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test: added rosetta CLI dsl files for transafer
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AlanVerbner committed Dec 2, 2020
1 parent 9e9ae36 commit 8c0298d
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Showing 2 changed files with 287 additions and 0 deletions.
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions test/check/configuration/construction/transfer-configuration.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
"online_url": "http://localhost:8081",
"network": {
"blockchain": "cardano",
"network": "testnet"
"http_timeout": 300,
"max_retries": 5,
"retry_elapsed_time": 0,
"max_online_connections": 0,
"max_sync_concurrency": 0,
"tip_delay": 1800,
"log_configuration": false,
"construction": {
"max_offline_connections": 0,
"offline_url": "http://localhost:8081",
"stale_depth": 0,
"broadcast_limit": 0,
"ignore_broadcast_failures": false,
"clear_broadcasts": false,
"broadcast_behind_tip": false,
"block_broadcast_limit": 0,
"rebroadcast_all": false,
"constructor_dsl_file": "../../workflows/transfer.ros",
"end_conditions": {
"create_account": 1,
"transfer": 1
257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions test/check/workflows/transfer.ros
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
currency = {"symbol":"ADA", "decimals":6};
random_account = find_balance({
"value": "0",
"currency": {{currency}}

// Create a separate scenario to request funds so that
// the address we are using to request funds does not
// get rolled back if funds do not yet exist.
loaded_account = find_balance({
"account_identifier": {{random_account.account_identifier}},
"value": "1000000",
"currency": {{currency}}

network = {"network":"testnet", "blockchain":"cardano"};
key = generate_key({"curve_type": "edwards25519"});
account = derive({
"network_identifier": {{network}},
"public_key": {{key.public_key}}

// If the account is not saved, the key will be lost!
"account_identifier": {{account.account_identifier}},
"keypair": {{key}}

transfer_dry_run{ = {"network":"testnet", "blockchain":"cardano"};
currency = {"symbol":"ADA", "decimals":6};

// We set the max_fee_amount to know how much buffer we should
// leave for fee payment when selecting a sender account.
dust_amount = "600";
max_fee_amount = "1000000";
send_buffer = {{dust_amount}} + {{max_fee_amount}};

// We look for a coin of value >= the reserved_amount to create
// a transfer with change (reserved_amount is max_fee_amount + dust_amount x 2).
reserved_amount = "2400";
sender = find_balance({
"value": {{reserved_amount}},
"currency": {{currency}}
"require_coin": true

// The amount we send to the recipient is a random value
// between the dust_amount and the value of the entire coin (minus
// the amount reserved for fee payment and covering the dust minimum
// of the change UTXO).
receivable_amount = {{sender.balance.value}} - {{send_buffer}};
recipient_amount = random_number({
"minimum": {{dust_amount}},
"maximum": {{receivable_amount}}

// The change amount is what we aren't sending to the recipient
// minus the maximum fee. Don't worry, we will adjust this
// amount to avoid overpaying the fee after the dry run
// completes.
raw_change_amount = {{sender.balance.value}} - {{recipient_amount}};
change_amount = {{raw_change_amount}} - {{max_fee_amount}};

// The last thing we need to do before creating the transaction
// is to find a recipient with a *types.AccountIdentifier that
// is not equal to the sender.
recipient = find_balance({
"value": "0",
"currency": {{currency}}
"create_limit": 100,
"create_probability": 50

sender_amount = 0 - {{sender.balance.value}};
transfer_dry_run.confirmation_depth = "1";
transfer_dry_run.dry_run = true;
transfer_dry_run.operations = [
"coin_change":{"coin_action":"coin_spent", "coin_identifier":{{sender.coin}}},
"status": "" // to be removed in 1.4.8
"status": "" // to be removed in 1.4.8
"status": "" // to be removed in 1.4.8
// The suggested_fee is returned in the /construction/metadata
// response and saved to transfer_dry_run.suggested_fee.
suggested_fee = find_currency_amount({

// We can access the variables of other scenarios, so we don't
// need to recalculate raw_change_amount.
change_amount = {{raw_change_amount}} - {{suggested_fee.value}}; = {{}};
transfer.confirmation_depth = {{transfer_dry_run.confirmation_depth}};
transfer.operations = [
"coin_change":{"coin_action":"coin_spent", "coin_identifier":{{sender.coin}}},
"status": "" // to be removed in 1.4.8
"status": "" // to be removed in 1.4.8
"status": "" // to be removed in 1.4.8

transfer_dry_run{ = {"network":"testnet", "blockchain":"cardano"};
currency = {"symbol":"ADA", "decimals":6};

// We look for a sender that is able to pay the
// max_fee_amount + min_utxo size (reserved_amount is max_fee_amount + min_utxo size).
max_fee_amount = "1200";
reserved_amount = "1800";
sender = find_balance({
"value": {{reserved_amount}},
"currency": {{currency}}
"require_coin": true

// We send the maximum amount available to the recipient. Don't worry
// we will modify this after the dry run to make sure we don't overpay.
recipient_amount = {{sender.balance.value}} - {{max_fee_amount}};

// We load the recipient address from an ENV.
recipient_address = load_env("RECIPIENT");
recipient = {"address": {{recipient_address}}};

sender_amount = 0 - {{sender.balance.value}};
transfer_dry_run.confirmation_depth = "1";
transfer_dry_run.dry_run = true;
transfer_dry_run.operations = [
"coin_change":{"coin_action":"coin_spent", "coin_identifier":{{sender.coin}}},
"status": "" // to be removed in 1.4.8
"status": "" // to be removed in 1.4.8
// The suggested_fee is returned in the /construction/metadata
// response and saved to transfer_dry_run.suggested_fee.
suggested_fee = find_currency_amount({

print_message({"Suggested fee", {{suggested_fee.value}}})
// We calculate the recipient_amount using the new suggested_fee
// and assert that it is above the minimum UTXO size.
recipient_amount = {{sender.balance.value}} - {{suggested_fee.value}};
dust_amount = "600";
recipient_minus_dust = {{recipient_amount}} - {{dust_amount}};
assert({{recipient_minus_dust}}); = {{}};
transfer.confirmation_depth = {{transfer_dry_run.confirmation_depth}};
transfer.operations = [
"coin_change":{"coin_action":"coin_spent", "coin_identifier":{{sender.coin}}},
"status": "" // to be removed in 1.4.8
"status": "" // to be removed in 1.4.8

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