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SCP-4225 wip on execute command
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ladamesny committed Aug 8, 2022
1 parent 408f837 commit 46277e8
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Showing 2 changed files with 117 additions and 1 deletion.
116 changes: 115 additions & 1 deletion marlowe-cli/src/Language/Marlowe/CLI/Run.hs
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import Cardano.Api (AddressAny, AddressInEra (..), AlonzoEra, BabbageEra, Cardan
toAddressAny, txOutValueToValue, writeFileTextEnvelope)
import qualified Cardano.Api as Api (Value)
import Cardano.Api.Shelley (ProtocolParameters, ReferenceScript (ReferenceScriptNone), fromPlutusData)
import Cardano.Ledger.Core (TxBody)
import Control.Monad (forM_, guard, unless, when)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, MonadIO, catchError, liftIO, throwError)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,6 +384,7 @@ runTransaction connection marloweInBundle marloweOutFile inputs outputs changeAd
outputs' = payments <> outputs <> datumOutputs
signingKeys <- mapM readSigningKey signingKeyFiles
-- body <- runTransactionImpl
body <-
buildBody connection
spend continue
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -417,7 +419,119 @@ runTransactionImpl :: MonadError CliError m
-> Maybe Int -- ^ Number of seconds to wait for the transaction to be confirmed, if it is to be confirmed.
-> Bool -- ^ Whether to print statistics about the transaction.
-> Bool -- ^ Assertion that the transaction is invalid.
-> m () -- ^ Action to build the transaction body.
-> m (TxBody BabbageEra) -- ^ The action to build the transaction body.
runTransactionImpl connection marloweInBundle marloweOutFile inputs outputs changeAddress signingKeyFiles metadataFile bodyFile timeout printStats invalid =
metadata <- readMaybeMetadata metadataFile
protocol <- queryAlonzo connection QueryProtocolParameters
marloweOut <- decodeFileStrict marloweOutFile
(spend, collateral, datumOutputs) <-
case marloweInBundle of
Nothing -> pure ([], Nothing, [])
Just (marloweInFile, spend, collateral) -> do
marloweIn <- decodeFileStrict marloweInFile
validatorInfo = mtValidator (marloweIn :: MarloweTransaction BabbageEra) -- FIXME: Generalize eras.
PlutusScript _ validator = viScript validatorInfo
redeemer = riRedeemer $ buildRedeemer (mtInputs marloweOut)
inputDatum = diDatum $ buildDatum (mtContract marloweIn) (mtState marloweIn)
spend' = buildPayFromScript validator inputDatum redeemer spend
-- SCP-3610: Remove when Babbage era features become available and the validator is revised.
merkles =
case input of
NormalInput _ -> Nothing
MerkleizedInput _ _ continuation -> Just
-- Send the ancillary datum to the change address.
-- Astonishing that this eUTxO can be spent without script or redeemer!
, Just . Datum $ toBuiltinData continuation
-- FIXME: Replace with protocol-dependent min-Ada.
, lovelaceToValue 1_500_000
input <- mtInputs marloweOut
pure ([spend'], Just collateral, merkles)
babbageToAddressAny' :: AddressInEra BabbageEra -> AddressAny
babbageToAddressAny' (AddressInEra _ address) = toAddressAny address

network = localNodeNetworkId connection

scriptAddress :: AddressInEra BabbageEra
scriptAddress = viAddress $ mtValidator marloweOut

scriptAddressInAlonzo :: AddressInEra AlonzoEra
scriptAddressInAlonzo = anyAddressInShelleyBasedEra (babbageToAddressAny' scriptAddress)

outputDatum = diDatum $ buildDatum (mtContract marloweOut) (mtState marloweOut)
outputValue <-
<$> sequence
liftCli . toCardanoValue $ assetClassValue (AssetClass (currency, name)) amount
((_, Token currency name), amount) <- AM.toList . accounts $ mtState marloweOut
continue =
guard (outputValue /= mempty)
$ buildPayToScript scriptAddressInAlonzo outputValue outputDatum

roleAddress = viAddress $ mtRoleValidator marloweOut :: AddressInEra BabbageEra
payments <-
<$> sequence
case payee of
Party (PK pkh) -> do
address <-
. toCardanoAddressInEra network
$ Address (PubKeyCredential pkh) Nothing
money' <-
$ toCardanoValue money
money'' <- adjustMinimumUTxO protocol address Nothing money'
pure $ Just (babbageToAddressAny' address, Nothing, money'')
Party (Role role) -> do
money' <-
$ toCardanoValue money
datum = Just . diDatum $ buildRoleDatum role
money'' <- adjustMinimumUTxO protocol roleAddress datum money'
pure $ Just (babbageToAddressAny' roleAddress, datum, money'')

Account _ -> pure Nothing
(payee, money) <- bimap head mconcat . unzip
<$> (groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sortBy (compare `on` fst))
(payee, money)
| Payment _ payee money <- mtPayments marloweOut
outputs' = payments <> outputs <> datumOutputs
signingKeys <- mapM readSigningKey signingKeyFiles
body <-
buildBody connection
spend continue
[] inputs outputs'
collateral changeAddress
(mtRange marloweOut)
(hashSigningKey <$> signingKeys)
pure body

-- | Adjust the lovelace in an output to confirm to the minimum ADA requirement.
adjustMinimumUTxO :: MonadError CliError m
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions marlowe-cli/test/non-pab/inline/trivial.yaml
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ stScriptOperations:
timeout_continuation: close
timeout: 1929587625000
timeout_continuation: close
- tag: Execute
soTransaction: "TestTransaction-1"

- tag: Prepare
soTransaction: "TestTransaction-1"
Expand Down

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