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Copyright © 2022-2023 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Khronos® is a registered trademark and SYCL™ and SPIR™ are trademarks of The Khronos Group Inc. OpenCL™ is a trademark of Apple Inc. used by permission by Khronos.


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This extension is written against the SYCL 2020 revision 6 specification. All references below to the "core SYCL specification" or to section numbers in the SYCL specification refer to that revision.

This extension also depends on the following other SYCL extensions:


This is a proposed extension specification, intended to gather community feedback. Interfaces defined in this specification may not be implemented yet or may be in a preliminary state. The specification itself may also change in incompatible ways before it is finalized. Shipping software products should not rely on APIs defined in this specification.


This extension introduces a new mechanism for querying any limitations that a developer must respect when launching a specific kernel on a specific queue. Such limitations may exist when a kernel is decorated with one or more properties that require an implementation to enable additional features (such as providing certain forward progress guarantees, or enabling cross-work-group synchronization routines), or when a kernel uses certain features (such as static work-group local memory or group algorithms).


Feature test macro

This extension provides a feature-test macro as described in the core SYCL specification. An implementation supporting this extension must predefine the macro SYCL_EXT_ONEAPI_LAUNCH_QUERIES to one of the values defined in the table below. Applications can test for the existence of this macro to determine if the implementation supports this feature, or applications can test the macro’s value to determine which of the extension’s features the implementation supports.

Value Description


The APIs of this experimental extension are not versioned, so the feature-test macro always has this value.

Launch queries

An implementation’s ability to satisify requests for specific behaviors (such as strong forward progress guarantees and/or cross-work-group synchronization) for a kernel may be dependent upon: the kernel itself, and the features that it uses; the queue (and underlying device) to which the kernel is submitted; and the kernel’s launch configuration.

It is a user’s responsibility to ensure that a kernel requesting specific behaviors uses a compatible launch configuration, using the ext_oneapi_get_info function and descriptors from the info::kernel namespace.

If the sycl::nd_range parameter used to launch a kernel is incompatible with the results of a kernel’s launch queries, an implementation must throw a synchronous exception with the errc::nd_range error code.


The values returned by ext_oneapi_get_info account for all properties attached to a kernel (via the mechanisms defined in the sycl_ext_oneapi_kernel_properties extension), as well as the usage of features like group algorithms and work-group local memory. Developers should assume that the values will differ across kernels.

namespace sycl {

class kernel {
  template <typename Param, typename... T>
  /*return-type*/ ext_oneapi_get_info(T... args) const;

template <typename Param, typename... T>
/*return-type*/ ext_oneapi_get_info(T... args) const;

Constraints: Available only when the types T... described by the parameter pack match the types defined in the table below.

Preconditions: Param must be one of the info::kernel descriptors defined in this extension.

Returns: Information about the kernel that applies when the kernel is submitted with the configuration described by the parameter pack T.... The return type is defined in the table below.

This extension adds several new queries to this interface, many of which already have equivalents in the kernel_device_specific or device namespaces.

These queries are queue- and not device-specific because it is anticipated that implementations will introduce finer-grained queue controls that impact the scheduling of kernels.
Allowing devices to return a value of 1 for these queries maximizes the chances that code written to use certain extension remains portable. However, the performance of kernels using only one work-group, sub-group or work-item may be limited on some (highly parallel) devices. If certain properties (e.g. forward progress guarantees, cross-work-group synchronization) are being used as part of a performance optimization, developers should check that the values returned by these queries is not 1.
namespace ext::oneapi::experimental::info::kernel {

template <uint32_t Dimensions>
struct max_work_item_sizes;

struct max_work_group_size;
struct max_num_work_groups;

Kernel Descriptor Argument Types Return Type Description

template <uint32_t Dimensions> max_work_item_sizes



Returns the maximum number of work-items that are permitted in each dimension of a work-group, when the kernel is submitted to the specified queue, accounting for any kernel properties or features. If the kernel can be submitted to the specified queue without an error, the minimum value returned by this query is 1, otherwise it is 0.




Returns the maximum number of work-items that are permitted in a work-group, when the kernel is submitted to the specified queue, accounting for any kernel properties or features. If the kernel can be submitted to the specified queue without an error, the minimum value returned by this query is 1, otherwise it is 0.


sycl::queue, sycl::range, size_t


Returns the maximum number of work-groups, when the kernel is submitted to the specified queue with the specified work-group size and the specified amount of dynamic work-group local memory (in bytes), accounting for any kernel properties or features. If the kernel can be submitted to the specified queue without an error, the minimum value returned by this query is 1, otherwise it is 0.

A separate set of launch queries can be used to reason about how an implementation will launch a kernel on the specified queue. The values of these queries should also be checked if a kernel is expected to be launched in a specific way (e.g., if the kernel requires two sub-groups for correctness).

namespace ext::oneapi::experimental::info::kernel {

struct max_sub_group_size;
struct num_sub_groups;

Kernel Descriptor Argument Types Return Type Description


sycl::queue, sycl::range


Returns the maximum sub-group size, when the kernel is submitted to the specified queue with the specified work-group size, accounting for any kernel properties or features. The return value of this query must match the value returned by sub_group::get_max_local_range() inside the kernel. If the kernel can be submitted to the specified queue without an error, the minimum value returned by this query is 1, otherwise it is 0.


sycl::queue, sycl::range


Returns the number of sub-groups per work-group, when the kernel is submitted to the specified queue with the specified work-group size, accounting for any kernel properties or features. If the kernel can be submitted to the specified queue without an error, the minimum value returned by this query is 1, otherwise it is 0.

