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yhwh edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 4 revisions

Here an exemple of Nested TestSuite, the code test nothing except that null is null ;)

new Ext.test.TestSuite({
  /* testSuite name */
    name : 'Nested Test Suites Sample 3'	 
  , items : [{
       ttype : 'testcase'
     , name  : 'A silly Test Case at Lvl 0'
     , testZero : function(){
         Y.Assert.isNull(null, 'Blah!');
       ttype : 'testsuite' /* important the type of item (testcase for testcase) */
     , name  : 'Test Suite at Lvl 0'
     , items : [{
           ttype : 'testcase'
         , name  : 'A silly Test Case at Lvl 1'
         , testOne: function(){
             Y.Assert.isNull(null, 'Blah!');

Note: the default ttype for item is ‘testcase’, so if you want to add a Ext.test.TestCase in the items Array a ttype is not mandatory.

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