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Mallet end to end tutorial

Note for Mallet Developers

In order to keep the documentation up to date, It was necessary to have “testing” of the documentation. That’s why, this tutorial was developed using the literate programming style. So from this document is possible to generate 3 files
Executes prerequisites installation instructions.
which follows all the instructions in Mallet.

Of course it also generates the tutorial, which was the original purpose.
this will live in

To generate the files, you only need to:

/bin/rm -rf ./mallet
/usr/bin/emacs ./ --batch --eval "(require 'org)" \
--eval '(org-md-export-to-markdown)' \
--eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "")'

In order to execute the installation instructions

bash ./

The script comes with Unofficial Bash Strict Mode enabled:

#set +u
set -xeo pipefail


Is designed to be executed within Mallet. So one needs to execute as:

cd ./mallet/
mallet kevm -d ./my_data/
mallet> .load ../test_smartcontract_deploy.js

Move tutorial to the testnet repo

The export command leaves the article in the current directory but it should live in testnets repo.

mv ~/testnets-cardano-org/resources/content/articles/en/

Prerequisites Installation

On Linux and Mac, you will require Node.js 10.16.3, or the latest version, and the Git tools. For Windows, you will also need the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

For reference this is the official nodejs documentation.

Installing Node.js for Linux and MacOS

Open a terminal program and execute:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get -q install -y nodejs

Verify Node.js is installed with:

node --version

Install nvm which is a version manager for node.js

curl -s -o- | bash

Make the nvm command available in the current session

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm

Verify nvm is installed

nvm --version

With nvm working you can install Mallet.

Installing Mallet 2.0

To get the latest version of Mallet, you first need to clone the repository at, and then install with npm.

Clone the Mallet git repository

Open a terminal window and type in:

git clone

Install specific node version for Mallet

After cloning the repository, execute:

cd mallet

cat .nvmrc
$ $ 10.16.3

Then install the required node version

nvm install 10.16.3
nvm use --silent

Download and install Mallet and its dependencies.

npm install --silent

Verify Mallet was installed correctly

Finally, To check your installation, execute Mallet’s version:

./mallet --version

If the version number displays correctly. It means you have successfully installed mallet.

Installing the solcjs compiler

The solcjs compiler, takes your source code, written in solidity, and creates a binary that file that you can later, deploy to the devnet using Mallet.

Install solcjs with npm

sudo npm install -g solc

Verify solcjs was installed

solcjs --version

Once we get the right version on solcjs we can go forward to deploy smart contracts.

If you have problems installing any of the prerequisites (node, Mallet or solcjs), contact the community in Slack: Join IOHK | Devnets on Slack

Create a HelloWorld smart contract

To deploy your smart contracts on the KEVM devnet and to test Mallet you will need to compile to KEVM (K - Ethereum virtual machine) bytecode. You can compile the bytecode directly with using solcjs.

Create a Solidity file

Create a myContract.sol file

cat << EOF >myContract.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.6.0 <0.9.0;

contract HelloWorld {
  function helloWorld() external pure returns (string memory) {
    return "Hello, World!";

Compile with solcjs

solcjs --bin --abi --base-path . ./myContract.sol

Verify the compiled file exists

In your directory now there should be an .bin file

ls *.bin

Mallet 2.0

Mallet, the minimal wallet, is the command line interface used to send transactions, deploy smart contracts, and interact with the IELE and KEVM devnets.

Connect to the KEVM devnet

./mallet kevm -d ./data
Mallet 2.1.0 - IELE/KEVM devnet utility
Type 'help()' to view the online documentation or 'listCommands()' to view available commands

This will open a session in the read-eval-print-loop (Repl) environment for Node.js. Mallet commands are imported automatically.

Everything typed in the Repl has to be valid JavaScript. Technically speaking, the commands are simply functions and properties of Mallet object. However, we tend to refer to them as commands because that reflects how they are used.

Using the faucet

Create an account

//execute inthe Mallet Repl
//mallet kevm -d ./my_data/
//mallet> .load ../test_smartcontract_deploy.js

myAccount = newAccount()

The newAccount command asks your password, and returns your new account address.

Note that we are assigning the return value of newAccount to a variable named myAccount so that we can refer to it later.

Select an account

Now we will make the account just created active


Verify the balance of your new account

Since the account has just been created its balance should be 0.


If you don’t give any argument, this will return the balance of the selected account.

Request tokens from the faucet with requestFunds


It may take a few minutes for the funds to be transferred.

Now that you have created and funded your account, you can compile and deploy smart contracts.

Check the new balance in the account


Bring the compiled smart contract into Mallet

Using the _myContract_HelloWorld.bin created in the step: Create a HelloWorld smart contract you can now import it to mallet

Import the fileSystem module

fs = require("fs");

Read the contents of the binary file

myContract = fs.readFileSync('_myContract_sol_HelloWorld.bin', 'utf8');

Deploying smart contracts

Now that you have the bytecode from solcjs, the next step is simply to deploy it:

Prepare the transaction to deploy the contract

tx = { gas: 470000, data: myContract}

Send transaction with the smart contract

deploymentHash = sendTransaction(tx)

you will get back the tx hash on which it was deployed.

View receipt

You can view details with the following command:


Save your contract address

To save your contract address, create a variable that takes the return value of getReceipt().

myContractAddress = getReceipt(deploymentHash).contractAddress

Test your smart contract

sendTransaction({to: myContractAddress,gas:10000,arguments: []})

Getting help

When running Mallet in the command-line interface, the help command can be useful. This opens the Readme file in your default web browser:


Or you can Join IOHK | Devnets on Slack, where the community helps each other