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SCP-5141 SCP-5142 Enforced initial and final state validity in valida…
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bwbush committed Mar 15, 2023
1 parent e10be6d commit 8855fea
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Showing 6 changed files with 82 additions and 29 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions marlowe-test/src/Spec/Marlowe/Marlowe.hs
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Expand Up @@ -150,14 +150,14 @@ alternateMarloweValidatorSize :: IO ()
alternateMarloweValidatorSize = do
let validator = Scripts.validatorScript alternateMarloweValidator
let vsize = SBS.length . SBS.toShort . LB.toStrict $ Serialise.serialise validator
assertBool ("alternateMarloweValidator is too large " <> show vsize) (vsize <= 15349)
assertBool ("alternateMarloweValidator is too large " <> show vsize) (vsize <= 14869)

-- | Test that the untyped validator is not too large.
marloweValidatorSize :: IO ()
marloweValidatorSize = do
let validator = Scripts.validatorScript marloweValidator
let vsize = SBS.length . SBS.toShort . LB.toStrict $ Serialise.serialise validator
assertBool ("marloweValidator is too large " <> show vsize) (vsize <= 12242)
assertBool ("marloweValidator is too large " <> show vsize) (vsize <= 12347)

-- | Test `extractNonMerkleizedContractRoles`.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion marlowe-test/src/Spec/Marlowe/Plutus/Specification.hs
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Expand Up @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ tests referencePaths =
, testGroup "Payout Validator"
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions marlowe/
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Expand Up @@ -34,3 +34,8 @@ Based on audit findings, we added "Constraint 18. Final balance" to the Marlowe-
## SCP-5143: Removed tracing from validator

In order to reduces the validator size, calls to Plutus tracing functions were removed.

## SCP-5141: Valid initial and final states

Based on audit finds, we added "Constraint 19. No duplicates" to the Marlowe-Cardano specification and require that the validator ensure that both the intial and final states of the contract obey the invariants of correct total value, positive balances, and non-duplication of keys for accounts, choices, and bound values.
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions marlowe/
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Expand Up @@ -100,16 +100,24 @@ Transaction failures occur in either phase 1 validation (ledger rules) or phase

* If a transaction fails phase two validation, a terse Marlowe error will be reported in the Plutus trace log:
* `"a"`: The slot/time validity range for the transaction is infinite or semi-infinite. The range should be finite/bounded.
* `"b"`: All accounts must have positive balances.
* `"bi"`: All accounts must have positive balances in the initial state.
* `"bo"`: All accounts must have positive balances in the final state.
* `"c"`: A transaction containing a contract that closes may not also include the creation of a new contract.
* `"d"`: The datum or value at the script output does not match the contract's transition.
* `"eai"` : The initial state must not have duplicate accounts.
* `"ebi"` : The initial state must not have duplicate bound values.
* `"eci"` : The initial state must not have duplicate choices.
* `"eao"` : The final state must not have duplicate accounts.
* `"ebo"` : The final state must not have duplicate bound values.
* `"eco"` : The final state must not have duplicate choices.
* `"f"`: The value in the script's output UTxO does not match the value in its internal state.
* `"o"`: Outputting to two Marlowe scripts with the same address in the same transaction is forbidden.
* `"p"`: Insufficient value is paid to a public-key address.
* `"r"`: Insufficient value is paid in a role payout. This may occur because the role payout was adjusted to satisfy the minimum-ADA ledger rule, despite that adjustment violating the terms of the contract.
* `"s"`: A required public-key signature was not present in the transaction.
* `"t"`: The role token authorizing the application of input is not present in the transaction.
* `"v"`: The value input from the script does not match that specified in its datum.
* `"vi"`: The value input from the script does not match that specified in its datum.
* `"vo"`: The value output from the script does not match that specified in its datum.
* `"w"`: Inputting from two Marlowe scripts with the same address in the same transaction is forbidden.
* `"x"`: The input datum was not provided to the script.
* If these errors occur during Plutus validation but not outside of it, then there likely is a clock inconsistency between local time and the node.
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23 changes: 20 additions & 3 deletions marlowe/specification/
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Expand Up @@ -318,9 +318,11 @@ all demerkleizes transactionInput ≡ True

#### *Constraint 13.* Positive balances

All accounts in the state have positive balances.
All accounts in the initial and final states have positive balances.
all ((> 0) . snd) (accounts $ marloweState marloweData) True
positiveBalances $ marloweState marloweData True
positiveBalances $ txOutState transactionOutput True
where positiveBalances state = all ((> 0) . snd) (accounts state)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -364,13 +366,28 @@ The payment to a role must be in a single output, but the payment to an address
#### *Constraint 18.* Final balance

The value output to the script's UTxO must equal the total value in the output state.

outValue foldMap toValue (accounts $ txOutState transactionOutput)
where toValue ((_, Token currency name), count)) = Value.singleton currency name count

