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  • Loading branch information committed Apr 22, 2019
1 parent cb0ee69 commit 7600298
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347 changes: 347 additions & 0 deletions ncp-rc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
# yaml template for NCP ReplicationController
# Right kubernetes API and NSX API parameters, and NCP Docker image
# must be specified.

# ConfigMap for ncp.ini
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: nsx-ncp-config
namespace: nsx-system
version: v1
ncp.ini: |
# Set to True to enable logging to stderr
#use_stderr = True
# Set to True to send logs to the syslog daemon
#use_syslog = False
# Enabler debug-level logging for the root logger. If set to True, the
# root logger debug level will be DEBUG, otherwise it will be INFO.
#debug = True
# The log file path must be set to something like '/var/log/nsx-ujo/'. By
# default, logging to file is disabled.
#log_dir = None
# Name of log file to send logging output to. If log_dir is set but log_file is
# not, the binary name will be used, i.e., ncp.log, nsx_node_agent.log and
# nsx_kube_proxy.log.
#log_file = None
# max MB for each compressed file. Defaults to 100 MB
#log_rotation_file_max_mb = 100
# Total number of compressed backup files to store. Defaults to 5.
#log_rotation_backup_count = 5
# Common options for Container Orchestrators
# Container orchestrator adaptor to plug in
# Options: kubernetes (default), openshift, pcf.
#adaptor = kubernetes
# Specify cluster for adaptor. It is a prefix of NSX resources name to
# distinguish multiple clusters who are using the same NSX.
# This is also used as the tag of IP blocks for cluster to allocate
# IP addresses. Different clusters should have different IP blocks.
cluster = k8s-cluster1
# Log level for the NCP operations. If set, overrides the level specified
# for the root logger. Possible values are NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING,
# Log level for the NSX API client operations. If set, overrides the level
# specified for the root logger. Possible values are NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO,
# Once enabled, all projects in this cluster will be mapped to a NAT
# topology in NSX backend
#enable_snat = True
# The type of container node. Possible values are HOSTVM, BAREMETAL.
#node_type = HOSTVM
# NCP High Availability configuration options
# Time duration in seconds of mastership timeout. NCP instance will
# remain master for this duration after elected. Note that the heartbeat
# period plus the update timeout must be less than this period. This
# is done to ensure that the master instance will either confirm
# liveness or fail before the timeout.
#master_timeout = 9
# Time in seconds between heartbeats for elected leader. Once an NCP
# instance is elected master, it will periodically confirm liveness based
# on this value.
#heartbeat_period = 3
# Timeout duration in seconds for update to election resource. If the
# update request does not complete before the timeout it will be
# aborted. Used for master heartbeats to ensure that the update finishes
# or is aborted before the master timeout occurs.
#update_timeout = 3
# From kubernetes
# IP address of the Kubernetes API Server. If not set, will try to
# read and use the Kubernetes Service IP from environment variable
apiserver_host_ip =
# Port of the Kubernetes API Server.
# Set to 6443 for https. If not set, will try to
# read and use the Kubernetes Service port from environment
apiserver_host_port = 6443
# Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying the Kubernetes API server
