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Luc Yriarte edited this page Nov 14, 2013 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the cloud-neard wiki!


Cloud-neard is an implementation of the W3C NFC working group NFC API internal draft.

Neard is the standard open source NFC manager for Linux, available in Ubuntu 13.10. Cloud-neard is implemented on top of the Neard DBus APIs.

sudo apt-get install neard

Live demo

Commands for running the cloudeebus server from the cloud-neard main folder, traces enabled:

cloud-neard NFC application. -d -c ./js/lib/config/CREDENTIALS -w ./js/lib/config/WHITELIST

MWC2013 slides on the NFC W3C API proposal.

The slides include a live demo. This one doesn't have creds and whitelist files so it can be run from any folder. -d -o -p 9001