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Give better error messages when dependencies are not present (#60)
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* Give better error messages when dependencies are not present

This way in the common case where a dependency is not present we will
give a better error than "attribute missing".

This will bloat the size of the generated files a bit since a lot of the
messages are repeated, but I couldn't see a nice way to do it otherwise
while keeping the `ToNixExpr` functions self-contained.

I was a little bit unsure about `ExeDependency` - I *think* it's trying
to look in `components.exes` although at the moment it just looks at the
ambient scope. I made this explicit.
  • Loading branch information
michaelpj authored and angerman committed Aug 14, 2019
1 parent a2a4aa2 commit a9f227d
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Showing 2 changed files with 90 additions and 11 deletions.
94 changes: 83 additions & 11 deletions lib/Cabal2Nix.hs
Expand Up @@ -36,12 +36,11 @@ import Data.String (fromString, IsString)
import Distribution.Types.PackageId
--import Distribution.Types.Condition
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Nix.Expr
import Data.Fix(Fix(..))
import Data.Text (Text)

import Cabal2Nix.Util (quoted)
import Cabal2Nix.Util (quoted, selectOr, mkThrow)

data Src
= Path FilePath
Expand All @@ -54,6 +53,14 @@ hsPkgs = "hsPkgs"
pkgconfPkgs = "pkgconfPkgs"
flags = "flags"

buildDepError, sysDepError, pkgConfDepError, exeDepError, legacyExeDepError, buildToolDepError :: Text
buildDepError = "buildDepError"
sysDepError = "sysDepError"
pkgConfDepError = "pkgConfDepError"
exeDepError = "exeDepError"
legacyExeDepError = "legacyExeDepError"
buildToolDepError = "buildToolDepError"

($//?) :: NExpr -> Maybe NExpr -> NExpr
lhs $//? (Just e) = lhs $// e
lhs $//? Nothing = lhs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,7 +97,7 @@ cabal2nix fileDetails src = \case
(_, Right desc) -> pure desc

gpd2nix :: CabalDetailLevel -> Maybe Src -> Maybe NExpr -> GenericPackageDescription -> NExpr
gpd2nix fileDetails src extra gpd = mkFunction args $ toNix' fileDetails gpd $//? (toNix <$> src) $//? extra
gpd2nix fileDetails src extra gpd = mkLets errorFunctions $ mkFunction args $ toNix' fileDetails gpd $//? (toNix <$> src) $//? extra
where args :: Params NExpr
args = mkParamset [ ("system", Nothing)
, ("compiler", Nothing)
Expand All @@ -100,6 +107,58 @@ gpd2nix fileDetails src extra gpd = mkFunction args $ toNix' fileDetails gpd $//
, (pkgconfPkgs, Nothing)]

errorFunctions :: [Binding NExpr]
errorFunctions =
[ buildDepError $= mkFunction "pkg" (mkThrow $
Fix $ NStr $ Indented 0
[ Plain "The Haskell package set does not contain the package: "
, Antiquoted "pkg"
, Plain " (build dependency).\n\n"
, Plain haskellUpdateSnippet
, sysDepError $= mkFunction "pkg" (mkThrow $
Fix $ NStr $ Indented 0
[ Plain "The Nixpkgs package set does not contain the package: "
, Antiquoted "pkg"
, Plain " (system dependency).\n\n"
, Plain systemUpdateSnippet
, pkgConfDepError $= mkFunction "pkg" (mkThrow $
Fix $ NStr $ Indented 0
[ Plain "The pkg-conf packages does not contain the package: "
, Antiquoted "pkg"
, Plain " (pkg-conf dependency).\n\n"
, Plain "You may need to augment the pkg-conf package mapping in haskell.nix so that it can be found."
, exeDepError $= mkFunction "pkg" (mkThrow $
Fix $ NStr $ Indented 0
[ Plain "The local executable components do not include the component: "
, Antiquoted "pkg"
, Plain " (executable dependency)."
, legacyExeDepError $= mkFunction "pkg" (mkThrow $
Fix $ NStr $ Indented 0
[ Plain "The Haskell package set does not contain the package: "
, Antiquoted "pkg"
, Plain " (executable dependency).\n\n"
, Plain haskellUpdateSnippet
, buildToolDepError $= mkFunction "pkg" (mkThrow $
Fix $ NStr $ Indented 0
[ Plain "Neither the Haskell package set or the Nixpkgs package set contain the package: "
, Antiquoted "pkg"
, Plain " (build tool dependency).\n\n"
, Plain "If this is a system dependency:\n"
, Plain systemUpdateSnippet
, Plain "\n\n"
, Plain "If this is a Haskell dependency:\n"
, Plain haskellUpdateSnippet
systemUpdateSnippet = "You may need to augment the system package mapping in haskell.nix so that it can be found."
haskellUpdateSnippet = "If you are using Stackage, make sure that you are using a snapshot that contains the package. Otherwise you may need to update the Hackage snapshot you are using, usually by updating haskell.nix."

