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nc6 committed May 8, 2024
1 parent c43f828 commit 0ff4fef
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219 changes: 219 additions & 0 deletions src/Codec/CBOR/Cuddle/CBOR/Validate.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Codec.CBOR.Cuddle.CBOR.Validate (toAnnTerm, validateAnnTerm) where

import Capability.Reader
import Capability.Source
import Codec.CBOR.Cuddle.CDDL
import Codec.CBOR.Cuddle.CDDL.CTree (CTree, CTreeRoot')
import Codec.CBOR.Cuddle.CDDL.CTree qualified as CTree
import Codec.CBOR.Cuddle.CDDL.Postlude (PTerm (..))
import Codec.CBOR.Cuddle.CDDL.Resolve (MonoRef)
import Codec.CBOR.Term (Term (..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (Identity))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as TL
import Data.Word (Word64, Word8)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

-- Slightly modified term tree

-- We add a new term tree for the following reasons:
-- - Making the recursive structure clearer
-- - Allowing annotation with the corresponding CDDL

-- | Primitive term, that is, one which does not have any subterms
data PrimTerm
= PInt !Int
| PInteger !Integer
| PBytes !ByteString
| PString !Text
| PBool !Bool
| PSimple !Word8
| PHalf !Float
| PFloat !Float
| PDouble !Double
| PNull

newtype ListTerm f = ListTerm (f [AnnTerm f])

newtype MapTerm f = MapTerm (f [(AnnTerm f, AnnTerm f)])

data AnnTerm f where
Prim :: PrimTerm -> AnnTerm f
List :: ListTerm f -> AnnTerm f
Map :: MapTerm f -> AnnTerm f
Tagged :: Word64 -> f (AnnTerm f) -> AnnTerm f

toAnnTerm :: Term -> AnnTerm Identity
toAnnTerm (TInt i) = Prim $ PInt i
toAnnTerm (TInteger i) = Prim $ PInteger i
toAnnTerm (TBytes b) = Prim $ PBytes b
toAnnTerm (TBytesI b) = Prim $ PBytes (BL.toStrict b)
toAnnTerm (TString b) = Prim $ PString b
toAnnTerm (TStringI b) = Prim $ PString (TL.toStrict b)
toAnnTerm (TList l) = List . ListTerm . Identity $ fmap toAnnTerm l
toAnnTerm (TListI l) = List . ListTerm . Identity $ fmap toAnnTerm l
toAnnTerm (TMap m) = Map . MapTerm . Identity $ fmap (bimap toAnnTerm toAnnTerm) m
toAnnTerm (TMapI m) = Map . MapTerm . Identity $ fmap (bimap toAnnTerm toAnnTerm) m
toAnnTerm (TTagged w t) = Tagged w . Identity $ toAnnTerm t
toAnnTerm (TBool b) = Prim $ PBool b
toAnnTerm TNull = Prim PNull
toAnnTerm (TSimple w) = Prim $ PSimple w
toAnnTerm (THalf f) = Prim $ PHalf f
toAnnTerm (TFloat f) = Prim $ PFloat f
toAnnTerm (TDouble f) = Prim $ PDouble f

-- Validating the tree

-- Need to validate along the Term tree

validatePrimTerm :: PrimTerm -> CTree f -> Bool
validatePrimTerm pt c = case c of
CTree.Literal v -> case (pt, v) of
(termInteger -> n, valueInteger -> m) | n == m -> True
(PHalf m, VFloat16 n) | n == m -> True
(PFloat m, VFloat32 n) | n == m -> True
(PDouble m, VFloat64 n) | n == m -> True
(PString s, VText r) | r == s -> True
(PBytes s, VBytes r) | r == s -> True
_ -> False
CTree.Postlude v -> case (v, pt) of
(PTBool, PBool _) -> True
(PTUInt, PInt _) -> True
(PTUInt, PInteger _) -> True
(PTNInt, PInt n) | n < 0 -> True
(PTNInt, PInteger n) | n < 0 -> True
(PTInt, PInt _) -> True
(PTInt, PInteger _) -> True
(PTHalf, PHalf _) -> True
(PTFloat, PFloat _) -> True
(PTDouble, PDouble _) -> True
(PTBytes, PBytes _) -> True
(PTText, PString _) -> True
(PTAny, _) -> True
(PTNil, _) -> False
_ -> False
_ -> False
-- Interpret a term as an integer type for comparison
termInteger (PInt n) = Just $ fromIntegral n
termInteger (PInteger n) = Just n
termInteger _ = Nothing
-- Interpret a value as an integer for comparison
valueInteger (VUInt n) = Just $ fromIntegral n
valueInteger (VNInt n) = Just $ fromIntegral n
valueInteger (VBignum n) = Just n
valueInteger _ = Nothing

newtype ValidateEnv = ValidateEnv
{ cddl :: CTreeRoot' Identity MonoRef
deriving (Generic)

