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Auto Feature Engineering Workflow


Auto Feature Engineering helps to shorten the time required for data scientists to process and transform large-scale raw tabular datasets to ready-to-train features, reducing the necessity of human domain-specific knowledge to explore and identify new useful features, and thus enabling data scientists to be able to focus and iterate on the rest stages of the E2E AI pipelines more efficiently.

The workflow leverages Intel Auto-Feature-Engineering toolkit (codename: RecDP) to automatically transform raw tabular data to enriched useful new features on pluggable execution engine such as Pandas and Spark, with the capability of integrating 3rd party feature engineering primitives, and thus significantly improve developer productivity and efficiency.

Check out more workflow examples in the Developer Catalog.

Solution Technical Overview

Auto feature engineering targets to simplify Feature engineering process with enhanced performance via parallel data processing frameworks, automated data processing pipeline and built-in domain-specific feature engineering primitives. This repository provides an end-to-end workflow that automatically analyzes the data based on data type, profiles feature distribution, generates customizable feature engineering pipelines for the data preparation and executes the pipeline parallelly with different backend engines on Intel platform.

This workflow leverages the RecDP toolkits from Intel® End-to-End AI Optimization kit and the features can be used by both ML and DL models.

Solution Technical Details

auto feature engineering explained

Steps explained:

  1. Feature profile: Analyze raw tabular dataset to infer original feature based on data type and generate FeatureList.
  2. Feature engineering: Use inferred FeatureList to generate Data Pipeline in Json/Yaml File format.
  3. Feature transformation: Convert Data Pipeline to executable operations and transform original features to candidate features with selected engine, currently Pandas and Spark were supported.
  4. Feature Importance Estimator: perform feature importance analysis on candidate features to remove un-important features, generate the transfomred dataset that includes all finalize features that will be used for training.

Validated Hardware Details

There are workflow-specific hardware and software setup requirements depending on how the workflow is run.

Hardware Requirements

Name Description
CPU Intel® 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Gen Xeon® Scalable Performance processors
Memory Size >100 GB
Disk Size >300 GB
Docker Version 23.0.x

Software Requirements

Package Version
Python 3.8.10
Spark 3.3.1
Pandas 2.0.1

This workflow has been validated with Ubuntu 20.04 OS.

How it Works

This Auto Feature Engineering Workflow loads tabular data, profiles data, applies feature transformation, generates new features to enrich the features, and then evaluates performance with transformed data. The whole process is configurable using yaml configuration file including tabular data path, target label of tabular data and execution engine.

Get Started

Start by defining an environment variable that will store the workspace path, this can be an existing directory or one to be created in further steps. This ENVVAR will be used for all the commands executed using absolute paths.

export WORKSPACE=~/work

Workflow Overview

auto feature engineering workflow

Steps explained:

  1. Download suggested dataset. (Skip if you want to use own dataset).
  2. Create a folder in applications and put the dataset there.
  3. Create a workflow yaml file in {your folder} to config dataset_path and label.
  4. run "docker compose run autofe-local-mode" (cmdline mode) or run "docker compose run autofe-notebook-UI" (jupyter notebook mode).
  5. Once the script completes successfully, you'll see transformed data and EDA analysis in {your folder}.

Following steps is a auto feature engineering example on NYC taxi dataset.

Download the Workflow Repository

Create a working directory for workflow and clone workflow repo into working directory.

mkdir -p $WORKSPACE && cd $WORKSPACE
git clone
export AUTOFE_DIR=`pwd`/auto-feature-engineering

Download the Dataset

The examples uses kaggle API to download dataset, you can also download dataset manually.

pip install kaggle==1.5.3
apt install unzip

export KAGGLE_USERNAME=${your_kaggle_username}
export KAGGLE_KEY=${your_kaggle_key}
export KAGGLE_PROXY=${your_proxy}

# download NYC taxi dataset, usually took ~2 mins
cd ${AUTOFE_DIR}/applications/nyc_taxi_fare/; mkdir -p raw_data; cd raw_data;
kaggle competitions download -c new-york-city-taxi-fare-prediction; unzip

Supported Runtime Environment

You can execute the references pipelines using the following environments:

  • Docker
  • Argo
  • Jupyter

Run Using Docker

Follow these instructions to set up and run our provided Docker image.

Set Up Docker Engine

You'll need to install Docker Engine on your development system. Note that while Docker Engine is free to use, Docker Desktop may require you to purchase a license. See the Docker Engine Server installation instructions for details.

