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SCP-5126 Property-based tests for MList vs AssocMap.
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bwbush committed Mar 1, 2023
1 parent a2ff6aa commit af380a2
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Showing 5 changed files with 303 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions marlowe-test/marlowe-test.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ library
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions marlowe-test/src/Spec/Marlowe/Plutus.hs
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Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Spec.Marlowe.Plutus
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)

import qualified Spec.Marlowe.Plutus.AssocMap (tests)
import qualified Spec.Marlowe.Plutus.MList (tests)
import qualified Spec.Marlowe.Plutus.Prelude (tests)
import qualified Spec.Marlowe.Plutus.ScriptContext (tests)
import qualified Spec.Marlowe.Plutus.Specification (tests)
Expand All @@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ tests =
, Spec.Marlowe.Plutus.AssocMap.tests
, Spec.Marlowe.Plutus.MList.tests
, Spec.Marlowe.Plutus.Value.tests
, Spec.Marlowe.Plutus.ScriptContext.tests
, Spec.Marlowe.Plutus.Specification.tests
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298 changes: 298 additions & 0 deletions marlowe-test/src/Spec/Marlowe/Plutus/MList.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
-- Module : $Headers
-- License : Apache 2.0
-- Stability : Experimental
-- Portability : Portable
-- | Compare the `PlutusTx.AssocMap` to Isabelle's `MList`.

{-# ANN module "HLint: Use guards" #-}

module Spec.Marlowe.Plutus.MList
( -- * Testing
) where

import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.List (sortBy, nubBy)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (Assertion, testCase, assertBool)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen, Property, elements, forAll, property, testProperty, shuffle, elements)

import qualified PlutusTx.AssocMap as AM (Map, delete, empty, fromList, insert, lookup, member, null, singleton, toList, unionWith)

-- | An association list in Isabelle.
type MList a b = [(a, b)]

-- | Empty Isabelle `MList`.
-- @
-- definition empty :: "('a::linorder \<times> 'b) list" where
-- "empty = Nil"
-- @
empty :: MList a b
empty = []

-- | Insert into Isabelle `MList`.
-- @
-- fun insert :: "'a::linorder \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'b) list \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'b) list" where
-- "insert a b Nil = Cons (a, b) Nil" |
-- "insert a b (Cons (x, y) z) =
-- (if a < x
-- then (Cons (a, b) (Cons (x, y) z))
-- else (if a > x
-- then (Cons (x, y) (insert a b z))
-- else (Cons (x, b) z)))"
-- @
insert :: Ord a => a -> b -> MList a b -> MList a b
insert a b [] = (a, b) : []
insert a b ((x, y) : z) =
if a < x
then (a, b) : (x, y) : z
else if a > x
then (x, y) : insert a b z
else (x, b) : z

-- | Delete from Isabelle `MList`.
-- @
-- fun delete :: "'a::linorder \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'b) list \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'b) list" where
-- "delete a Nil = Nil" |
-- "delete a (Cons (x, y) z) =
-- (if a = x
-- then z
-- else (if a > x
-- then (Cons (x, y) (delete a z))
-- else (Cons (x, y) z)))"
-- @
delete :: Ord a => a -> MList a b -> MList a b
delete _a [] = []
delete a ((x, y) : z) =
if a == x
then z
else if a > x
then (x, y) : delete a z
else (x, y) : z

-- | Lookup in Isabelle `MList`.
-- @
-- fun lookup :: "'a::linorder \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'b) list \<Rightarrow> 'b option" where
-- "lookup a Nil = None" |
-- "lookup a (Cons (x, y) z) =
-- (if a = x
-- then Some y
-- else (if a > x
-- then lookup a z
-- else None))"
-- @
lookup :: Ord a => a -> MList a b -> Maybe b
lookup _a [] = Nothing
lookup a ((x, y) : z) =
if a == x
then Just y
else if a > x
then lookup a z
else Nothing

-- | Union with Isabelle `MList`.
-- @
-- fun unionWith :: "('b \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'b) list \<Rightarrow>
-- ('a \<times> 'b) list \<Rightarrow> (('a::linorder) \<times> 'b) list" where
-- "unionWith f (Cons (x, y) t) (Cons (x2, y2) t2) =
-- (if x < x2
-- then Cons (x, y) (unionWith f t (Cons (x2, y2) t2))
-- else (if x > x2
-- then Cons (x2, y2) (unionWith f (Cons (x, y) t) t2)
-- else Cons (x, f y y2) (unionWith f t t2)))" |
-- "unionWith f Nil l = l" |
-- "unionWith f l Nil = l"
-- @
unionWith :: Ord a => (b -> b -> b) -> MList a b -> MList a b -> MList a b
unionWith f ((x, y) : t) ((x2, y2) : t2) =
if x < x2
then (x, y) : unionWith f t ((x2, y2) : t2)
else if x > x2
then (x2, y2) : unionWith f ((x, y) : t) t2
else (x, f y y2) : unionWith f t t2
unionWith _f [] l = l
unionWith _f l [] = l

