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CAD-1208: Prometheus JSON output.
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Denis Shevchenko committed Aug 3, 2020
1 parent 8c26f5e commit 5645257
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 23 deletions.
111 changes: 88 additions & 23 deletions plugins/backend-ekg/src/Cardano/BM/Backend/Prometheus.lhs
Expand Up @@ -5,18 +5,28 @@
%if style == newcode
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module Cardano.BM.Backend.Prometheus
( spawnPrometheus
) where
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import Data.Aeson ((.=))
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text, replace)
import Data.List (find, partition)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Text.Read (double)
import GHC.Generics
import Snap.Core (Snap, route, writeLBS)
import Snap.Http.Server (Config, ConfigLog (..), defaultConfig, setAccessLog,
setBind, setErrorLog, setPort, simpleHttpServe)
Expand All @@ -30,6 +40,31 @@ import qualified System.Remote.Monitoring as EKG
data MetricsGroup = MetricsGroup
{ namespace :: !Text
, metrics :: ![Metric]
} deriving (Generic, A.ToJSON)
data Metric
= NoMetric
| Metric
{ mName :: !Text
, mType :: !Text
, mValue :: !Number
instance A.ToJSON Metric where
toJSON NoMetric = A.Null
toJSON (Metric n t v) = A.object ["name" .= n, "type" .= t, "value" .= v]
data Number
= NumberInt Integer
| NumberReal Double
instance A.ToJSON Number where
toJSON (NumberInt i) = A.Number $ fromInteger i
toJSON (NumberReal r) = A.Number $ fromRational (toRational r)
spawnPrometheus :: EKG.Server -> ByteString -> Int -> IO (Async.Async ())
spawnPrometheus ekg host port = Async.async $
simpleHttpServe config site
Expand All @@ -42,28 +77,58 @@ spawnPrometheus ekg host port = Async.async $
webhandler :: EKG.Server -> Snap ()
webhandler srv = do
samples <- liftIO $ sampleAll $ EKG.serverMetricStore srv
writeLBS . toLazyByteString . renderSamples $ HM.toList samples
let rtsNamespace = "rts.gc"
(rtsSamples, otherSamples) = partition (\(sk, _) -> rtsNamespace `T.isPrefixOf` sk) $ HM.toList samples
rtsMetrics = extractRtsGcMetrics rtsNamespace rtsSamples
otherMetrics = extractOtherMetrics otherSamples
writeLBS $ A.encode [rtsMetrics, otherMetrics]
pure ()
renderSamples :: [(Text, Value)] -> Builder
renderSamples [] = mempty
renderSamples samples = mconcat
[ case sv of
Counter c -> renderNamedValue sk (int64Dec c)
Gauge g -> renderNamedValue sk (int64Dec g)
Label l -> if isFloat l
then renderNamedValue sk (byteString $ encodeUtf8 l)
else mempty
_ -> mempty
| (sk,sv) <- samples ]
renderNamedValue :: Text -> Builder -> Builder
renderNamedValue nm bld =
(byteString $ prepareName nm)
<> charUtf8 ' '
<> bld
<> charUtf8 '\n'
prepareName nm = encodeUtf8 $ replace " " "_" $ replace "-" "_" $ replace "." "_" nm
isFloat v = case double v of
Right (_n, "") -> True -- only floating point number parsed, no leftover
_ -> False
-- rts.gc metrics are always here because they are predefined in ekg-core,
-- so we can group them.
extractRtsGcMetrics :: Text -> [(Text, Value)] -> MetricsGroup
extractRtsGcMetrics ns samples = MetricsGroup
{ namespace = ns
, metrics =
[ case sv of
Counter c -> intMetric sk c
Gauge g -> intMetric sk g
_ -> NoMetric -- rts.gc can contain Counter or Gauge only.
| (sk, sv) <- samples
intMetric sk v =
Metric { mName = maybe "" id $ T.stripPrefix (ns <> ".") sk
, mType = "int" -- All values are Int64.
, mValue = NumberInt (fromIntegral v)
-- We cannot make any assumptions about the format of 'sk' in other samples,
-- so group other samples into 'common' group.
extractOtherMetrics :: [(Text, Value)] -> MetricsGroup
extractOtherMetrics samples = MetricsGroup
{ namespace = "common"
, metrics =
[ case sv of
Counter c -> mkMetric sk $ NumberInt (fromIntegral c)
Gauge g -> mkMetric sk $ NumberInt (fromIntegral g)
Label l -> case double l of
Left _ -> NoMetric
Right (r, _) -> mkMetric sk $ NumberReal r
_ -> NoMetric
| (sk, sv) <- samples
mkMetric sk number =
let (withoutType, typeSuffix) = stripTypeSuffix sk number
in Metric { mName = withoutType, mType = typeSuffix, mValue = number }
stripTypeSuffix sk number =
let types = ["us", "ns", "s", "B", "int", "real"]
in case find (\t -> ("." <> t) `T.isSuffixOf` sk) types of
Just t -> (fromJust $ T.stripSuffix ("." <> t) sk, t)
Nothing -> case number of
NumberInt _ -> (sk, "int")
NumberReal _ -> (sk, "real")

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