# certificate. (string value)
#ca_file = <None>
ca_file = /var/run/secrets/
# Full path of the Token file to use for authenticating with the k8s API server.
#client_token_file = <None>
client_token_file = /var/run/secrets/
# Full path of the client certificate file to use for authenticating
# with the k8s API server. It must be specified together with
# "client_private_key_file"
#client_cert_file = <None>
# Full path of the client certificate file to use for authenticating
# with the k8s API server. It must be specified together with
# "client_cert_file"
#client_private_key_file = <None>
# Log level for the kubernetes adaptor. If set, overrides the level specified
# for the root logger. Possible values are NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING,
# Specify how ingress controllers are expected to be deployed. Possible values:
# hostnetwork or nat. NSX will create NAT rules only in the second case.
#ingress_mode = hostnetwork
# From nsx
# IP address of one or more NSX managers separated by commas. The IP address
# should be of the form (list value):
# <ip_address1>[:<port1>],<ip_address2>[:<port2>],...
# HTTPS will be used for communication with NSX. If port is not provided,
# port 443 will be used.
nsx_api_managers =
nsx_api_user = admin
nsx_api_password = password
# If true, the NSX Manager server certificate is not verified. If false the CA
# bundle specified via "ca_file" will be used or if unsest the default system
# root CAs will be used. (boolean value)
insecure = True
# Specify one or a list of CA bundle files to use in verifying the NSX Manager
# server certificate. This option is ignored if "insecure" is set to True. If
# "insecure" is set to False and ca_file is unset, the system root CAs will be
# used to verify the server certificate. (list value)
#ca_file = <None>
# Path to NSX client certificate file. If specified, the nsx_api_user and
# nsx_api_passsword options will be ignored. This option must be specified
# along with "nsx_api_private_key_file" option.
#nsx_api_cert_file = <None>
# Path to NSX client private key file. If specified, the nsx_api_user and
# nsx_api_passsword options will be ignored. This option must be specified
# along with "nsx_api_cert_file" option.
#nsx_api_private_key_file = <None>
# The time in seconds before aborting a HTTP connection to a NSX manager.
# (integer value)
#http_timeout = 10
# The time in seconds before aborting a HTTP read response from a NSX manager.
# (integer value)
#http_read_timeout = 180
# Maximum number of times to retry a HTTP connection. (integer value)
#http_retries = 3
# Maximum concurrent connections to each NSX manager. (integer value)
#concurrent_connections = 10
# The amount of time in seconds to wait before ensuring connectivity to the NSX
# manager if no manager connection has been used. (integer value)
#conn_idle_timeout = 10
# Number of times a HTTP redirect should be followed. (integer value)
#redirects = 2
# Maximum number of times to retry API requests upon stale revision errors.
# (integer value)
#retries = 10
# Subnet prefix of IP block. IP block will be retrieved from NSX API and
# recognised by tag 'cluster'.
# Prefix should be less than 31, as two addresses(the first and last addresses)
# need to be network address and broadcast address.
# The prefix is fixed after the first subnet is created. It can be changed only
# if there is no subnets in IP block.
subnet_prefix = 27
# Indicates whether distributed firewall DENY rules are logged.
log_dropped_traffic = True
# Option to use native loadbalancer support.
use_native_loadbalancer = True
# Option to auto scale layer 4 load balancer or not. If set to True, NCP
# will create additional LB when necessary upon K8s Service of type LB
# creation/update.
#l4_lb_auto_scaling = True
# Used when ingress class annotation is missing
# if set to true, the ingress will be handled by nsx lbs
# otherwise will be handled by 3rd party ingress controller (e.g. nginx)
#default_ingress_class_nsx = True
# Path to the default certificate file for HTTPS load balancing
#lb_default_cert_path = <None>
# Path to the private key file for default certificate for HTTPS load balancing
#lb_priv_key_path = <None>
# Option to set load balancing algorithm in load balancer pool object.
# Available choices are
pool_algorithm = 'ROUND_ROBIN'
# Option to set load balancer service size. Available choices are
# MEDIUM Edge VM (4 vCPU, 8GB) only supports SMALL LB.
# LARGE Edge VM (8 vCPU, 16GB) only supports MEDIUM and SMALL LB.
# Bare Metal Edge (IvyBridge, 2 socket, 128GB) supports LARGE, MEDIUM and
service_size = 'SMALL'
virtual_servers_per_lbs = 10
# Choice of persistence type for ingress traffic through L7 Loadbalancer.
# Accepted values:
# 'cookie'
# 'source_ip'
#l7_persistence = <None>
# Choice of persistence type for ingress traffic through L4 Loadbalancer.
# Accepted values:
# 'source_ip'
#l4_persistence = <None>
# Name or UUID of the tier0 router that project tier1 routers connect to
tier0_router = c86a625e-54e0-4510-9185-e9e1b7e26eb9
# Name or UUID of the NSX overlay transport zone that will be used for creating
# logical switches for container networking. It must refer to an existing
# transport zone on NSX and every hypervisor that hosts the Kubernetes
# node VMs must join this transport zone
overlay_tz = f6d90300-c56e-4d26-8684-8eff64cdf5a0
# Name or UUID of the NSX lb service that can be attached by virtual servers
#lb_service = <None>
# Name or UUID of the container ip blocks that will be used for creating
# subnets. If name, it must be unique
container_ip_blocks = f9e411f5-654e-4f0d-99e8-2e5a9812f295
# Name or UUID of the container ip blocks that will be used for creating
# subnets for no-SNAT projects. If specified, no-SNAT projects will use these
# ip blocks ONLY. Otherwise they will use container_ip_blocks
# no_snat_ip_blocks = 1fee832f-bde7-4eb8-b10e-8045d3a3fbd8
# Name or UUID of the external ip pools that will be used for allocating IP
# addresses which will be used for translating container IPs via SNAT rules
# external_ip_pools = f41c3e85-d12e-4b7a-a2af-13812616545b
external_ip_pools = 84ffd635-640f-41c6-be85-71337e112e69
# Firewall sections for this cluster will be created below this mark section
top_firewall_section_marker = ab07e559-79aa-4bc9-a6f0-126ea59278c2
# Firewall sections for this cluster will be created above this mark section
bottom_firewall_section_marker = 35aaa6c5-0870-4ac4-bf47-114780863956
apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
# VMware NSX Container Plugin
name: nsx-ncp
namespace: nsx-system
tier: nsx-networking
component: nsx-ncp
version: v1
# Active-Active/Active-Standby is not supported in current release.
# so replica *must be* 1.
replicas: 1
tier: nsx-networking
component: nsx-ncp
version: v1
# NCP shares the host management network.
hostNetwork: true
# If configured with ServiceAccount, update the ServiceAccount
# name below.
serviceAccountName: ncp-svc-account
- name: nsx-ncp
# Docker image for NCP
image: registry.local/
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: NCP_NAME
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
- /bin/sh
- -c
- check_pod_liveness nsx-ncp
initialDelaySeconds: 5
timeoutSeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 10
failureThreshold: 5
- name: config-volume
# NCP expects ncp.ini is present in /etc/nsx-ujo
mountPath: /etc/nsx-ujo/ncp.ini
subPath: ncp.ini
readOnly: true
- name: config-volume
# ConfigMap nsx-ncp-config is expected to supply ncp.ini
name: nsx-ncp-config

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