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Tc/precomputed vars (#19)
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* moving all parameter/input/template arg handling to pre-computed mechanism
* simplifying jinja2 code
* using conda build in travis
  • Loading branch information
fschlimb committed Nov 23, 2018
1 parent 2133108 commit 08f1301
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Showing 8 changed files with 308 additions and 407 deletions.
21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions .travis.yml
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Expand Up @@ -4,24 +4,30 @@ matrix:
- name: "Linux-Py2"
os: linux
- PYVER="--python=27"
- name: "Linux-Py3"
os: linux
- PYVER=""
- name: "OsX-Py2"
os: osx
osx_image: xcode8
- MATRIX_EVAL="brew install gcc && CC=gcc-7 && CXX=g++-7"
- PYVER="--python=27"
- name: "OsX-Py3"
os: osx
osx_image: xcode8
- MATRIX_EVAL="brew install gcc && CC=gcc-7 && CXX=g++-7"
- PYVER=""

- wget$MINICONDA -O;
Expand All @@ -30,20 +36,15 @@ install:
- hash -r
- conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no
- conda update -q conda
- conda install conda-build
# Useful for debugging any issues with conda
- conda info -a

# create conda env with all our deps
- conda create -q -n D4P -c intel -c conda-forge mpich tbb-devel daal daal-include cython jinja2 numpy
- source activate D4P
- gcc -v
- g++ -v

# Your test script goes here
- which mpirun && mpirun -version
# - which mpirun && mpirun -version
# - echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
# - export I_MPI_SHM_LMT=shm
- cd tests && python; cd ..
- cd examples && python
- conda build -c intel -c conda-forge $PYVER conda-recipe
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Copyright 2014-2017 Intel Corporation
# Copyright 2014-2018 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
Expand Down
208 changes: 157 additions & 51 deletions generator/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,66 +14,172 @@
# limitations under the License.

# Provides helper class to format variables (input args, template args and parameters)
# Different syntax for C++, cython and python are precomputed.
# wrapper_gen uses the precomputed attributes in jinja2 macros

from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
import re

pydefaults = defaultdict(lambda: None)
# default values of paramters/inputs are set by daal itself.
# We indicate with these defaults that we want to use daal's defaults
pydefaults = defaultdict(lambda: 'None')
pydefaults.update({'double': 'NaN64',
'float': 'NaN32',
'int': '-1',
'long': '-1',
'size_t': '-1',
'bool': 'False',
#'std::string' : '""',
'std::string &' : '""',
'float': 'NaN32',
'int': '-1',
'long': '-1',
'size_t': '-1',
'bool': 'False',
'std::string' : '',
#'std::string &' : '""',

# Same but when calling C++
# We actually only need bool for distributed/streaming; the rest is handled in use_default
cppdefaults = defaultdict(lambda: 'NULL')
cppdefaults.update({'bool': 'false',})

FmtVar = namedtuple('formatted_variable',
['name', # variable's name
'typ', # type
'default', # default value
'arg_cpp', # use as argument to a C++ function call from C++
'arg_cy', # use as argument to a C++ function call in cython
'arg_py', # use as argument to a Python function call in cython
'decl_dflt_cpp', # use as var declaration in C++ with default value
'decl_cpp', # use as var declaration in C++ without default
'decl_dflt_cy', # use as C++ member/var declaration in Cython with default
'decl_dflt_py', # use as Python member/var declaration in Cython with default
'decl_member',# use as member declaration in C++
'arg_member',# use as member used in C++
'init_member', # initializer for member var
FmtVar.__new__.__defaults__ = ('',) * len(FmtVar._fields)
def flat(typ):
'''Flatten C++ name, leaving only what's needed to disambiguate names.
E.g. stripping of leading namespaces and replaceing :: with _
typ = typ.replace('daal::algorithms::kernel_function::KernelIfacePtr', 'daal::services::SharedPtr<kernel_function::KernelIface>')
typ = re.sub(r'(daal::)?(algorithms::)?(engines::)?EnginePtr', r'daal::services::SharedPtr<engines::BatchBase>', typ)
typ = re.sub(r'(?:daal::)?(?:algorithms::)?([^:]+::)BatchPtr', r'daal::services::SharedPtr<\1Batch>', typ)
typ = re.sub(r'(daal::)?services::SharedPtr<([^>]+)>', r'\2__iface__', typ)
nn = typ.split('::')
if nn[0] == 'daal':
if nn[1] == 'algorithms':
r = '_'.join(nn[2:])
r = '_'.join(nn[1:])
elif nn[0] == 'algorithms':
r = '_'.join(nn[1:])
r = '_'.join(nn)
return r

