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PM-3562: Validate a checkpointing certificate. (#67)
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* PM-3562: Validate a checkpointing certificate.

* PM-3562: Test that a random certificate is rejected.

* PM-3562: Test that a valid certificate is accepted.

* PM-3562: Test that invalid certificates are rejected.

* PM-3562: Validate the leaf index in the Merkle tree proof.

* PM-3562: Add general filter to make sure the certificate was changed.

* PM-3562: Explain buildChain.

* PM-3562: Another sanity check in construct.

* PM-3562: Add comment about max leaf index check.

* PM-3562: Reverse the order of the error message and the condition.
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aakoshh committed Jul 29, 2021
1 parent e4607da commit c8861b1
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@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
package io.iohk.metronome.checkpointing.models

import io.iohk.metronome.checkpointing.CheckpointingAgreement
import io.iohk.metronome.crypto.ECKeyPair
import io.iohk.ethereum.rlp
import io.iohk.metronome.hotstuff.consensus.{
import io.iohk.metronome.hotstuff.consensus.basic.{
import org.scalacheck._
import org.scalacheck.Prop.{forAll, forAllNoShrink, propBoolean}
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scala.util.Random

object CheckpointCertificateProps extends Properties("CheckpointCertificate") {
import ArbitraryInstances._
import Arbitrary.arbitrary
import RLPCodecs._

// Testing with real signatures is rather slow.
override def overrideParameters(p: Test.Parameters): Test.Parameters =

implicit val genFederation: Gen[
] =
for {
seed <- arbitrary[Array[Byte]]
rnd = new SecureRandom(seed)
fedSize <- Gen.choose(3, 10)
keys = Vector.fill(fedSize)(ECKeyPair.generate(rnd))
fed = Federation(
} yield fed.fold(sys.error, identity) ->

implicit val arbFederation =

implicit val signing =
new Secp256k1Signing[CheckpointingAgreement](
(phase, viewNumber, blockHash) =>
).map(ByteVector(_)).reduce(_ ++ _)

/** Extends a chain of blocks `n` more times.
* The `ancestors` are ordered so that the `head` is the most recent block,
* the one which should be used as the parent for the extension.
* The return value is reversed so the oldest block is the `head` and the tip is the `last` item.
* This can be used to put into the `CheckpointCertificate` in the same order.
def buildChain(
n: Int,
parentLedger: Ledger,
ancestors: NonEmptyList[Block.Header]
): Gen[NonEmptyList[Block.Header]] =
if (n == 0) {
} else {
arbitrary[Vector[Transaction]].flatMap { txns =>
val ledger = parentLedger.update(txns)
val block = Block.make(ancestors.head, ledger.hash, Block.Body(txns))
buildChain(n - 1, ledger, block.header :: ancestors)

val validCertificate = for {
candidate <- arbitrary[Transaction.CheckpointCandidate]
txnsPre <- arbitrary[Vector[Transaction]]
txnsPost <- arbitrary[Vector[Transaction.ProposerBlock]]
txns = txnsPre ++ Vector(candidate) ++ txnsPost

parent <- arbitrary[Block.Header]
ledger <- arbitrary[Ledger].map(_ update txns)
block = Block.make(parent, ledger.hash, Block.Body(txns))

chainLength <- Gen.choose(0, 5)
chain <- buildChain(chainLength, ledger,

(federation, privateKeys) <- genFederation
signers <- Gen.pick(federation.quorumSize, privateKeys)
viewNumber <- arbitrary[ViewNumber]
signatures =
signing.sign(_, Phase.Commit, viewNumber, chain.last.hash)
signature = signing.combine(signatures)

commitQC = QuorumCertificate[CheckpointingAgreement, Phase.Commit](
signature = signature

certificate = CheckpointCertificate.construct(block, chain, commitQC).get

} yield (federation, certificate)

def invalidateCertificate(
c: CheckpointCertificate
): Gen[(String, CheckpointCertificate)] =
arbitrary[Block.Hash].map { h =>
"Invalid block hash" -> c.copy(commitQC =
c.commitQC.copy[CheckpointingAgreement, Phase.Commit](blockHash = h)
arbitrary[ViewNumber].map { vn =>
"Invalid view number" -> c.copy(commitQC =
.copy[CheckpointingAgreement, Phase.Commit](viewNumber = vn)
Gen.oneOf(c.commitQC.signature.sig).map { s =>
"Removed signature" -> c.copy(commitQC =
c.commitQC.copy[CheckpointingAgreement, Phase.Commit](signature =
sig = c.commitQC.signature.sig.filterNot(_ == s)
arbitrary[CheckpointingAgreement.PSig].map { s =>
"Replaced signature" -> c.copy(commitQC =
c.commitQC.copy[CheckpointingAgreement, Phase.Commit](signature =
sig = s +: c.commitQC.signature.sig.tail
arbitrary[Transaction.CheckpointCandidate].map { cc =>
"Invalid candidate" -> c.copy(checkpoint = cc)
arbitrary[CheckpointCertificate].map { cc =>
"Invalid proof" -> c.copy(proof = cc.proof)
Gen.nonEmptyListOf(arbitrary[Block.Header]).map { bs =>
"Prefixed headers" ->
c.copy(headers =
NonEmptyList.fromListUnsafe(bs ++ c.headers.toList)
Gen.nonEmptyListOf(arbitrary[Block.Header]).map { bs =>
"Postfixed headers" ->
c.copy(headers =
NonEmptyList.fromListUnsafe(c.headers.toList ++ bs)
for {
hs0 <- Gen.const(c.headers.toList)
if hs0.size > 1
seed <- arbitrary[Int]
hs1 = new Random(seed).shuffle(hs0)
if hs1 != hs0
} yield "Shuffled headers" -> c
.copy(headers = NonEmptyList.fromListUnsafe(hs1))
.suchThat({ case (_, c1) => c1 != c })

