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mcsherrylabs authored and AlanVerbner committed Aug 1, 2017
1 parent 50f1f0d commit ae25aaa
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Showing 6 changed files with 278 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,4 +72,4 @@ testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument("-oD")
(scalastyleConfig in Test) := baseDirectory.value / "scalastyle-test-config.xml"
scalastyleSources in Test ++= {(unmanagedSourceDirectories in Integration).value}

mainClass in Compile := Some("io.iohk.ethereum.App")
//mainClass in Compile := Some("io.iohk.ethereum.App")
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/resources/application.conf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ grothendieck {
client-version = "grothendieck/v0.1"

# Base directory where all the data used by the node is stored, including blockchain data and private keys
datadir = ${user.home}"/.grothendieck"
datadir = "/home/alan/data/etc-client-data/adam_fast_sync/grothendieck"

# The unencrypted private key of this node
node-key-file = ${grothendieck.datadir}"/nodeId.keys"
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ class LevelDBDataSource(
extends DataSource {

def iterator() = db.iterator()

* This function obtains the associated value to a key, if there exists one.
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ trait KeyValueStorage[K, V, T <: KeyValueStorage[K, V, T]] extends SimpleMap[K,
def get(key: K): Option[V] = dataSource.get(namespace, keySerializer(key)).map(valueDeserializer)

def has(key: K): Boolean = dataSource.get(namespace, keySerializer(key)).isDefined

* This function updates the KeyValueStorage by deleting, updating and inserting new (key-value) pairs
* in the current namespace.
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/io/iohk/ethereum/domain/Blockchain.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,6 +171,9 @@ class BlockchainImpl(
override def getBlockHeaderByHash(hash: ByteString): Option[BlockHeader] =

def hasBlockBodyByHash(hash: ByteString): Boolean =

override def getBlockBodyByHash(hash: ByteString): Option[BlockBody] =

Expand Down
269 changes: 269 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/io/iohk/ethereum/mpt/Export.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
package io.iohk.ethereum.mpt

import java.util.Map.Entry

import akka.util.ByteString
import io.iohk.ethereum.domain.BlockchainImpl
import io.iohk.ethereum.nodebuilder.{BlockChainBuilder, ShutdownHookBuilder, StorageBuilder, Node => NodeApp}
import io.iohk.ethereum.utils.Logger
import org.spongycastle.util.encoders.Hex

import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

object Export extends StorageBuilder with
BlockChainBuilder with
ShutdownHookBuilder with
Logger {

case object RolledUpStats {
var keyCount: BigInt = 0
var keyByteCount: BigInt = 0
var valueByteCount: BigInt = 0

def totalByteCount = keyByteCount + valueByteCount

val stats: Map[IndexedSeq[Byte], Stats] = Map(
Namespaces.AppStateNamespace -> Stats("AppStateNamespace"),
Namespaces.BodyNamespace -> Stats("BodyNamespace"),
Namespaces.CodeNamespace -> Stats("CodeNamespace"),
Namespaces.FastSyncStateNamespace -> Stats("FastSyncStateNamespace"),
Namespaces.HeaderNamespace -> Stats("HeaderNamespace"),
Namespaces.HeightsNamespace -> Stats("HeightsNamespace"),
Namespaces.KnownNodesNamespace -> Stats("KnownNodesNamespace"),
Namespaces.NodeNamespace -> Stats("NodeNamespace"),
Namespaces.ReceiptsNamespace -> Stats("ReceiptsNamespace"),
Namespaces.TotalDifficultyNamespace -> Stats("TotalDifficultyNamespace"),
Namespaces.TransactionMappingNamespace -> Stats("TransactionMappingNamespace")

def apply(key: Array[Byte], value:Array[Byte]): Unit = {
keyCount += 1
keyByteCount += key.length
valueByteCount += value.length
val keyCode = IndexedSeq(key.head)
stats(keyCode)(key, value)

case class Stats(name: String) {
var keyCount: BigInt = 0
var keyByteCount: BigInt = 0
var valueByteCount: BigInt = 0

def apply(key: Array[Byte], value:Array[Byte]): Unit = {
keyCount += 1
keyByteCount += key.length
valueByteCount += value.length

def totalByteCount = keyByteCount + valueByteCount

def percentageSize: Double = {
if(totalByteCount > 0) {
((totalByteCount.toDouble / RolledUpStats.totalByteCount.toDouble) * 100).round
} else 0

def tryAndLogFailure(f: () => Any): Unit = Try(f()) match {
case Failure(e) => log.warn("Error while shutting down...", e.getMessage)
case Success(_) =>

override def shutdown(): Unit = {
tryAndLogFailure(() => storagesInstance.dataSources.closeAll())

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
try {
println("Begin analysis ... ")
} finally {
Num key values is 419196, total key size 12772256, total value size 106668601
Total bytes = 119440857
Exported 19399226
Export done ...
Num key values is 116398338, total key size 3813442561, total value size 41312341905

def listMissingBlocks(): Unit = {
var headerMissing = 0
var bodyMissing = 0
var headerFound = 0

val start = System.currentTimeMillis()