#### *Constraint 19.* No duplicates

The initial and final state must not have duplicate keys in their account entries, choices, or bound values.
hasDuplicateKey (accounts inState ) False
hasDuplicateKey (choices inState ) False
hasDuplicateKey (boundValues inState ) False
hasDuplicateKey (accounts outState) False
hasDuplicateKey (choices outState) False
hasDuplicateKey (boundValues outState) False
outState = txOutState transactionOutput
hasDuplicateKey am = let ks = fst <$> toList am in length ks /= length (nub ks)

## Plutus Validator for Marlowe Payouts

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65 changes: 44 additions & 21 deletions marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/Scripts.hs
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Expand Up @@ -202,35 +202,30 @@ mkMarloweValidator
case closeInterval $ txInfoValidRange scriptContextTxInfo of
Just interval' -> interval'
Nothing -> traceError "a"
-- The incoming balance of each account must be positive.
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 13. Positive balances".]
let positiveBalances = traceIfFalse "b" $ validateBalances marloweState

-- Find Contract continuation in TxInfo datums by hash or fail with error.
let inputs = fmap marloweTxInputToInput marloweTxInputs

{- We do not check that a transaction contains exact input payments.
We only require an evidence from a party, e.g. a signature for PubKey party,
or a spend of a 'party role' token. This gives huge flexibility by allowing
parties to provide multiple inputs (either other contracts or P2PKH).
Then, we check scriptOutput to be correct.
let inputContents = fmap getInputContent inputs

-- Check that the required signatures and role tokens are present.
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 14. Inputs authorized".]
let inputsOk = validateInputs inputContents

-- Since individual balances were validated to be positive,
-- the total balance is also positive.
let inputBalance = totalBalance (accounts marloweState)

-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 5. Input value from script".]
-- The total incoming balance must match the actual script value being spent.
let balancesOk = traceIfFalse "v" $ inputBalance == scriptInValue

let preconditionsOk = positiveBalances && balancesOk
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 13. Positive balances".]
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 19. No duplicates".]
-- Check that the initial state obeys the Semantic's invariants.
let preconditionsOk = checkState "i" scriptInValue marloweState

-- Package the inputs to be applied in the semantics.
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 0. Input to semantics".]
-- Package the inputs to be applied in the semantics.
let txInput = TransactionInput {
txInterval = interval,
txInputs = inputs }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,16 +259,17 @@ mkMarloweValidator
_ -> let
totalIncome = foldMap collectDeposits inputContents
totalPayouts = foldMap snd payoutsByParty
finalBalance = inputBalance + totalIncome - totalPayouts
outputBalance = totalBalance (accounts txOutState)
finalBalance = scriptInValue + totalIncome - totalPayouts
-- The total account balance must be paid to a single output to the script.
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 3. Single Marlowe output".]
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 6. Output value to script."]
checkOwnOutputConstraint marloweData finalBalance
-- The value in the script's output UTxO must match the value in the output state.
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 18. Final balance."]
&& traceIfFalse "f" (outputBalance == finalBalance)
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 3. Single Marlowe output".]
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 6. Output value to script."]
-- Check that the single Marlowe output has the correct datum and value.
checkOwnOutputConstraint marloweData finalBalance
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 18. Final balance."]
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 13. Positive balances".]
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 19. No duplicates".]
-- Check that the final state obeys the Semantic's invariants.
&& checkState "o" finalBalance txOutState
preconditionsOk && inputsOk && payoutsOk && checkContinuation
Error TEAmbiguousTimeIntervalError -> traceError "i"
Error TEApplyNoMatchError -> traceError "n"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,6 +307,33 @@ mkMarloweValidator
TxInInfo{txInInfoResolved=TxOut{txOutAddress=Ledger.Address (ScriptCredential vh2) _}} = vh1 == vh2
sameValidatorHash _ _ = False

-- Check a state for the correct value, positive accounts, and no duplicates.
checkState :: BuiltinString -> Val.Value -> State -> Bool
checkState tag expected State{..} =
positiveBalance :: (a, Integer) -> Bool
positiveBalance (_, balance) = balance > 0
noDuplicates :: Eq k => AssocMap.Map k v -> Bool
noDuplicates am =
test [] = True -- An empty list has no duplicates.
test (x : xs) -- Look for a duplicate of the head in the tail.
| elem x xs = False -- A duplicate is present.
| otherwise = test xs -- Continue searching for a duplicate.
test $ AssocMap.keys am
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 5. Input value from script".]
-- and/or
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 18. Final balance."]
traceIfFalse ("v" <> tag) (totalBalance accounts == expected)
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 13. Positive balances".]
&& traceIfFalse ("b" <> tag) (all positiveBalance $ AssocMap.toList accounts)
-- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 19. No duplicates".]
&& traceIfFalse ("ea" <> tag) (noDuplicates accounts)
&& traceIfFalse ("ec" <> tag) (noDuplicates choices)
&& traceIfFalse ("eb" <> tag) (noDuplicates boundValues)

-- Look up the Datum hash for specific data.
findDatumHash' :: PlutusTx.ToData o => o -> Maybe DatumHash
findDatumHash' datum = findDatumHash (Datum $ PlutusTx.toBuiltinData datum) scriptContextTxInfo
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