-- | Find with default for Isabelle `MList`.
-- @
-- fun findWithDefault :: "'b \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> (('a::linorder) \<times> 'b) list \<Rightarrow> 'b" where
-- "findWithDefault d k l = (case lookup k l of
-- None \<Rightarrow> d
-- | Some x \<Rightarrow> x)"
-- @
findWithDefault :: Ord a => b -> a -> MList a b -> b
findWithDefault d k l =
case lookup k l of
Nothing -> d
Just x -> x

-- | Run tests.
tests :: TestTree
tests =
testGroup "MList vs AssocMap"
testCase "`empty` is equivalent" checkEmpty
, testProperty "`null` is equivalent" checkNull
, testProperty "`singleton` is equivalent" checkSingleton
, testProperty "`insert` is equivalent" checkInsert
, testProperty "`delete` is equivalent" checkDelete
, testProperty "`lookup` is equivalent" checkLookup
, testProperty "`member` is equivalent" checkMember
, testProperty "`unionWith` is equivalent" checkUnionWith
, testProperty "`findWithDefault` is equivalent" checkFindWithDefault

-- | Generate a sorted `MList` with no duplicates.
arbitraryMList :: Gen (MList Integer [()])
arbitraryMList = nubBy ((==) `on` fst) . sortBy (compare `on` fst) <$> arbitrary

-- | Compare an `MList` to an `AssocMap`.
equivalent :: Ord a => Eq b => MList a b -> AM.Map a b -> Bool
equivalent mlist assocmap = mlist == sortBy (compare `on` fst) (AM.toList assocmap)

-- | Compare `empty` for `MList` and `AssocMap`.
checkEmpty :: Assertion
checkEmpty = assertBool "Empty MList and AssocMap" $ (empty :: MList [()] Integer) `equivalent` AM.empty

-- | Compare `empty` for `MList` and `AssocMap`.
checkNull :: Property
checkNull = property $ do
gen = do
mlist <- arbitraryMList
assocmap <- AM.fromList <$> shuffle mlist
pure (mlist, assocmap)
forAll gen
$ \(mlist, assocmap) -> (== empty) mlist == AM.null assocmap

-- | Compare `empty` for `MList` and `AssocMap`.
checkSingleton :: Property
checkSingleton = property $ do
gen = do
a <- arbitrary :: Gen Integer
b <- arbitrary :: Gen [()]
pure (a, b)
forAll gen
$ \(a, b) -> [(a, b)] `equivalent` AM.singleton a b

-- | Compare `empty` for `MList` and `AssocMap`.
checkInsert :: Property
checkInsert = property $ do
gen = do
mlist <- arbitraryMList
assocmap <- AM.fromList <$> shuffle mlist
a <- arbitrary
b <- arbitrary
pure (mlist, assocmap, a, b)
forAll gen
$ \(mlist, assocmap, a, b) -> insert a b mlist `equivalent` AM.insert a b assocmap

-- | Compare `empty` for `MList` and `AssocMap`.
checkDelete :: Property
checkDelete = property $ do
gen = do
mlist <- arbitraryMList
assocmap <- AM.fromList <$> shuffle mlist
a <- arbitrary
pure (mlist, assocmap, a)
forAll gen
$ \(mlist, assocmap, a) -> delete a mlist `equivalent` AM.delete a assocmap

-- | Compare `empty` for `MList` and `AssocMap`.
checkLookup :: Property
checkLookup = property $ do
gen = do
mlist <- arbitraryMList
assocmap <- AM.fromList <$> shuffle mlist
a <- arbitrary
pure (mlist, assocmap, a)
forAll gen
$ \(mlist, assocmap, a) -> lookup a mlist == AM.lookup a assocmap

-- | Compare `empty` for `MList` and `AssocMap`.
checkMember :: Property
checkMember = property $ do
gen = do
mlist <- arbitraryMList
assocmap <- AM.fromList <$> shuffle mlist
a <- arbitrary
pure (mlist, assocmap, a)
forAll gen
$ \(mlist, assocmap, a) -> isJust (lookup a mlist) == AM.member a assocmap

-- | Compare `empty` for `MList` and `AssocMap`.
checkUnionWith :: Property
checkUnionWith = property $ do
gen = do
mlist <- arbitraryMList
assocmap <- AM.fromList <$> shuffle mlist
mlist' <- arbitraryMList
assocmap' <- AM.fromList <$> shuffle mlist'
function <- elements ["concat", "shortest", "longest", "first", "second"]
pure (mlist, assocmap, mlist', assocmap', function)
forAll gen
$ \(mlist, assocmap, mlist', assocmap', function) ->
f = case function of
"shortest" -> \x y -> if length x < length y then x else y
"longest" -> \x y -> if length x > length y then x else y
"first" -> \x _ -> x
"second" -> \_ y -> y
_ -> (<>)
unionWith f mlist mlist' `equivalent` AM.unionWith f assocmap assocmap'

-- | Compare `empty` for `MList` and `AssocMap`.
checkFindWithDefault :: Property
checkFindWithDefault = property $ do
gen = do
mlist <- arbitraryMList
assocmap <- AM.fromList <$> shuffle mlist
a <- arbitrary
b <- arbitrary
pure (mlist, assocmap, a, b)
forAll gen
$ \(mlist, assocmap, a, b) -> findWithDefault b a mlist == fromMaybe b (AM.lookup a assocmap)

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