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Restructure the p2p governor tests a bit: split, add and reorder
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We adjust the initial tests to be in a more sensible order and adjust
the comments to explain them better. We start with the most basic tests
first: checking there is any output at all, checking we don't get
assertion failures, checking for simple livelock.

Note that this significantly simplifies the existing fragile livelock
test. We will add in a more sophisticated "no excessive busyness" test
later if we can find a reliable way to do it.

We then we add a new test to check for trace coverage.

Then we have the other existing tests last: the gossip reachability test
and the connection status consistency test. These tests are more
specific and sophisticated. In particular they rely on the livelock test
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dcoutts authored and coot committed May 12, 2021
1 parent 8148e04 commit 24918f9
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Showing 2 changed files with 220 additions and 84 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module Ouroboros.Network.PeerSelection.Governor (

-- * Internals exported for testing
Expand Down
303 changes: 219 additions & 84 deletions ouroboros-network/test/Test/Ouroboros/Network/PeerSelection.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,10 +16,12 @@ module Test.Ouroboros.Network.PeerSelection (tests) where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (groupBy)
import Data.List (groupBy, foldl')
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Void (Void)

import Control.Monad.Class.MonadTime
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,98 +53,94 @@ tests =
testGroup "Ouroboros.Network.PeerSelection"
[ Test.Ouroboros.Network.PeerSelection.LocalRootPeers.tests
, Test.Ouroboros.Network.PeerSelection.MockEnvironment.tests
, testProperty "governor gossip reachable in 1hr" prop_governor_gossip_1hr
, testProperty "governor connection status" prop_governor_connstatus
, testProperty "governor no livelock" prop_governor_nolivelock
, testGroup "governor"
[ testProperty "has output" prop_governor_hasoutput
, testProperty "no failure" prop_governor_nofail
, testProperty "no livelock" prop_governor_nolivelock
, testProperty "event coverage" prop_governor_trace_coverage
, testProperty "gossip reachable" prop_governor_gossip_1hr
, testProperty "connection status" prop_governor_connstatus

-- QuickCheck properties

-- Things we might like to test...
-- We start with basic properties in the style of "never does bad things"
-- and progress to properties that check that it "eventually does good things".
-- * for even insane environments, there is no insane behaviour
-- trace properties:
-- * progress: all actions should make monotonic progress
-- * no busy work: limit on number of governor iterations before time advances
-- * trace sanity: model of state can be reconstructed from trace events
-- In the "never does bad things" category we have:
-- * A basic state space exploration property that checks we don't encounter
-- internal errors. This includes some limited checking that we get adequate
-- coverage of the different actions, by looking for coverage of all the
-- trace events. The coverage checks here are useful to give us confidence
-- about coverage for some of the other properties.
-- * A no-livelock property. This checks that the governor does not get stuck
-- doing too many steps at a single moment in (virtual) time. It's quite easy
-- to write bugs that don't cause the governor to fail, but cause it to go
-- into a busy cycle. See also the "no excessive busyness" property for a
-- more advanced version.
-- * A state consistency property that the governor's view of part of the state
-- and the "true" state of the mock environment are maintained in an
-- appropriate correspondence.
-- In the "eventually does good things" category we have:
-- * A basic property to check the governor does produce non-trivial traces.
-- * A cold peer gossip "reachable" property: that the governor either hits
-- its target for the number of cold peers, or finds all the reachable peers.
-- Properties that we would like to have:
-- * A "no excessive busyness" property. This checks that the governor does not
-- remain too busy for too long. It's quite easy to write bugs that don't
-- cause the governor to fail, but cause it to go into fairly-busy cycles.
-- * A public root peers target property: that the governor hits its target for
-- for the number of public root peers (or as near as possible), and does
-- note "grossly" overshoot. Since the public roots is a one sided target, but
-- we don't want to overshoot excessively.
-- * A warm peer target property: that the governor hits its established peers
-- target (or as near as possible).
-- * A hot peer target property: that the governor hits its active peers
-- target (or as near as possible).
-- * A local root peers target property: that the governor hits it target for
-- getting all its local root peers into the established state, and a target
-- number of them into the active state (or as near as possible).
-- Other properties we might like to think about
-- * for vaguely stable envs, we do stablise at our target number of cold peers
-- * we stabilise without going insane even if the available nodes are fewer than the target
-- * time to stabilise after a change is not crazy
-- * time to find new nodes after a graph change is ok
-- * targets or root peer set dynamic
-- * check local root peers are what we expect
-- * check governor view of connection status does not lag reality too much