(0 to 4300000) foreach { i =>
val header = blockchain.getBlockHeaderByNumber(i) match {
case Some(header) => headerFound += 1; if(false == blockchain.asInstanceOf[BlockchainImpl].hasBlockBodyByHash(header.hash)) {println(s"BlockBody $i is missing"); bodyMissing += 1; }
case _ => println(s"BlockHeader $i is missing"); headerMissing += 1
if(i % 200000 == 0) {
var now: Double = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
println(s"Up to $i. Header found = $headerFound, header missing = $headerMissing, body missing = $bodyMissing in ${now/1000/60}")
var taken: Double = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
println(s"Header found = $headerFound, header missing = $headerMissing, body missing = $bodyMissing in ${taken/1000/60}")

def removeKnownNodes(): Unit = {
val known = storagesInstance.storages.knownNodesStorage.getKnownNodes()
println("Known ... ")
known.foreach(u => println(u))
storagesInstance.storages.knownNodesStorage.updateKnownNodes(toAdd = Set(), toRemove = known)
println("Known deleted ... ")
val nowKnown = storagesInstance.storages.knownNodesStorage.getKnownNodes()
println("Now known ... ")
nowKnown.foreach(u => println(u))
println("Now known ... END ")

def analysis(): Unit = {

foreachStorage((k,v) => RolledUpStats(k, v))

println(s"Num key values is ${RolledUpStats.keyCount}" +
s", total key size ${RolledUpStats.keyByteCount}" +
s", total value size ${RolledUpStats.valueByteCount}")

RolledUpStats.stats.values.foreach(s => println(s"${} -> ${s.percentageSize}"))

def foreachStorage(f: (Array[Byte], Array[Byte]) => Unit): Unit = {

val iter = storagesInstance.dataSource.iterator()

try {

while (iter.hasNext) {
val elem: Entry[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] =
val key = elem.getKey
f(key, elem.getValue)
} finally iter.close()


type ProcessCache[T] = List[T] => Unit

class Cache[T](maxBufferSize: Int, f: ProcessCache[T], private var buffer: List[T] = List()) {

def cacheOr(node: T){
buffer :+ node
if(buffer.size > maxBufferSize) f(buffer)
buffer = List()

def close() : Unit = {
buffer = List()

/*def export(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
import MerklePatriciaTrie._
def writeNodesToMoveStorage(nodes: List[Node]): Unit = {
val kvs = => ByteString(n.hash) -> n.encode)
storagesInstance.storages.moveNodeStorage.update(Seq(), kvs)
def deleteNodeKeys(keys: List[NodeHash]): Unit = {
storagesInstance.storages.nodeStorage.update(keys, Seq())
def deleteMoveNodeKeys(keys: List[NodeHash]): Unit = {
storagesInstance.storages.moveNodeStorage.update(keys, Seq())
def renameKeys(kvs: List[(Array[Byte], Array[Byte])]): Unit = {
val mapped = => ByteString(kv._1) -> kv._2)
storagesInstance.storages.nodeStorage.update(Seq(), mapped)
var count = 0
val cache = new Cache[Node](1000, writeNodesToMoveStorage)
def save(node: Node): Node = {
count += 1
if (count % 5000 == 0) println(s"Count now $count")
def exports(nodes: Seq[Node]): Unit = nodes map export
def export(node: Node): Unit = save(node) match {
case ExtensionNode(_, Right(n), _) => export(n)
case ExtensionNode(_, Left(bs), _) =>
val n = MerklePatriciaTrie.getNode(bs, storagesInstance.storages.nodeStorage)
case BranchNode(children, _, _) =>
case Some(Right(n)) => n
case Some(Left(bs)) => MerklePatriciaTrie.getNode(bs, storagesInstance.storages.nodeStorage)
case _ =>
val topBlock = storagesInstance.storages.appStateStorage.getBestBlockNumber()
val header = blockchain.getBlockHeaderByNumber(topBlock)
val stateTrieRoot = header.getOrElse(throw new Error("Cannot continue")).stateRoot
val n = MerklePatriciaTrie.getNode(stateTrieRoot.toArray, storagesInstance.storages.nodeStorage)
println(s"Exported to 'm' $count")
val cacheToDelete = new Cache[NodeHash](1000, deleteNodeKeys)
foreachStorage((key, value) => {
if (key.head == 'n'.toByte) cacheToDelete.cacheOr(ByteString(key.tail))
println(s"Done deleting 'n's ")
val cacheToRename = new Cache[(Array[Byte], Array[Byte])](1000, renameKeys)
foreachStorage((key, value) => {
if (key.head == 'm'.toByte) cacheToRename.cacheOr((key.tail, value))
println(s"Done renaming 'm's to 'n's")
val cacheToDeleteMoved = new Cache[NodeHash](1000, deleteMoveNodeKeys)
foreachStorage((key, value) => {
if (key.head == 'm'.toByte) cacheToDeleteMoved.cacheOr(ByteString(key.tail))
println(s"Done deleting 'm's")


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