use the shelley pools example template. This features a setup with 1 OBFT node and 3 stakepools. The OBFT node is needed to bootstrap the network, and produce blocks. The 3 stakepools need to be registered and the decentralization parameter needs to be changed from 1 so that the pools can start producing blocks. We provide a script which performs these tasks and illustrates how they can be done.

Use this template to create the global topology files:

export MYENV=my-env # Choose the name of your environment.
cp examples/shelley-testnet/globals.nix globals-$MYENV.nix
ln -s globals-$MYENV.nix globals.nix
cp examples/shelley-testnet/topology.nix topologies/$MYENV.nix

After the files above are created change the enviromentName of globals-$MYENV.nix so that it matches the value of your environment ("my-env") in the preceding example.

pkgs: with pkgs.iohkNix.cardanoLib; rec {

  // ...
  environmentName = "my-env";

  // ...

Once the topology files are created and configured, you can enter the nix shell, which provides the environment for deployment, as well as bash completion for cardano-cli.


Alternatively, you can install lorri which provides a superior alternative to nix-shell. Installing and configuring lorri is outside of the scope of this tutorial.

Prior to running the testnet the genesis file and several keys for the nodes need to be created. This is done by running from a nix shell:


This script uses cardano-cli to generate a genesis file and the different types of keys the node needs. The generated keys will be placed in keys and the generated genesis file can be found at keys/genesis.json.

The genesis file generated by this script will specify the starting time of the network 10 minutes into the future. We do this to avoid missing blocks while we wait for the network to be deployed. The genesis files also specifies parameter values to change epochs every 3 minutes (see K, F, and SLOT_LENGTH in shell.nix). Feel free to tweak these numbers by modifying the create-shelley-genesis-and-keys script in the aforementioned file.

After all the files are in place (globals, topology, genesis, and keys), you're ready to create the deployment :shipit:

Creating a local deployment

The local deployment can be started using the following script on a nix-shell:


Creating a deployment on AWS

You can create an AWS deployment using the following script on a nix-shell:


Manipulating the testnet machines

The machines of the network can be created, accessed, and destroyed using nixops. When creating the deployment using any of the or scripts, the machines will be created and started for you.

Nixops provides several commands for manipulating the machines:

nixops stop
nixops start
nixops destroy
nixops deploy -k

In the deploy command above we use the -k flag to tell nixops to remove obsolete resources. You can omit this to keep them.

Bear in mind that stopping and starting the machines can cause the block production to halt, since there is a limit in the amount of blocks the network can miss.

To list the machines created by a nix deployment, run:

nixops info

The name of the machines returned by the command above can be used to ssh to any of the machines.

nixops ssh $NODE_NAME

To copy files to the machines one can use the nixops scp command:


Manipulating the node

In this section we describe operations on the nodes that are commonly used during tests (manual or automatic).

Updating cardano node

The cardano-ops repository uses niv to manage dependencies. To update cardano-node to use a specific branch run nix-shell:

niv update cardano-node -b <branch>

To list all the components managed by niv run:

niv show

Locating keys in the node

In the nodes they are stored in /var/lib/keys:

▶ ls /var/lib/keys
cardano-node-kes-signing  cardano-node-operational-cert  cardano-node-vrf-signing

Getting the node logs

The Cardano node is started as a service in every machine in the network. To query its status, once logged into a machine of the network, run:

systemctl status cardano-node

To show the logs of the last boot use:

journalctl -u cardano-node -b

To follow the logs use:

journalctl -u cardano-node -f -n40

Customizing logging levels

The logging configuration of a node is explained in the Cardano documentation. In this section we show how logging can be configured in the nix deployment.

To change the logging level of all the nodes you have to modify the globals-$MYENV.nix file. For example, to change the logging level of TraceBlockFetchProtocol in all nodes we can edit this file as follows:

nodeConfig = lib.recursiveUpdate environments.shelley_qa.nodeConfig {
      ShelleyGenesisFile = genesisFile;
      ShelleyGenesisHash = genesisHash;
      Protocol = "TPraos";
      TraceBlockFetchProtocol = true;

To change the logging level per-node you have to modify the topologies/$MYENV.nix file. For instance, to change the logging level of TraceBlockFetchProtocol in node a we can edit this file as follows:

      name = "a";
      nodeId = 1;
      org = "IOHK";
      region = "eu-central-1";
      producers = ["b" "c"];
      services.cardano-node.nodeConfig = {
        TraceBlockFetchProtocol = true;
        //... other settings

Querying the UTxO

To obtain the entire UTxO set, run:

cardano-cli query utxo --testnet-magic 42 --shelley-mode

Querying the UTxO for a specific address. First you need the verification key to obtain the address. For a verification key corresponding to an initial address you can obtain its associated address as follows:

cardano-cli genesis initial-addr \
                --testnet-magic 42 \
                --verification-key-file utxo.vkey

This will return an address like the following:


This address can be used to query a specific UTxO:

cardano-cli query utxo --testnet-magic 42 --shelley-mode\
     --address addr_test1vqrl9rphzv064dsfuc3dfumxwnsm8syhj4yucdkrtntxvyqcld79a

Querying protocol parameters

cardano-cli query protocol-parameters --testnet-magic 42 --shelley-mode

You can use the --out-file flag to output the result to a file.

Dumping the ledger state

cardano-cli query ledger-state --testnet-magic 42 --shelley-mode

Querying the stake distribution

Once stakepools are registered, you can check the portion of the stake they own by running:

cardano-cli query stake-distribution  --testnet-magic 42 --shelley-mode

Querying the blocks produced per-stakepool

You can dump the ledger state and look into the value to the nesBprev field or the nesBCur field to get the number of blocks produced per-stakepool in the previous and current epochs, respectively. For instance:

cardano-cli query ledger-state --testnet-magic 42 --shelley-mode | jq '.nesBcur'

Key hashing

The genesis file and cardano-cli's output use the hashes of the verification keys instead of the verification key itself. For this reason it might be useful to use the commands that cardano-cli provides for hashing keys. We show some examples below:

▶ cardano-cli genesis key-hash \
              --verification-key-file example/genesis-keys/genesis1.vkey

▶ cardano-cli genesis key-hash \
              --verification-key-file example/delegate-keys/delegate1.vkey

▶ cardano-cli node key-hash-VRF \
              --verification-key-file example/delegate-keys/delegate1.vrf.vkey
