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mcsherrylabs committed Sep 24, 2020
1 parent 17d588a commit e37bd96
Showing 1 changed file with 109 additions and 3 deletions.
112 changes: 109 additions & 3 deletions
@@ -1,4 +1,110 @@
# psg-cardano-wallet-api
Scala client to the Cardano wallet REST API
# PSG Cardano Wallet API

Note - not every field in the wallet API is represented, some of those used in delagation are ignored.
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### Scala and Java client for the Cardano Wallet API

The Cardano Node exposes a [REST like API](
allowing clients to perform a variety of tasks such as creating or restoring a wallet, submitting
a transaction or checking on the syncing status of the node.

The full list of capabilities can be found [here](

This artefact wraps calls to that API to make them easily accessible to Java or Scala developers.

It also provides an executable jar to provide very rudimentary command line access.

#### Building

Clone the [repository](

This is an `sbt` project, so the usual commands apply.

To build and publish the project to your local repository use

`sbt publish`

To build the command line 'all in one' jar use

`sbt assembly`

To build the 'all in one' jar skipping tests, use

`sbt 'set test in assembly := {}' assembly`

This will create a jar in the `target/scala-2.13` folder.

#### Implementation Details

The jar is part of an Akka streaming ecosystem and unsurprisingly uses [Akka Http]( to make the http requests,
it also uses [circe]( to marshal and unmarshal the json.

#### Usage

The jar is published in Maven Central, the command line executable jar can be downloaded from the releases section
of the [github repository](

##### Scala

Add the library to your dependencies

`libraryDependencies += "iog.psg" %% "psg-cardano-wallet-api" % "0.4.1"`

The api calls return a HttpRequest set up to the correct url and a mapper to take the entity result and
map it from Json to the corresponding case classes.

import iog.psg.cardano.CardanoApi.CardanoApiOps._
import iog.psg.cardano.CardanoApi._
implicit val as = ActorSystem("MyActorSystem")
val baseUri = "http://localhost:8090/v2/"
import as.dispatcher
val api = new CardanoApi(baseUri)
val networkInfoF: Future[CardanoApiResponse[NetworkInfo]] =
val networkInfo: CardanoApiResponse[NetworkInfo] =
networkInfo match {
case Left(ErrorMessage(message, code)) => //do something
case Right(netInfo: NetworkInfo) => // good!

##### Java

Add the library to your dependencies

import iog.psg.cardano.jpi.*;
ActorSystem as = ActorSystem.create();
ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
CardanoApiBuilder builder =
CardanoApi api =;
String walletId = "";
CardanoApiCodec.Wallet wallet =

##### Command Line

To see the minimal help, use

`java -jar psg-cardano-wallet-api-assembly-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT.jar`

To see the [network information]( use

`java -jar psg-cardano-wallet-api-assembly-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT.jar -baseUrl http://localhost:8090/v2/ -netInfo`

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