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DyND ArrFuncs

The ArrFunc, short for Array Function, is DyND's abstraction to represent computation on nd::array values. It bundles together a signature, some arbitrary data, and functions for resolving types and instantiating a ckernel to execute.

The goal for arrfuncs is to represent all array functions within dynd, so that vtables for dynd types consist primarily of arrfunc objects. The trade-offs in designing it are mostly between making things static so they can be repeated efficiently over many array elements, and making things dynamic and flexible.

Motivation via NumPy UFunc Features

NumPy has ufunc and gufunc abstractions which play a similar role. We'll use them to motivate the nd::arrfunc design. These objects package together the following data/functionality:

  • A single function prototype for implementing kernels as one-dimensional loops of the function (PyUFuncGenericFunction).
  • A list of overloaded kernels for built-in types, and a dictionary of overloaded kernels for pluggable types.
  • The gufunc adds a "core dimensions" signature to be able to provide inner dimensions to the kernel.
  • Broadcasting of additional dimensions, so operations are always element-wise.

The nd::arrfunc abstraction is designed to break these apart into separate composable features, all working through the same interface.

Function Signatures

Types for overloads are defined via datashape type signatures. For simple arrfuncs, these signatures contain concrete types, like (bool, bool) -> bool. Because dimensions can be specified as part of datashapes, the gufunc core dimensions can be part of a signature like (M * bool, M * bool) -> bool.


The concept for overloading is that an overloaded arrfunc contains an array of arrfuncs with simple signatures, and exposes a function signature which matches against input signatures for any of the overloads.

Use Cases

Summary of take-aways from the below

  • Might want to have separate array parameters and dynamic parameters, perhaps indicated via positional vs keyword arguments. I believe Julia does something along these lines, with positional parameters partaking in the multiple dispatch, and keyword parameters not.
  • In-place operation (strided * T) -> void versus returning a modified result (strided * T) -> strided * T, for example a sort operation, would require readwrite parameters in ckernels.
  • An operation may support returning views into an input array rather than making copies of data. Need to be able to specify that, and properly propagate immutability or readonlyness.
  • A way to construct the output type and output arrmeta as part of instantiation. This is needed to support what the [] indexing does, and is probably needed in general to support handling ownership references when returning views.

Simple Reduction: Sum

For sum, we have one array parameter and a few extra parameters which specify how the sum is applied (axis and keepdims). Let's classify the latter as dynamic parameters.

To determine the type of the result, we need to know both the type of the array and the values of the dynamic parameters. For example sum([[3 * 5 * int32]], axis=1, keepdims=True) could have output type 3 * int32.


In NumPy, sort takes a few keyword arguments, including axis, kind (quicksort, etc), and order (a special option for structured arrays indicating field order).

I suspect kind would be better served via multiple sort functions (e.g. std::sort, std::stable_sort, std::partial_sort in C++ STL). The order parameter is potentially confusing, as it could be expected to be a way to reverse the sort order for example.

Python's sort function has two keyword parameters, key= and reverse=. For DyND, emulating these might be a better option than the numpy order=.

NumPy interprets the axis argument to mean sort each 1D sliced array along that axis independently. Another intuitive behavior might be to sort at that axis, sorting later axes lexicographically. This would be more intuitive for a ragged array, or an array with labels along these later axes, for example.

Python offers two variants of sorting - an in-place method on lists, and a sorted function which returns a sorted version of its argument. DyND should support both as well.

String Split

With a signature like (string) -> var * string, with a keyword argument sep=, this operation could return views into data of the original string (though would be allocating memory for the variable dimension). Whether this is possible will depend on the type and arrmeta of the input array.

For example, one could imagine memory-mapping a text file, splitting the file into lines, then splitting each line into fields, resulting in a var * var * string array whose string data is still pointing into the original memory-map.

At the ckernel level, one can see whether a view should be created by looking at the arrmeta of the input and output strings. If the data reference is the same, then the output should be pointing into the same memory.

At the arrfunc level, whether a view is supported may be something to specify via flags somewhere. It would probably be a request during the instantiation step, with three levels following the nd.array, nd.asarray, nd.view logic.

Reductions with Extra State (Kahan Summation)

Kahan summations requires tracking both a sum and a running compensation. We can represent this in three pieces:

  1. An initialization value [0, 0] with type (float64, float64).
  2. A reduction kernel (float64) -> (float64, float64)
  3. A finishing kernel ((float64, float64)) -> float64

For supporting parallelism, a fourth piece:

  1. A combining kernel ((float64, float64)) -> (float64, float64).

Would it be worth having a conventional way to pack together these components?