If the Docker image is run on a cloud service, you may also need credentials to perform training and inference related operations (such as these for Azure):

Setup Docker Compose

Ensure you have Docker Compose installed on your machine. If you don't have this tool installed, consult the official Docker Compose installation documentation.

mkdir -p $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins
curl -SL -o $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
chmod +x $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
docker compose version

Set Up Docker Image

Build or pull the provided docker image.

cd $AUTOFE_DIR/docker
docker compose build


docker pull intel/ai-workflows:pa-autofe

Run Pipeline with Docker Compose

This command will build RecDP docker image and starts docker container. $AUTOFE_WORKSPACE directory will be mounted to docker container and corresponding workflow will be launched in container. When the command completes successfully, a EDA folder will be created under $workspace folder, containing transformed dataset and pipeline.json file that contains feature transform pipeline created by RecDP.

Note: We use system proxy from host while building docker image, so please set correct environment param for http_proxy and https_proxy in host.

%%{init: {'theme': 'dark'}}%%
flowchart RL
  VAUTOFEWORKSPACE{{"${AUTOFE_WORKSPACE}"}} x-. /home/vmagent/app/workspace/ .-x autofelocalmode[autofe-local-mode]
  VH45679{{../}} x-. /home/vmagent/app/ .-x autofelocalmode
  VAUTOFEWORKSPACE x-. /home/vmagent/app/workspace/ .-x autofeEDAUI[autofe-EDA-UI]
  VH45679 x-. /home/vmagent/app/ .-x autofeEDAUI
  VAUTOFEWORKSPACE x-. /home/vmagent/app/workspace/ .-x autofenotebookUI[autofe-notebook-UI]
  VH45679 x-. /home/vmagent/app/ .-x autofenotebookUI
  VAUTOFEWORKSPACE x-. /home/vmagent/app/workspace/ .-x autofenotebookdev[autofe-notebook-dev]
  VH45679 x-. /home/vmagent/app/ .-x autofenotebookdev

  classDef volumes fill:#0f544e,stroke:#23968b

The table below shows some of the environment variables you can control according to your needs.

Environment Variable Name Default Value Description
AUTOFE_WORKSPACE ${AUTOFE_DIR}/applications/nyc_taxi_fare Workflow workspace directory, will be mounted to /home/vmagent/app/workspace/

Configuration for ${AUTOFE_DIR}/applications/nyc_taxi_fare/workflow.yaml

dataset_path: ./raw_data/train.csv
target_label: fare_amount
engine_type: spark
cd ${AUTOFE_DIR}/docker
export AUTOFE_WORKSPACE=${AUTOFE_DIR}/applications/nyc_taxi_fare
docker compose run autofe-local-mode

Expected Output:

  • Docker container will be built and started
  • Configuration file is parsed and input
autofe_pyrecdp  | Configuration is {'dataset_path': './raw_data/train.csv', 'target_label': 'fare_amount'}
  • Workflow profiles input data and creates data pipeline automatically.
autofe_pyrecdp  | {0: DataFrame, 1: type_infer, 2: astype, 3: fillna, 4: DataFrame, 5: type_infer, 6: tuple, 7: tuple, 8: astype, 9: fillna, 10: astype, 11: datetime_featur
e, 12: haversine, 13: drop}
  • Workflow starts to transform data, we provided engine in configuration: pandas and spark
autofe_pyrecdp  | execute with spark started ...

autofe_pyrecdp  | execute drop started ...
autofe_pyrecdp  |   execute drop took 0.0009502819739282131 sec
autofe_pyrecdp  | DataframeTransform took 83.058 secs, processed 55423856 rows with num_partitions as 200
autofe_pyrecdp  | DataframeTransform combine to one pandas dataframe took 4.765 secs
autofe_pyrecdp  | execute with spark took 151.22523793019354 sec
  • Workflow completed!
autofe_pyrecdp  | ************ Completed! ************
autofe_pyrecdp  | original data shape is (55423856, 8), after transformed data shape is (55423856, 17)
autofe_pyrecdp  | Transformed Data and EDA analysis are saved in your workspace
autofe_pyrecdp  |       transformed_data.parquet
autofe_pyrecdp  |       workflow.yaml
autofe_pyrecdp  |       EDA
autofe_pyrecdp  |       raw_data
autofe_pyrecdp  | EDA folder:
autofe_pyrecdp  |       UI_notebook.ipynb
autofe_pyrecdp  |       pipeline.json
autofe_pyrecdp  |       transformed_data_sample.csv
autofe_pyrecdp  |       original_data_sample.csv
autofe_pyrecdp  |       .ipynb_checkpoints
autofe_pyrecdp  | Please visit EDA/UI_notebook.ipynb for details
autofe_pyrecdp  | **************************************
autofe_pyrecdp  |
autofe_pyrecdp exited with code 0

Clean Up Docker Containers

Stop containers created by docker compose and remove them.

docker compose down

Run Using Argo

1. Install Helm

curl -fsSL -o && \
chmod 700 && \

2. Setting up K8s

3. Install Workflow Template

export NAMESPACE=argo
helm install --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --set proxy=${http_proxy} auto-feature-engineering ./chart
argo submit --from wftmpl/auto-feature-engineering --namespace=${NAMESPACE}

4. View

To view your workflow progress

argo logs @latest -f

Run Using Jupyter

We setup Jupyter environment in docker image, so please follow Set Up Docker Engine and Setup Docker Compose to install Docker Engine and Docker Compose first.

