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Robust Learning Meets Generative Models: Can Proxy Distributions Improve Adversarial Robustness?

Pdf: Arxiv, Openreview

Code for our ICLR 2022 paper where we show that synthetic data from diffusion models can provide a tremendous boost in the performance of robust training. We also provide synthetic data used in the paper for all five datasets, namely CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet, CelebA, and AFHQ. We also provide synthetic data from seven different generative models for CIFAR-10, which was used to analyze impact of different generative models in section 3.2.

Despite being minimalistic, this codebase also offers multi-node and multi-gpu adversarial training support.

Getting started

Let's start by installing all dependencies.

  • pip install torch torchvision easydict
  • pip install git+
  • pip install git+

Training a robust classifier

We can perform adversarial training on four GPUs using the following command.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=6116 --dataset cifar10 --syn-data-list ddpm_cifar10 --syn-data-dir dir_where_syn_data_is_stored --arch wrn_34_10 --trainer pgd --val-method pgd --batch-size 128 --batch-size-syn 128 --exp-name name_of_experiment

  • --trainer: Choice of training method from (baseline, trades, pgd, fgsm). baseline refer to benign training, i.e., no adversary is present, while other three are variations of adversarial training.
  • --val-method: Choice of training method from (baseline, pgd, auto). In evaluation, we can also use either baseline or an adversarial attack from pgd or autoattack. Note that we use a subset of attacks in autoattack for faster evaluation.
  • --syn-data-list: Choice of synthetic dataset. It will be loaded from the directory provided by --syn-data-dir flag. One can choose to provide multiple synthetic datasets.
  • --dataset: Choice of dataset from (cifar-10, cifar-100)

We provide the synthetic dataloader and its integration with real data in While the current demo consider cifar-10 and cifar-100 as the primary use cases, it can be easily extended to other datasets.

Now let's consider the variations of aforementioned setup.

  1. Training on a single-gpu: Just specify the --no-dist flag.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset cifar10 --syn-data-list ddpm_cifar10 --syn-data-dir dir_where_syn_data_is_stored --arch wrn_34_10 --trainer pgd --val-method pgd --batch-size 128 --batch-size-syn 128 --exp-name name_of_experiment --no-dist

  1. Training without synthetic data: Simply drop the synthetic data args.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset cifar10 --arch wrn_34_10 --trainer pgd --val-method pgd --batch-size 128 --exp-name name_of_experiment --no-dist

  1. Multi-node training: We will use slurm to lauch processes on different nodes. We provide an example script (./scripts/train.slurm) to adversarially train a ResNest-152 model on eight nodes with two gpus per node. Note that beyond the cmd line args with multi-node are identical to single-node, thus the only requirement for multi-node is to launch it using slurm.

Pre-trained models

Our pre-trained models are easily accessible through RobustBench. For example, one can load our robust WideResNet-34-10 model for CIFAR-10 (Linf) dataset using following two lines.

from robustbench.utils import load_model
model = load_model(model_name='Sehwag2021Proxy', dataset='cifar10', threat_model='Linf')

Synthetic data zoo

We release synthetic images for all five datasets used in our paper. You can download them using the link provided below. Class-conditioning implies that the generative model itself generates labelled images. With generative models that are not class-conditioned, we use an additional classifier to generate pseudo labels, as described in the paper.

Dataset Number of training images in dataset Generative model Number of synthetic images Class-conditioned Samples
CIFAR-10 50K DDPM 15M No Link
" " StyleGAN 10M Yes Link
" " WGAN-ALP 1M No Link
" " E2GAN 1M No Link
" " DiffCrBigGAN 1M Yes Link
" " NDA 1M Yes Link
" " DiffBigGAN 1M Yes Link
CelebA 120K StyleFormer 1M No Link
" " DDPM 1M No Link
ImageNet 1.2M BigGAN 1M Yes Link
" " DDPM 400K Yes Link
CIFAR-100 50K DDPM 1M Yes Link
AFHQ 15K StyleGAN 300K Yes Link


If you find this work helpful, consider citing it.

    title={Robust Learning Meets Generative Models: Can Proxy Distributions Improve Adversarial Robustness?},
    author={Vikash Sehwag and Saeed Mahloujifar and Tinashe Handina and Sihui Dai and Chong Xiang and Mung Chiang and Prateek Mittal},
    booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


[ICLR 2022 official code] Robust Learning Meets Generative Models: Can Proxy Distributions Improve Adversarial Robustness?






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