-- | Run the governor for up to 24 hours (simulated obviously) and see if it
-- throws any exceptions (assertions such as invariant violations) or if it
-- encounters a livelock situation.
-- | It is easy to get bugs where the governor is stuck in a busy loop working
-- but not making progress. This kind of bug would result in the governor
-- thread consuming all the cpu, but wouldn't actually stop the node, so might
-- not be easily noticed.
-- We check for this condition by requiring that trace events a certain number
-- of events apart are sufficiently far apart in time too. This will be
-- violated if the governor starts making very slow forward progress.
-- This uses static targets and root peers.
-- | As the most basic property we run the governor and check that it produces
-- any trace output at all. It should elicit some activity, unless the test
-- environment is actually empty.
-- TODO: Reenable this testcase.
prop_governor_nolivelock :: GovernorMockEnvironment -> Property
prop_governor_nolivelock env =
within 10_000_000 $
let trace = takeFirstNHours 24 .
selectGovernorEvents .
selectPeerSelectionTraceEvents $
prop_governor_hasoutput :: GovernorMockEnvironment -> Bool
prop_governor_hasoutput env =
let trace = selectPeerSelectionTraceEvents $
runGovernorInMockEnvironment env

-- uncomment to check expected distribution
tabulate "env size" [renderRanges 10 envSize] $
tabulate "max events" [renderRanges 10 (maxEvents 5 trace)] $
tabulate "events/graph ratio"
[show (maxEvents 5 trace `div` envSize)] $
hasOutput trace

-- Check we don't get too many events within a given time span.
-- How many events is too many? It scales with the graph size.
-- The ratio between them is from experimental evidence.
.&&. let maxevents = (2+envSize) * 8 -- ratio from experiments
timespan = 5 -- seconds
actual = maxEvents (floor timespan) trace
in counterexample ("Too many events in a span of time!\n"
++ " time span: " ++ show timespan ++ " seconds\n"
++ " env size: " ++ show envSize ++ "\n"
++ " num events: " ++ show actual) $

property (makesAdequateProgress maxevents timespan
(map fst trace))
hasOutput :: [(Time, TracePeerSelection PeerAddr)] -> Property
hasOutput (_:_) = property True
hasOutput [] = counterexample "no trace output" $
property (isEmptyEnv env)

envSize = length g + length (targets env)
where PeerGraph g = peerGraph env
maxEvents n = maximum
. (0:)
. map length
. timeSpans n

timeSpans :: Int -> [(Time, a)] -> [[(Time, a)]]
timeSpans _ [] = []
timeSpans n (x@(t,_):xs) =
let (xs', xs'') = span (\(t',_) -> t' <= addTime (fromIntegral n) t) (x:xs)
in xs' : timeSpans n xs''
in hasOutput env (selectGovernorEvents trace)

hasOutput :: GovernorMockEnvironment
-> [(Time, TracePeerSelection PeerAddr)]
-> Bool
hasOutput _ (_:_) = True
hasOutput env [] = isEmptyEnv env

isEmptyEnv :: GovernorMockEnvironment -> Bool
isEmptyEnv GovernorMockEnvironment {
Expand All @@ -156,16 +154,153 @@ isEmptyEnv GovernorMockEnvironment {
|| all (\(t,_) -> targetNumberOfRootPeers t == 0) targets)

-- Check that events that are 100 events apart have an adequate time
-- between them, to indicate we're not in a busy livelock situation.
makesAdequateProgress :: Int -> DiffTime -> [Time] -> Bool
makesAdequateProgress n adequate ts =
go ts (drop n ts)
-- | As a basic property we run the governor to explore its state space a bit
-- and check it does not throw any exceptions (assertions such as invariant
-- violations).
-- We do /not/ assume freedom from livelock for this property, so we run the
-- governor for a maximum number of trace events rather than for a fixed
-- simulated time.
prop_governor_nofail :: GovernorMockEnvironment -> Bool
prop_governor_nofail env =
let trace = take 5000 .
selectPeerSelectionTraceEvents $
runGovernorInMockEnvironment env

in foldl' (flip seq) True
[ assertPeerSelectionState st ()
| (_, GovernorDebug (TraceGovernorState _ _ st)) <- trace ]

-- | It is relatively easy to write bugs where the governor is stuck in a tight
-- cycle of continuous activity. Due to the way the I\/O simulator manages
-- virtual time, these bugs exhibits themselves by infinite trace activity
-- without time advancing.
-- It is important to catch these bugs early in the set of tests, since it is
-- hard to write many of the other more interesting properties if there are
-- these kinds of livelock bugs. Or to put it another way, the other properties
-- can be expressed more simply if they can assume within event traces that the
-- time always advances after some finite number of events.
prop_governor_nolivelock :: GovernorMockEnvironment -> Property
prop_governor_nolivelock env =
let trace = take 5000 .
selectGovernorEvents .
selectPeerSelectionTraceEvents $
runGovernorInMockEnvironment env
in case tooManyEventsBeforeTimeAdvances 1000 trace of
Nothing -> property True
Just (t, es) ->
("over 1000 events at time: " ++ show t ++ "\n" ++
"first 50 events: " ++ (unlines . map show . take 50 $ es)) $
property False

