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sevanspowell committed Aug 3, 2020
1 parent cffb959 commit 64e52fb
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Showing 3 changed files with 121 additions and 2 deletions.
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions lib/cover-files-only.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
{ pkgs, stdenv, lib, haskellLib }:


buildWithCoverage = (d: d.covered);
runCheck = (d: haskellLib.check d);

# drvs' = buildWithCoverage drvs;
# drvSources = (d: d.src.outPath) drvs;
# testsWithCoverage = buildWithCoverage tests;
# checks' = runCheck testsWithCoverage;
drvs' = null;
drvSources = null;
testsWithCoverage = null;
checks' = null;

projects' = (p:
rec {
name =;
drv = p.drv.covered;
testsWithCoverage = buildWithCoverage p.tests;
checks = runCheck testsWithCoverage;
) projects;

doThis = p: ''
mkdir $out/share/hpc/mix/${}
for drv in ${lib.concatStringsSep " " ([ p.drv ] ++ p.testsWithCoverage)}; do
# Copy over mix files
local mixDir=$(findMixDir $drv)
echo "MixDir: $mixDir"
cp -R $mixDir/* $out/share/hpc/mix/${}

in stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "coverage-report";

inherit checks' drvs' drvSources;

phases = ["buildPhase"];

buildInputs = (with pkgs.haskellPackages; [

buildPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/share/hpc/mix
mkdir -p $out/share/hpc/tix
mkdir -p $out/share/hpc/tix/all
findMixDir() {
find $1 -iwholename "*/hpc/vanilla/mix" -exec find {} -maxdepth 1 -type d -iwholename "*/mix/*" \; -quit
findCabalFile() {
find $1 -iname "*.cabal" -print -quit
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" ( doThis projects')}

# for check in ${lib.concatStringsSep " " checks'}; do
# cp -R $check/share/hpc/tix/* $out/share/hpc/tix
# done

# # For each derivation to generate coverage for
# for drv in ${lib.concatStringsSep " " (drvs' ++ testsWithCoverage)}; do
# # Copy over mix files
# local mixDir=$(findMixDir $drv)
# echo "MixDir: $mixDir"
# cp -R $mixDir/* $out/share/hpc/mix/
# done

# excludedModules=("Main")
# for drv in ${lib.concatStringsSep " " drvSources}; do
# # Exclude test modules
# local cabalFile=$(findCabalFile $drv)
# for module in $(${pkgs.cq}/bin/cq $cabalFile testModules | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq ".[]"); do
# excludedModules+=("$module")
# done
# done
# echo "''${excludedModules[@]}"

# tixFile="$out/share/hpc/tix/all/all.tix"
# hpcSumCmd=("hpc" "sum" "--union" "--output=$tixFile")
# for check in ${lib.concatStringsSep " " checks'}; do
# for tix in $(find $check -name '*.tix' -print); do
# hpcSumCmd+=("$tix")
# done
# done
# for exclude in ''${excludedModules[@]}; do
# hpcSumCmd+=("--exclude=$exclude")
# done
# echo "''${hpcSumCmd[@]}"
# eval "''${hpcSumCmd[@]}"
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions lib/default.nix
Expand Up @@ -244,6 +244,10 @@ in {
inherit stdenv lib haskellLib;

coverageReport' = import ./cover-files-only.nix {
inherit stdenv lib haskellLib pkgs;

# Use `isCrossHost` to identify when we are cross compiling and
# the code we are producing will not run on the build system
# without an emulator.
Expand Down
19 changes: 17 additions & 2 deletions overlays/haskell.nix
Expand Up @@ -473,11 +473,13 @@ final: prev: {
{ compiler.nix-name = args.compiler-nix-name; };
extra-hackages = args.extra-hackages or [];
in addProjectAndPackageAttrs {
in addProjectAndPackageAttrs rec {
inherit (pkg-set.config) hsPkgs;
inherit pkg-set;
plan-nix = callProjectResults.projectNix;
inherit (callProjectResults) index-state;

coverageReport = projectCoverageReport (haskellLib.selectProjectPackages hsPkgs);

# Take `hsPkgs` from the `rawProject` and update all the packages and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,7 +511,7 @@ final: prev: {

cabalProject = args: let p = cabalProject' args;
in p.hsPkgs // {
inherit (p) plan-nix;
inherit (p) plan-nix coverageReport;
# Provide `nix-shell -A shells.ghc` for users migrating from the reflex-platform.
# But we should encourage use of `nix-shell -A shellFor`
shells.ghc = p.hsPkgs.shellFor {};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -582,6 +584,19 @@ final: prev: {
} // final.lib.optionalAttrs (p ? stack-nix) { inherit (p) stack-nix; }
// final.lib.optionalAttrs (p ? plan-nix ) { inherit (p) plan-nix; };

projectCoverageReport = packages:
# TODO what if package doesn't have library and/or tests?
projectInfo = with final.lib;
mapAttrsToList (n: p: {
name = n;
drv = p.components.library;
tests = filter isDerivation (attrValues p.components.tests);
) packages;
haskellLib.coverageReport' projectInfo;

# Like `cabalProject'`, but for building the GHCJS compiler.
# This is exposed to allow GHCJS developers to work on the GHCJS
# code in a nix-shell with `shellFor`.
Expand Down

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