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nix: switch to simple flake
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disassembler committed May 30, 2023
1 parent 399406e commit 2311606
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,331 additions and 454 deletions.
1,136 changes: 1,136 additions & 0 deletions flake.lock

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions flake.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
description = "ekg-forward";

inputs = {
haskellNix.url = "github:input-output-hk/haskell.nix";
haskellNix.inputs.tullia.follows = "tullia";
nixpkgs.follows = "haskellNix/nixpkgs-unstable";
iohkNix.url = "github:input-output-hk/iohk-nix";
flake-utils.url = "github:hamishmack/flake-utils/hkm/nested-hydraJobs";

CHaP.url = "github:input-output-hk/cardano-haskell-packages?ref=repo";
CHaP.flake = false;

# cicero
tullia.url = "github:input-output-hk/tullia";

# non-flake nix compatibility
flake-compat.url = "github:edolstra/flake-compat";
flake-compat.flake = false;

outputs = inputs: let
supportedSystems = [
inputs.flake-utils.lib.eachSystem supportedSystems (
system: let
# setup our nixpkgs with the haskell.nix overlays, and the iohk-nix
# overlays...
nixpkgs = import inputs.nixpkgs {
overlays =
++ builtins.attrValues inputs.iohkNix.overlays;
inherit system;
inherit (inputs.haskellNix) config;
inherit (nixpkgs) lib;

# We use cabalProject' to ensure we don't build the plan for
# all systems.
cabalProject = nixpkgs.haskell-nix.cabalProject' {
src = ./.;
name = "ekg-forward";
compiler-nix-name = "ghc8107";

# CHaP input map, so we can find CHaP packages (needs to be more
# recent than the index-state we set!). Can be updated with
# nix flake lock --update-input CHaP
inputMap = {
"" = inputs.CHaP;

# tools we want in our shell
# TODO: removed tools to get building properly = {
cabal = "";
#ghcid = "0.8.8";
#haskell-language-server = "latest";
#hlint = {};
#fourmolu = "";
# Now we use pkgsBuildBuild, to make sure that even in the cross
# compilation setting, we don't run into issues where we pick tools
# for the target.
#shell.nativeBuildInputs = with nixpkgs.pkgsBuildBuild; [
# (pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme recommonmark sphinx-markdown-tables sphinxemoji]))
# haskellPackages.implicit-hie
shell.withHoogle = false;

# package customizations as needed. Where cabal.project is not
# specific enough, or doesn't allow setting these.
modules = [
({pkgs, ...}: {
# Use our forked libsodium from iohk-nix crypto overlay.
packages.cardano-crypto-class.components.library.pkgconfig = lib.mkForce [[pkgs.libsodium-vrf pkgs.secp256k1]];
packages.cardano-crypto-praos.components.library.pkgconfig = lib.mkForce [[pkgs.libsodium-vrf]];
packages.ekg-forward = {
configureFlags = ["--ghc-option=-Werror"];
components = {
tests.ekg-forward-golden = {
preCheck = ''
# ... and construct a flake from the cabal project
flake =
cabalProject.flake (
# we also want cross compilation to windows.
lib.optionalAttrs (system == "x86_64-linux") {
#crossPlatforms = p: [p.mingwW64];
# add cicero logic.
// (let
actionCiInputName = "GitHub event";
inputs.tullia.fromSimple system {
tasks = {
ci = {
}: {
preset = {
nix.enable = true; = {
# Tullia tasks can run locally or on Cicero.
# When no facts are present we know that we are running locally and vice versa.
# When running locally, the current directory is already bind-mounted into the container,
# so we don't need to fetch the source from GitHub and we don't want to report a GitHub status.
enable = config.actionRun.facts != {};
repository = "input-output-hk/ekg-forward";
remote = config.preset.github.lib.readRepository actionCiInputName null;
revision = config.preset.github.lib.readRevision actionCiInputName null;

command.text = config.preset.github.status.lib.reportBulk {
bulk.text = ''
nix eval .#hydraJobs --apply __attrNames --json |
nix-systems -i |
jq 'with_entries(select(.value))' # filter out systems that we cannot build for
each.text = ''nix build -L .#hydraJobs."$1".required'';
skippedDescription = lib.escapeShellArg "No nix builder for this system";

memory = 1024 * 8;
nomad.driver = "exec";
nomad.resources.cpu = 10000;

actions = {
"ekg-forward/ci" = {
task = "ci";
io = ''
// This is a CUE expression that defines what events trigger a new run of this action.
// There is no documentation for this yet. Ask SRE if you have trouble changing this.
let github = {
#input: "${actionCiInputName}"
#repo: "input-output-hk/ekg-forward"
#ios: [
{, github, #default_branch: true},
{, github},
nixpkgs.lib.recursiveUpdate flake rec {
# add a required job, that's basically all hydraJobs.
hydraJobs =
nixpkgs.callPackages inputs.iohkNix.utils.ciJobsAggregates
ciJobs = flake.hydraJobs;
legacyPackages = rec {
inherit cabalProject;
# also provide hydraJobs through legacyPackages to allow building without system prefix:
inherit hydraJobs;
# `nix develop .#profiling`: a shell with profiling enabled
devShells.profiling = (cabalProject.appendModule {modules = [{enableLibraryProfiling = true;}];}).shell;
# formatter used by nix fmt
formatter = nixpkgs.alejandra;

nixConfig = {
extra-substituters = [
extra-trusted-public-keys = [
allow-import-from-derivation = true;
49 changes: 0 additions & 49 deletions nix/default.nix

This file was deleted.

99 changes: 0 additions & 99 deletions nix/haskell.nix

This file was deleted.

14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions nix/pkgs.nix

This file was deleted.

5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions nix/

This file was deleted.

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