-- | Scan the trace and return any occurrence where we have at least threshold
-- events before virtual time moves on. Return the tail of the trace from that
-- point on.
tooManyEventsBeforeTimeAdvances :: Int -> [(Time, e)] -> Maybe (Time, [e])
tooManyEventsBeforeTimeAdvances _ [] = Nothing
tooManyEventsBeforeTimeAdvances threshold trace0 =
go [ (t, diffTime t' t, e)
| ((t, e), (t', _)) <- zip trace0 (tail trace0) ]
go (a:as) (b:bs)
| diffTime b a < adequate = False
| otherwise = go as bs
go _ _ = True
go [] = Nothing
go trace@((t,_,_):_) = case countdown threshold trace of
Just es' -> go es'
Nothing -> Just (t, trace')
trace' = take threshold [ e | (_,_,e) <- trace ]

countdown 0 _ = Nothing
countdown _ [] = Just []
countdown n ((_t,dt,_e):es)
| dt == 0 = countdown (n-1) es
| otherwise = Just es

-- | A coverage property, much like 'prop_governor_nofail' but we look to see
-- that we get adequate coverage of the state space. We look for all the trace
-- events that the governor can produce, and tabules which ones we see.
prop_governor_trace_coverage :: GovernorMockEnvironment -> Property
prop_governor_trace_coverage env =
let trace = take 5000 .
selectPeerSelectionTraceEvents $
runGovernorInMockEnvironment env

traceNumsSeen = collectTraces trace
traceNamesSeen = allTraceNames `Map.restrictKeys` traceNumsSeen

in coverTable "trace events" [ (n, 1) | n <- Map.elems allTraceNames ] $
tabulate "trace events" (Map.elems traceNamesSeen)

collectTraces :: [(Time, TestTraceEvent)] -> Set Int
collectTraces trace =
Set.fromList [ traceNum e | (_, GovernorEvent e) <- trace ]

traceNum :: TracePeerSelection peeraddr -> Int
traceNum TraceLocalRootPeersChanged{} = 00
traceNum TraceTargetsChanged{} = 01
traceNum TracePublicRootsRequest{} = 02
traceNum TracePublicRootsResults{} = 03
traceNum TracePublicRootsFailure{} = 04
traceNum TraceGossipRequests{} = 05
traceNum TraceGossipResults{} = 06
traceNum TraceForgetColdPeers{} = 07
traceNum TracePromoteColdPeers{} = 08
--traceNum TracePromoteColdLocalPeers{} = 09
traceNum TracePromoteColdFailed{} = 10
traceNum TracePromoteColdDone{} = 11
traceNum TracePromoteWarmPeers{} = 12
--traceNum TracePromoteWarmLocalPeers{} = 13
traceNum TracePromoteWarmFailed{} = 14
traceNum TracePromoteWarmDone{} = 15
traceNum TraceDemoteWarmPeers{} = 16
traceNum TraceDemoteWarmFailed{} = 17
traceNum TraceDemoteWarmDone{} = 18
traceNum TraceDemoteHotPeers{} = 19
traceNum TraceDemoteHotFailed{} = 20
traceNum TraceDemoteHotDone{} = 21
traceNum TraceDemoteAsynchronous{} = 22
traceNum TraceGovernorWakeup{} = 23
traceNum TraceChurnWait{} = 24

allTraceNames :: Map Int String
allTraceNames =
[ (00, "TraceLocalRootPeersChanged")
, (01, "TraceTargetsChanged")
, (02, "TracePublicRootsRequest")
, (03, "TracePublicRootsResults")
, (04, "TracePublicRootsFailure")
, (05, "TraceGossipRequests")
, (06, "TraceGossipResults")
, (07, "TraceForgetColdPeers")
, (08, "TracePromoteColdPeers")
-- , (09, "TracePromoteColdLocalPeers")
, (10, "TracePromoteColdFailed")
, (11, "TracePromoteColdDone")
, (12, "TracePromoteWarmPeers")
-- , (13, "TracePromoteWarmLocalPeers")
, (14, "TracePromoteWarmFailed")
, (15, "TracePromoteWarmDone")
, (16, "TraceDemoteWarmPeers")
, (17, "TraceDemoteWarmFailed")
, (18, "TraceDemoteWarmDone")
, (19, "TraceDemoteHotPeers")
, (20, "TraceDemoteHotFailed")
, (21, "TraceDemoteHotDone")
, (22, "TraceDemoteAsynchronous")
, (23, "TraceGovernorWakeup")
, (24, "TraceChurnWait")

-- | Run the governor for up to 1 hour (simulated obviously) and look at the
-- set of known peers it has selected. This uses static targets and root peers.
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