newtype ValidateM a = ValidateM {runValidateM :: Reader ValidateEnv a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
( HasSource "cddl" (CTreeRoot' Identity MonoRef),
HasReader "cddl" (CTreeRoot' Identity MonoRef)
via Field "cddl" () (MonadReader (Reader ValidateEnv))

data ValidationFailure
= PrimTypeValidationFailed
| MissingRequiredEntry (CTree MonoRef)
| MultipleFailures [ValidationFailure]

instance Semigroup ValidationFailure where
(MultipleFailures xs) <> (MultipleFailures ys) = MultipleFailures (xs <> ys)
(MultipleFailures xs) <> y = MultipleFailures (y : xs)
x <> (MultipleFailures ys) = MultipleFailures (x : ys)
x <> y = MultipleFailures [x, y]

data ValidationResult
= -- | The term validates against the given CDDL item, and need not be validated
-- further.
| -- | The term validates against the given CDDL item, but only because the
-- given CDDL production is optional. The term still needs to be validated
-- against a matching term.
| -- | The term fails validation against the given CDDL item, which must be matched.

-- | Annotate an 'AnnTree' with the result of validation.
data ValidatedWith ct a
= Valid a ct
| -- | The node fails to validate against the given CDDL item(s), which must be
-- matched.
Invalid a [ct] ValidationFailure
| -- | Indicates that the subtree was not validated, probably because a
-- higher-level node did not validate.
Unvalidated a

-- | Given a functor-parametrised algebra 'fp' and a thing to validate it
-- against, construct the 'ValidatedWith' that closes that algebra over the
-- 'ValidatedWith' functor.
type VWith fp ct = ValidatedWith ct (fp (ValidatedWith ct))

-- | Validated term
type VTerm = VWith AnnTerm (CTree MonoRef)

validateList ::
ListTerm Identity ->
[CTree MonoRef] ->
-- We return a ValidatedWith, since there can be failures related to the
-- entire list, rather than individual terms.
ValidateM (VWith ListTerm [CTree MonoRef])
validateList lt@(ListTerm terms) againstTerms = case go terms againstTerms of
Right acc -> pure $ Valid againstTerms acc
Left (acc, cts) ->
validateEmptyList cts >>= \case
Right _ -> pure $ Valid lt acc
Left vf -> pure $ Invalid againstTerms acc vf
go (t : xs) cts acc = case goTerm t cts of
Right (vt, cts') -> go xs cts' (vt : acc)
Left ivt -> go xs cts (ivt : acc)
go [] [] acc = Right acc
go [] cts acc = Left (acc, cts)
-- Attempt to validate a list entry against a configuration tree
validateListEntry :: AnnTerm Identity -> CTree MonoRef -> ValidateM ValidationResult
validateListEntry at ct = undefined

-- | Validate that an empty list is allowable given the remaining entries which
-- should form part of the list.
validateEmptyList :: [CTree MonoRef] -> ValidateM (Either ValidationFailure ())
validateEmptyList [] = pure $ Right ()
validateEmptyList xs = do
mfs <- traverse validateMissingEntry xs
case catMaybes mfs of
[] -> pure $ Right ()
errs -> pure . Left $ MultipleFailures errs
-- Check that it is allowed to miss an entry. If not, construct the
-- validation failure
validateMissingEntry :: CTree MonoRef -> ValidateM (Maybe ValidationFailure)
validateMissingEntry ct@(CTree.Occur _ oi) =
if oiLowerBound oi == 0
then pure Nothing
else pure $ Just (MissingRequiredEntry ct)
validateMissingEntry ct = error $ "Invalid entry in CTree list: " <> show ct

validateAnnTerm :: AnnTerm Identity -> CTree MonoRef -> ValidateM VTerm
validateAnnTerm at@(Prim pt) ct =
if validatePrimTerm pt ct
then pure $ Valid ct at
else pure $ Invalid ct at PrimTypeValidationFailed
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/Codec/CBOR/Cuddle/CDDL.hs
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Expand Up @@ -258,6 +258,14 @@ data OccurrenceIndicator

instance Hashable OccurrenceIndicator

-- | Get the lower bound of an occurrence indicator
oiLowerBound :: OccurrenceIndicator -> Word64
oiLowerBound OIOptional = 0
oiLowerBound OIZeroOrMore = 0
oiLowerBound OIOneOrMore = 1
oiLowerBound (OIBounded Nothing _) = 0
oiLowerBound (OIBounded (Just i) _) = i

-- |
-- A group matches any sequence of key/value pairs that matches any of
-- the choices given (again using PEG semantics).
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Codec/CBOR/Cuddle/CDDL/CTree.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Codec.CBOR.Cuddle.CDDL
import Codec.CBOR.Cuddle.CDDL.CtlOp
import Codec.CBOR.Cuddle.CDDL.CtlOp (CtlOp)
import Codec.CBOR.Cuddle.CDDL.Postlude (PTerm)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
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