Set Up Docker Image

Build or pull the provided docker image.

cd $AUTOFE_DIR/docker
docker compose build


docker pull intel/ai-workflows:pa-autofe

Run Pipeline with Jupyter

This command will build RecDP docker image and starts docker container. $AUTOFE_WORKSPACE directory will be mounted to docker container and corresponding workflow will be launched in container. When the command completes successfully, a EDA folder will be created under $workspace folder, containing transformed dataset and pipeline.json file that contains feature transform pipeline created by RecDP.

Note: We use system proxy from host while building docker image, so please set correct environment param for http_proxy and https_proxy in host.

Configuration for ${AUTOFE_DIR}/applications/nyc_taxi_fare/workflow.yaml

dataset_path: ./raw_data/train.csv
target_label: fare_amount
engine_type: spark
cd ${AUTOFE_DIR}/docker
export AUTOFE_WORKSPACE=${AUTOFE_DIR}/applications/nyc_taxi_fare
docker compose run autofe-notebook-UI

Expected Output:

  • Docker container will be built and started
  • Then you can follow the instruction to open notebook on http://{host}:{port}/lab/tree/interactive_notebook.ipynb
[+] Building 2.9s (10/10) FINISHED
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile-recdp                                                                                                             0.0s
 ⠿ Container autofe_pyrecdp  Created                                                                                                                                   0.0s
Attaching to autofe_pyrecdp
autofe_notebook_UI  | [I 2023-05-15 15:48:10.346 ServerApp] Jupyter Server 2.5.0 is running at:
autofe_notebook_UI  | [I 2023-05-15 15:48:10.346 ServerApp] http://{host}:8890/lab
autofe_notebook_UI  | [I 2023-05-15 15:48:10.346 ServerApp]
autofe_notebook_UI  | [I 2023-05-15 15:48:10.346 ServerApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).

Built-In Use Cases

Workflow Name Description
NYC taxi fare Fare prediction based on NYC taxi dataset
Amazon Product Review Product recommandation based on reviews from Amazon
IBM Card Transaction Fraud Detect Recognize fraudulent credit card transactions
Twitter Recsys Real-world task of tweet engagement prediction
Outbrain Click prediction for recommendation system
Covid19 TabUtils integration example with Tabular Utils
PredictiveAssetsMaintenance integration example with predictive assets maintenance use case

How to Customize this Workflow

1. Prepare Your Own Dataset

Create a workflow directory like mkdir -p ${AUTOFE_DIR}/applications/customer_dataset/raw_data and put your dataset under raw_data directory.

2. Create Your workflow.yaml Configuration

  • Create workflow configuration yaml file ${AUTOFE_DIR}/applications/customer_dataset/workflow.yaml
  • Add workflow configurations in workflow.yaml, supported configurations are listed in the table
Name Description
dataset_path set dataset directory
target_label specify target lable of dataset
engine_type config auto feature engineering engine type, support pandas and spark
  • Example configuration of NYC taxi dataset:
dataset_path: ./raw_data/train.csv
target_label: fare_amount
engine_type: spark

3. Run the Workflow

Pick either jupyter mode or docker cmdline mode to run the workflow.

Option 1: Jupyter Mode

cd ${AUTOFE_DIR}/docker
export AUTOFE_WORKSPACE=${AUTOFE_DIR}/applications/customer_dataset
docker compose run autofe-notebook-UI

Option 2: Docker Cmdline Mode

cd ${AUTOFE_DIR}/docker
export AUTOFE_WORKSPACE=${AUTOFE_DIR}/applications/customer_dataset
docker compose run autofe-local-mode

Performance Overview

performance overview

AutoFE workflows significantly simplifies the complexity of feature engineering with just 3 lines of code, and reduced data process time.

Note: The performance data is tested on single node with 3rd Gen Xeon® Scalable Performance processors with Spark as execution engine.

Learn More

For more information about or to read about other relevant workflow examples, see these guides and software resources:


If you have questions or issues about this workflow, contact the Support Team. If there is no support forum, and we want developers to use GitHub issues to submit bugs and enhancement requests, put a link to that GitHub repo's issues.

The Auto Feature Engineering Workflow team tracks both bugs and enhancement requests using GitHub issues. Before submitting a suggestion or bug report, search the DLSA GitHub issues to see if your issue has already been reported.

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