class IsComponent a where
getBuildInfo :: a -> BuildInfo
getMainPath :: a -> Maybe FilePath
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,30 +323,43 @@ instance ToNixExpr' GenericPackageDescription where
(bindTo "tests" . mkNonRecSet <$> filter (not . null) [ uncurry component <$> condTestSuites gpd ]) ++
(bindTo "benchmarks" . mkNonRecSet <$> filter (not . null) [ uncurry component <$> condBenchmarks gpd ])

-- WARNING: these use functions bound at he top level in the GPD expression, they won't work outside it

instance ToNixExpr Dependency where
toNix = (@.) (mkSym hsPkgs) . fromString . show . pretty . depPkgName
toNix d = selectOr (mkSym hsPkgs) (mkSelector $ quoted pkg) (mkSym buildDepError @@ mkStr pkg)
pkg = fromString . show . pretty . depPkgName $ d

instance ToNixExpr SysDependency where
toNix = (@.) (mkSym pkgs) . quoted . fromString . unSysDependency
toNix d = selectOr (mkSym pkgs) (mkSelector $ quoted pkg) (mkSym sysDepError @@ mkStr pkg)
pkg = fromString . unSysDependency $ d

instance ToNixExpr PkgconfigDependency where
toNix (PkgconfigDependency name _versionRange)= (@.) (mkSym pkgconfPkgs) . quoted . fromString . unPkgconfigName $ name
toNix (PkgconfigDependency name _versionRange) = selectOr (mkSym pkgconfPkgs) (mkSelector $ quoted pkg) (mkSym pkgConfDepError @@ mkStr pkg)
pkg = fromString . unPkgconfigName $ name

instance ToNixExpr ExeDependency where
toNix (ExeDependency pkgName' _unqualCompName _versionRange) = mkSym . fromString . show . pretty $ pkgName'
toNix (ExeDependency pkgName' _unqualCompName _versionRange) = selectOr (mkSym "exes") (mkSelector $ pkg) (mkSym exeDepError @@ mkStr pkg)
pkg = fromString . show . pretty $ pkgName'

instance ToNixExpr BuildToolDependency where
toNix (BuildToolDependency pkgName') =
-- TODO once
-- is reolved use something like:
-- [nix| hsPkgs.buildPackages.$((pkgName)) or pkgs.buildPackages.$((pkgName)) ]
Fix $ NSelect (mkSym hsPkgs) buildPackagesDotName
(Just . Fix $ NSelect (mkSym pkgs) buildPackagesDotName Nothing)
selectOr (mkSym hsPkgs) buildPackagesDotName
(selectOr (mkSym pkgs) buildPackagesDotName (mkSym buildToolDepError @@ mkStr pkg))
buildPackagesDotName = StaticKey "buildPackages" :| [StaticKey (fromString . show . pretty $ pkgName')]
pkg = fromString . show . pretty $ pkgName'
buildPackagesDotName = mkSelector "buildPackages" <> mkSelector pkg

instance ToNixExpr LegacyExeDependency where
toNix (LegacyExeDependency name _versionRange) = mkSym hsPkgs @. fromString name
toNix (LegacyExeDependency name _versionRange) = selectOr (mkSym hsPkgs) (mkSelector $ quoted pkg) (mkSym legacyExeDepError @@ mkStr pkg)
pkg = fromString name

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ToNixExpr String where
toNix = mkStr . fromString
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions lib/Cabal2Nix/Util.hs
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Crypto.Hash.SHA256 (hash)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16

import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Fix(Fix(..))
import Nix.Expr

listDirectories :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
Expand All @@ -23,6 +24,12 @@ listDirectories p =
quoted :: (IsString a, Semigroup a) => a -> a
quoted str = "\"" <> str <> "\""

selectOr :: NExpr -> NAttrPath NExpr -> NExpr -> NExpr
selectOr obj path alt = Fix (NSelect obj path (Just $ alt))

mkThrow :: NExpr -> NExpr
mkThrow msg = (mkSym "builtins" @. "throw") @@ msg

sha256 :: String -> String
sha256 = unpack . Base16.encode . hash . pack

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