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Update OCI images to point to GHCR
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jhbertra committed Mar 17, 2023
1 parent 130b8ca commit e02e6bf
Showing 1 changed file with 55 additions and 27 deletions.
82 changes: 55 additions & 27 deletions deploy/oci-images.nix
@@ -1,46 +1,74 @@
{ inputs }:
inherit (inputs) std self nixpkgs;
inherit (nixpkgs.lib) removePrefix mapAttrsToList;
inherit (nixpkgs.lib) removePrefix mapAttrsToList mapAttrs;
inherit (nixpkgs.lib.strings) concatMapStrings;
inherit (self) operables;
inherit (self.sourceInfo) lastModifiedDate;

mkImage = name:
tagName = removePrefix "marlowe-" name;
tagDate = builtins.substring 0 8 lastModifiedDate; # pull out just date
mkImage = { operable, description, name ? operable }: tag:
std.lib.ops.mkStandardOCI {
name = "iohkbuild/marlowe";
tag = "${tagName}-${tagDate}";
operable = operables.${name};
inherit tag;
name = "${name}";
operable = operables.${operable};
uid = "0";
gid = "0";
labels = {
inherit description;
source = "";
license = "Apache-2.0";

images = {
chain-indexer = mkImage "chain-indexer";
marlowe-chain-sync = mkImage "marlowe-chain-sync";
marlowe-indexer = mkImage "marlowe-indexer";
marlowe-sync = mkImage "marlowe-sync";
marlowe-tx = mkImage "marlowe-tx";
marlowe-proxy = mkImage "marlowe-proxy";
marlowe-web-server = mkImage "marlowe-web-server";
chain-indexer = mkImage {
operable = "chain-indexer";
name = "marlowe-chain-indexer";
description = "A Cardano chain indexer for the Marlowe Runtime";
marlowe-chain-sync = mkImage {
operable = "marlowe-chain-sync";
description = "A Cardano chain sync and query service for the Marlowe Runtime.";
marlowe-indexer = mkImage {
operable = "marlowe-indexer";
description = "A Marlowe contract indexing service for the Marlowe Runtime.";
marlowe-sync = mkImage {
operable = "marlowe-sync";
description = "A Marlowe contract synchronization and query service for the Marlowe Runtime.";
marlowe-tx = mkImage {
operable = "marlowe-tx";
description = "A Marlowe transaction creation service for the Marlowe Runtime.";
marlowe-proxy = mkImage {
operable = "marlowe-proxy";
description = "An API Gateway service for the Marlowe Runtime.";
marlowe-web-server = mkImage {
operable = "marlowe-web-server";
description = "An HTTP server for the Marlowe Runtime, exposing a REST API.";

forAllImages = f: concatMapStrings (s: s + "\n") (mapAttrsToList (_: f) images);
images // {
forAllImages = f: tag: concatMapStrings
(s: s + "\n")
(mapAttrsToList (_: img: f (img tag)) images);

all = {
copyToDockerDaemon = std.lib.ops.writeScript {
name = "copy-to-docker-daemon";
text = forAllImages (img: "${img.copyToDockerDaemon}/bin/copy-to-docker-daemon");
copyToRegistry = std.lib.ops.writeScript {
name = "copy-to-registry";
text = forAllImages (img: "${img.copyToRegistry}/bin/copy-to-registry");
mkImages = tag: (mapAttrs (_: img: img tag) images) // {
all = {
copyToDockerDaemon = std.lib.ops.writeScript {
name = "copy-to-docker-daemon";
text = forAllImages (img: "${img.copyToDockerDaemon}/bin/copy-to-docker-daemon") tag;
copyToRegistry = std.lib.ops.writeScript {
name = "copy-to-registry";
text = forAllImages (img: "${img.copyToRegistry}/bin/copy-to-registry") tag;
latest = mkImages "latest";

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