Indexing (operator[])

Indexing is presently handled as a special case with a pair of virtual functions on the types. It would be nice if indexing could be represented as an arrfunc too. Early on in dynd, having indexing always produce a view was set out as a desirable property. If there were a way to specify view/not-view as for the string splitting use case, it would apply equally well here.

Indexing requires two steps:

  1. Matching the index against the input type, producing the output type. Code calling the indexing operation can then allocate arrmeta for the output.

  2. Matching the index and input type/arrmeta, filling the output arrmeta.

To be able to support this, the arrmeta instantiation needs a way to create and populate the output arrmeta, instead of relying on default creation with a possible shape, as is done now.


DyND has nd.range, which would ideally be modeled as an arrfunc as well. It has a few signatures in its Python binding:

nd.range(stop, dtype=None)
nd.range(start, stop, dtype=None)
nd.range(start, stop, step, dtype=None)

In the first signature, both stop and dtype affect the type or arrmeta of the result. nd.range(5) produces a size 5 strided array, while nd.range(10) produces size 10. Same for start and stop. As a consequence, all parameters must be dynamic, and there are no array parameters.

A possible signature for nd.range is (start: ?T, stop: T, step: ?T, dtype: ?type) -> strided * R, which will lower into a ckernel with signature () -> strided * R.


A very common operation in quick test NumPy code is to create a multi-dimensional array with increasing values as follows:

In [47]: np.arange(24).reshape(2, 3, 4)
array([[[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
        [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
        [ 8,  9, 10, 11]],

       [[12, 13, 14, 15],
        [16, 17, 18, 19],
        [20, 21, 22, 23]]])

There is a corner case of the reshape operation in NumPy that seem wise to restrict, namely if the input is multi-dimensional, it gets implicitly flattened in C-order before being reshaped. I think treating it always as a 1D to ND operation is better, something like (strided * T) -> Dims... * T.

The NumPy reshape signature doesn't quite fit with the idea of having positional arguments always be array parameters and keyword arguments always be dynamic parameters, because the shape needs to be variadic. If we accept the shape as a single argument, it would look like (strided * T, shape: strided * intptr) -> Dims... * T.

Python code would look like

>>> nd.reshape(nd.range(24), (2, 3, 4))

This is another function which would support viewing the input data.


Gradient and Hessian are natural numeric operations to represent on a grid. With an extension to datashape to allow constrained typevars as (A: <constraint>), one can represent their signatures as

((Dims: fixed**N) * T) -> Dims... * N * T
((Dims: fixed**N) * T) -> Dims... * N * N * T

It might also be natural for these functions to have an additional dynamic parameter specifying the method of approximation.

Datashape Function Signature Limitations

Datashape function signatures as presently defined don't cover all the cases one might like.

Pattern Matching Quirks

There are limitations to pattern matching as presently designed which limit the expressivity one might desire.

  1. No simple "match anything" type variable. A single type variable can only match against one dimension type or one data type. To match an arbitrary datashape requires a combination of an ellipsis typevar and a dtype typevar, like D... * T.
  2. Expressing a matrix multiplication signature analogously to the gufunc core dimensions as (M * N * T, N * R * T) -> M * R * T doesn't precisely capture the desired meaning, because the dimension typevars match against any dimension type rather than constraining the size of the dimensions they see. This means (strided * var * real, var * 3 * T) -> strided * 3 * real is a valid match.
  3. No mechanism defined to match against string or integer values in the signature, like (datetime[tz=TZ], datetime[tz=TZ]) -> units[int64, 'microseconds'] or ({F0: S, F1: T}) : {F1: T, F0: S}. The convention for typevars to begin with uppercase doesn't apply to the field names, so "F0" and "F1" aren't typevars but rather the literal field names, and a different syntax would be required to match the name here.

There are further cases where the output type can't be easily represented with simple pattern matching, like a reduction with axis and keepdim arguments. See the Elementwise Reduction document for details on this example. The dependent type mechanism described there would probably be a little bit nicer with a simple way to pattern match a whole datashape too.

No Keyword Arguments

Python is a source of much inspiration for DyND, and as such it would be natural for arrfuncs to support keyword arguments. This would require an extension to datashape, maybe to allow datashapes like (string, real, repeat: int, debug: string) -> int.

In Python 3, keyword-only arguments were added, which might be nice here too, however the syntax to choose isn't immediately obvious.

No Optional Arguments

This is particularly useful for keyword arguments, and could be done simply using the option type in datashape. The above example keyword argument example could be (string, ?real, repeat: ?int, debug: ?string) -> int to denote that the last three arguments are optional.

No Variadic Arguments

The most general Python function signature is def fn(*args, **kwargs). Something to specify a general function signature and variadic arguments would be useful.