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erikd committed Feb 12, 2019
1 parent 0746b64 commit bcb7e77
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Showing 5 changed files with 92 additions and 5 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions chain/src/Pos/Chain/Block/Header.hs
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Pos.Chain.Block.Header
, _BlockHeaderGenesis
, _BlockHeaderMain
, verifyBlockHeader
, headerLeaderKey

, HeaderHash
, headerHashF
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -675,6 +676,11 @@ mainHeaderSlot = gbhConsensus . mcdSlot
mainHeaderLeaderKey :: Lens' MainBlockHeader PublicKey
mainHeaderLeaderKey = gbhConsensus . mcdLeaderKey

headerLeaderKey :: BlockHeader -> Maybe PublicKey
headerLeaderKey = \case
BlockHeaderGenesis _ -> Nothing
BlockHeaderMain mbh -> Just $ view mainHeaderLeaderKey mbh

-- | Lens from 'MainBlockHeader' to 'ChainDifficulty'.
mainHeaderDifficulty :: Lens' MainBlockHeader ChainDifficulty
mainHeaderDifficulty = gbhConsensus . mcdDifficulty
Expand Down
81 changes: 80 additions & 1 deletion chain/test/Test/Pos/Chain/Block/Arbitrary.hs
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module Test.Pos.Chain.Block.Arbitrary
, genMainBlockBodyForSlot
, genMainBlock
, genHeaderAndParams
, genHeaderAndParams2
, genStubbedBHL
) where

Expand All @@ -34,7 +35,8 @@ import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Generic (genericArbitrary,

import Pos.Binary.Class (biSize)
import Pos.Chain.Block (ConsensusEraLeaders (..), HeaderHash,
mkMainBlock, mkMainBlockExplicit)
GenericBlockHeader (..), MainConsensusData (..),
mainHeaderLeaderKey, mkMainBlock, mkMainBlockExplicit)
import qualified Pos.Chain.Block as Block
import qualified Pos.Chain.Delegation as Core
import Pos.Chain.Genesis (GenesisHash (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -485,6 +487,83 @@ genHeaderAndParams pm era = do
return $ HeaderAndParams params header

genHeaderAndParams2 :: ProtocolMagic -> ConsensusEra -> Gen HeaderAndParams
genHeaderAndParams2 pm era = do
-- This integer is used as a seed to randomly choose a slot down below
seed <- arbitrary :: Gen Int
startSlot <- Core.SlotId <$> choose (0, bhlMaxStartingEpoch) <*> arbitrary
slotCount <- choose (1, 2)
(headers, _leaders) <- first reverse . getHeaderList <$>
(generateBHL pm era dummyGenesisHash True startSlot slotCount)
let num =
trace ("\n"
<> show headers <> "\n"
<> show _leaders <> "\n"
<> show (map Block.headerLeaderKey headers :: [Maybe PublicKey]) <> "\n" :: Text) $
length headers
-- 'skip' is the random number of headers that should be skipped in
-- the header chain. This ensures different parts of it are chosen
-- each time.
skip <- choose (0, num - 1)
let atMost2HeadersAndLeaders = take 2 $ drop skip headers
(prev, header) =
case atMost2HeadersAndLeaders of
[h] -> (Nothing, h)
[h1, h2] -> (Just h1, h2)
_ -> error "[BlockSpec] the headerchain doesn't have enough headers"
-- A helper function. Given integers 'x' and 'y', it chooses a
-- random integer in the interval [x, y]
betweenXAndY :: Random a => a -> a -> a
betweenXAndY x y = fst . randomR (x, y) $ mkStdGen seed
-- One of the fields in the 'VerifyHeaderParams' type is 'Just
-- SlotId'. The following binding is where it is calculated.
randomSlotBeforeThisHeader =
case header of
-- If the header is of the genesis kind, this field is
-- not needed.
Block.BlockHeaderGenesis _ -> Nothing
-- If it's a main blockheader, then a valid "current"
-- SlotId for testing is any with an epoch greater than
-- the header's epoch and with any slot index, or any in
-- the same epoch but with a greater or equal slot index
-- than the header.
Block.BlockHeaderMain h -> -- Nothing {-
let (Core.SlotId e s) = view Block.headerSlotL h
rndEpoch :: Core.EpochIndex
rndEpoch = betweenXAndY e maxBound
rndSlotIdx :: Core.LocalSlotIndex
rndSlotIdx = if rndEpoch > e
then betweenXAndY localSlotIndexMinBound (localSlotIndexMaxBound dummyEpochSlots)
else betweenXAndY s (localSlotIndexMaxBound dummyEpochSlots)
rndSlot = Core.SlotId rndEpoch rndSlotIdx
in Just rndSlot
hasUnknownAttributes =
not . areAttributesKnown $
case header of
Block.BlockHeaderGenesis h -> h ^. Block.gbhExtra . Block.gehAttributes
Block.BlockHeaderMain h -> h ^. Block.gbhExtra . Block.mehAttributes

