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The indexer and command-line wallet of C-INS protocol.


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cins is an index, block explorer, and command-line wallet. It is experimental software with no warranty. See LICENSE for more details.

While the Ordinals Inscription is an excellent evolution, it is not flawless and does have some issues.

  • It led to UTXO storage expansion on Bitcoin; the Block size has obviously increased since last year.
  • It incurs high transaction fees and may cause congestion across the entire blockchain.
  • It has a longer transaction confirmation time, which is not user-friendly for small retail investors.
  • It lacks composability due to the absence of "Turing completeness" smart contract.

See the docs for documentation and guides.


  • go version >= 1.21 is required.
  • Tt test for macOS(14.3) and linux(Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS), not recommended to use Windows as there may be unknown problems.
go install


btcd is a full node implementation of the bitcoin protocol written in Go. It is a fork of the original btcd code with some modifications to support the cins protocol.

Start btcd:

cins btcd -u root -P root #-t


cins wallet is modifications made based on btcd, So you can manage your wallet through btcctl.

Install btcctl with:

go install

Start wallet service with:

cins wallet -u root -P root -w root -s <bitcoin_rpc_connect> #-t

It is recommended to use btcd as the wallet's bitcoin node service. Currently, QuickNode's node service is also supported, but the synchronization speed will be slower.


# create a new address
btcctl getnewaddress default bech32 --wallet --notls --rpcuser root --rpcpass root #--testnet
# list wallet address
btcctl listreceivedbyaddress --wallet --notls --rpcuser root --rpcpass root #--testnet
# send btc to address 
# get balance
btcctl getbalance default --wallet --notls --rpcuser root --rpcpass root #--testnet

Inscribe inscriptions:

cins inscribe -f <inscription_file_path> --c_ins_description <c_ins_description_file_path> --dest <dest_owner_address> --indexer_url <cins_indexer_url> #-t

<inscription_file_path> content example:

  "p": "c-brc-20",
  "op": "deploy",
  "tick": "c-ins",
  "max": "21000000",
  "lim": "1000"

<c_ins_description_file_path> content example:

  "type": "blockchain",
  "chain": "309",
  "contract": "ckt1qqexmutxu0c2jq9q4msy8cc6fh4q7q02xvr7dc347zw3ks3qka0m6qggqupnqt6y5nu39j0704jvw770esjfdzulzsyqwqes9az2f7gje8l86ex8008ucfyk3w03gk2pfrr"

inscribe flags:

  cins inscribe [flags]

      --c_brc_20                   is c-brc-20 protocol, add this flag will auto check protocol content effectiveness
      --c_ins_description string   cins protocol description.
      --cbor_metadata string       Include CBOR in file at <METADATA> as inscription metadata
      --compress                   Compress inscription content with brotli.
      --dest string                Send inscription to <DESTINATION> address.
      --dry_run                    Don't sign or broadcast transactions.
  -f, --filepath string            inscription file path
  -h, --help                       help for inscribe
      --indexer_url string         the URL of indexer server (default http://localhost:8335, testnet: http://localhost:18335) (default "http://localhost:8335")
      --json_metadata string       Include JSON in file at <METADATA> converted to CBOR as inscription metadata  
      --no_backup                  Do not back up recovery key.
  -p, --postage uint               Amount of postage to include in the inscription. (default 10000)
  -t, --testnet                    bitcoin testnet3
      --wallet_pass string         wallet password for master private key (default "root")
      --wallet_rpc_pass string     wallet rpc server password (default "root")
      --wallet_rpc_user string     wallet rpc server user (default "root")
      --wallet_url string          the URL of wallet RPC server to connect to (default http://localhost:8332, testnet: localhost:18332) (default "localhost:8332")


cins indexer -u root -P root --mysql_addr <mysql_addr> --mysql_user <mysql_user> --mysql_pass <mysql_pass> --mysql_db <mysql_db> --chain_url <bitcoin_rpc_connect> #-t

or run with config file

cins indexer -c <path_to_config_file> 

config example

  testnet: true
  rpc_listen: ":18335"
  no_api: false
  index_sats: true
  index_spend_sats: false
  url: ""
  username: "root"
  password: "root"
    addr: ""
    user: "root"
    password: "root"
    db: "cins"
  dsn: ""
  traces_sample_rate: 1.0
  - ".*"