property("validate - reject random") = forAll {
federation: Federation[CheckpointingAgreement.PKey],
certificate: CheckpointCertificate
) =>
CheckpointCertificate.validate(certificate, federation).isLeft

property("validate - accept valid") = forAll(validCertificate) {
case (federation, certificate) =>
.validate(certificate, federation)
_ |: false,
_ => "ok" |: true

property("validate - reject invalid") = forAllNoShrink(
for {
(federation, valid) <- validCertificate
(hint, invalid) <- invalidateCertificate(valid)
} yield (federation, hint, invalid)
) { case (federation, hint, certificate) =>
hint |: CheckpointCertificate.validate(certificate, federation).isLeft

property("validate - reject foreign") = forAll(
for {
(_, valid) <- validCertificate
federation <- arbitrary[Federation[CheckpointingAgreement.PKey]]
} yield (federation, valid)
) { case (federation, certificate) =>
CheckpointCertificate.validate(certificate, federation).isLeft
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import
import io.iohk.metronome.hotstuff.consensus.basic.{QuorumCertificate, Phase}
import io.iohk.metronome.checkpointing.CheckpointingAgreement
import io.iohk.metronome.checkpointing.models.Transaction.CheckpointCandidate
import io.iohk.metronome.hotstuff.consensus.basic.Signing
import io.iohk.metronome.hotstuff.consensus.Federation
import io.iohk.metronome.core.Validated

/** The Checkpoint Certificate is a proof of the BFT agreement
* over a given Checkpoint Candidate.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,14 +34,57 @@ case class CheckpointCertificate(

object CheckpointCertificate {

/** Create a `CheckpointCertificate` from a `Block` that last had a `CheckpointCandidate`
* and a list of `Block.Header`s leading up to the `QuorumCertifictate` that proves the
* BFT agreement over the contents.
def construct(
block: Block,
headers: NonEmptyList[Block.Header],
commitQC: QuorumCertificate[CheckpointingAgreement, Phase.Commit]
): Option[CheckpointCertificate] =
): Option[CheckpointCertificate] = {
assert(block.hash == headers.head.hash)
assert(commitQC.blockHash == headers.last.hash)

constructProof(block).map { case (proof, cp) =>
CheckpointCertificate(headers, cp, proof, commitQC)

/** Validate a `CheckpointCertificate` by checking that:
* - the chain of block headers is valid
* - the quorum certificate is valid
* - the Merkle proof of the candidate is valid
def validate(
certificate: CheckpointCertificate,
federation: Federation[CheckpointingAgreement.PKey]
signing: Signing[CheckpointingAgreement]
): Either[String, Validated[Transaction.CheckpointCandidate]] = {
val hs = certificate.headers
for {
_ <- { case (parent, child) =>
parent.hash == child.parentHash
} orError
"The headers do not correspond to a chain of parent-child blocks."

_ <- (certificate.commitQC.blockHash == hs.last.hash) orError
"The Commit Q.C. is not about the last block in the chain."

_ <- signing.validate(federation, certificate.commitQC) orError
"The Commit Q.C. is invalid."

_ <- MerkleTree.verifyProof(
root = hs.head.contentMerkleRoot,
leaf = MerkleTree.Hash(certificate.checkpoint.hash)
) orError
"The Merkle proof is invalid."

} yield Validated[Transaction.CheckpointCandidate](certificate.checkpoint)

private def constructProof(
block: Block
Expand All @@ -51,4 +97,9 @@ object CheckpointCertificate {
val cpHash = MerkleTree.Hash(cp.hash)
MerkleTree.generateProofFromHash(tree, cpHash).map(_ -> cp)

private implicit class BoolOps(val test: Boolean) extends AnyVal {
def orError(error: String): Either[String, Unit] =
Either.cond(test, (), error)
Expand Up @@ -117,6 +117,12 @@ object MerkleTree {

// This is required so for example on a single element tree a `Proof(4, Nil)` is not accepted, only `Proof(0, Nil)`,
// otherwise it would make the `CheckpointCertificate` malleable by adding arbitrarily large leaf indexes,
// as long as the LSB side that the verification uses is correct.
val maxLeafIndex = (1 << proof.siblingPath.length) - 1

proof.leafIndex <= maxLeafIndex &&
verify(leaf, 1, proof.siblingPath) == root

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