thisEpochLeaderSchedule :: Maybe (NonEmpty (Core.AddressHash PublicKey))
thisEpochLeaderSchedule = nonEmpty (mapMaybe (fmap Core.addressHash . Block.headerLeaderKey) atMost2HeadersAndLeaders)
params = Block.VerifyHeaderParams
{ Block.vhpPrevHeader = prev
, Block.vhpCurrentSlot = randomSlotBeforeThisHeader
, Block.vhpLeaders =
-- trace ("\n" <> show (Core.getSlotCount dummyEpochSlots, thisEpochStartIndex, leaders) <> "\n" :: Text) .
case era of
Original -> OriginalLeaders <$> thisEpochLeaderSchedule
OBFT ObftStrict -> ObftStrictLeaders <$> thisEpochLeaderSchedule
OBFT ObftLenient -> do
ls <- thisEpochLeaderSchedule
pure $ ObftLenientLeaders (Set.fromList (toList ls))
(Core.BlockCount 5)
(OldestFirst [])
, Block.vhpMaxSize = Just (biSize header)
, Block.vhpVerifyNoUnknown = not hasUnknownAttributes
, Block.vhpConsensusEra = era
return $ HeaderAndParams params header

-- | A lot of the work to generate a valid sequence of blockheaders has
-- already been done in the 'Arbitrary' instance of the 'BlockHeaderList'
-- type, so it is used here and at most 3 blocks are taken from the generated
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions chain/test/Test/Pos/Chain/Block/BlockSpec.hs
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Pos.Chain.Block (BlockHeader (..), BlockSignature (..),
import qualified Pos.Chain.Block as Block
import Pos.Chain.Delegation (HeavyDlgIndex (..))
import Pos.Chain.Genesis (GenesisHash (..))
import Pos.Chain.Update (ConsensusEra (..))
import Pos.Chain.Update (ConsensusEra (..), ObftConsensusStrictness (..))
import Pos.Core (EpochIndex (..), SlotId (..), difficultyL)
import Pos.Core.Attributes (mkAttributes)
import Pos.Core.Chrono (NewestFirst (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,9 @@ spec = describe "Block properties" $ modifyMaxSuccess (min 20) $ do

spec2 :: Spec
spec2 = describe "Slot leaders" $ modifyMaxSuccess (min 20) $
prop "Successfully verifies a correct main block header" $ \ b -> b === (b :: Bool)
prop "Successfully verifies a correct main block header" $ \ pm ->
forAll (BT.genHeaderAndParams2 pm (OBFT ObftStrict)) $ \ hap ->
Block.verifyHeader pm (hapParams hap) (hapHeader hap) === VerSuccess

-- | Both of the following tests are boilerplate - they use `mkGenericHeader` to create
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion chain/test/test.hs
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Test.Pos.Chain.Block.BlockSpec (spec2)

main :: IO ()
main =
if True
if False
then existingTests
else hspec spec2

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion stack.yaml
Expand Up @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ ghc-options:
cardano-sl-auxx: -Wall -Werror -Wcompat -fwarn-redundant-constraints
cardano-sl-binary: -Wall -Werror -Wcompat -fwarn-redundant-constraints
cardano-sl-binary-test: -Wall -Werror -Wcompat -fwarn-redundant-constraints
cardano-sl-chain: -Wall -Werror -Wcompat -fwarn-redundant-constraints
cardano-sl-chain: -fwarn-redundant-constraints
cardano-sl-chain-test: -Wall -Werror -Wcompat -fwarn-redundant-constraints
cardano-sl-client: -Wall -Werror -Wcompat -fwarn-redundant-constraints
cardano-sl-core: -Wall -Werror -Wcompat -fwarn-redundant-constraints
Expand Down

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