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Deployment Tips

  • File .envrc needs to be created for each deployment. See examples dir.
  • Run direnv allow to enable direnv to load the .envrc file
  • File globals.nix needs to be created for each deployment. See examples dir.
  • File deployments/${NIXOPS_DEPLOYMENT}.nix needs to be created for the deployment.
  • File clusters/${NIXOPS_DEPLOYMENT}.nix needs to be created for the deployment.
  • Niv update any source repos as needed
  • Create the secrets dir populated with any required secrets
  • Create the static dir and populate with any required keys using the genesis-generator tool
  • Update the public IDs in the secrets dir with the scripts/update-jormungandr-public-ids.rb tool
  • Create the nixops clusters with the required params:
nixops create -d $NIXOPS_DEPLOYMENT -I nixpkgs=./nix deployments/${NIXOPS_DEPLOYMENT}.nix
nixops set-args --arg globals 'import ./globals.nix'
  • Deploy as needed, utilizing scripts from the scripts folder if desired