def cy_callext(arg, typ_cy, typ_cyext, s2e=None):
'''Where needed decorate argument with conversion when calling C++ from cython'''
if 'table_or_flist' in typ_cy:
return 'new table_or_flist(<PyObject *>' + arg + ')'
if 'dict_numerictable' in typ_cy:
return 'make_dnt(<PyObject *>' + arg + ((', ' + s2e) if s2e else '') + ')'
if 'numerictable' in typ_cy:
return 'make_nt(<PyObject *>' + arg + ')'
if any(typ_cy.endswith(x) for x in ['__iface__', 'model']):
return arg + '.c_ptr if ' + arg + ' != None else <' + typ_cyext + ' *>0'
if 'std_string' in typ_cy:
return 'to_std_string(<PyObject *>' + arg + ')'
return arg

def mk_var(name='', typ='', const='', dflt=None, inpt=False, algo=None):
'''Return an object with preformatted attributes for given argument.
Analyses, normalizes and formats types, names and members.
We can also craete an empty object, which can then be used in jinja2 filters without an extra condition.
emtpy/optional state is indicated by name==''
class fmt_var(object):
def __init__(self, name, typ, const, dflt, inpt, algo):
d4pname = ''
if name:
value = name.strip()
name = value.rsplit('::', 1)[-1]
d4pname = name.replace('lambda', 'lambda_') # we cannot use attr/var with that name, it's a python keyword

# Now look at the type, first see if it's a ref or ptr
if const:
const = const.strip() + ' '
ref = '&' if '&' in typ else ''
ptr = '*' if '*' in typ or any(typ.endswith(x) for x in ['Ptr', '__iface__']) else ''
# get rid of ref/ptr in type
realtyp = typ.replace('&', '').replace('*', '').strip()
# string to enum dict for our algo, needed for converting python strings to C++ enums
s2e = 's2e_algorithms_{}'.format(algo)

# we try to identify enum types, which become strings in python
if '::' in realtyp and not any(x in realtyp for x in ['Ptr', 'std::']):
typ = 'std::string'
ref = '&'
todaal_member = '({})string2enum(_{}, {})'.format(realtyp, d4pname, s2e)
# any other typ
typ = realtyp
todaal_member = '_{}'.format(d4pname)
# normalize types from DAAL
typ_flat = flat(typ)
typ_cyext = typ_flat
# interface types are passed py non-const pointer
# for the cython extern def we use a typedef with prefix 'c_'
if typ_flat.endswith('__iface__'):
typ_cyext = 'c_'+typ_flat
ptr = '*'
const = ''
# for sphinx docu we want to be a bit more readable
typ_sphinx = typ_cyext.replace('std_string', 'str').replace('data_management_NumericTablePtr', 'array')
# in cython/python we want everythint to be lower case
typ_cy = typ_flat.lower()
# all daal objects are passed as SharedPointer through their *Ptr typedefs
# we don't want to see the ptr in our call names
if typ_cy.endswith('ptr'):
typ_cy = typ_cy[:-3]
const = ''
# some types we accept without type in cython, because we have custom converters
notyp_cy = ['table_or_flist', 'std_string', 'numerictable']

# we have a few C (not C++) interfaces, usually not a problem for types
decl_c = '{}{} {}'.format(typ_flat, ptr, d4pname)
arg_c = d4pname
# arrays/tables need special handling for C: they are passed as (ptr, dim1, dim2)
if typ_cy == 'table_or_flist':
decl_c = 'double* {0}_p, size_t {0}_d2, size_t {0}_d1'.format(d4pname)
arg_c = 'new table_or_flist(daal::data_management::HomogenNumericTable< double >::create({0}_p, {0}_d2, {0}_d1))'.format(d4pname)
const = ''
# default values (see above pydefaults)
if dflt != None:
pd = (pydefaults[typ] if dflt == True else dflt).rsplit('::', 1)[-1]
sphinx_default = '"{}"'.format(pd) if typ == 'std::string' else '{}'.format(pd)
pydefault = ' = {}'.format(sphinx_default)
cppdefault = ' = {}'.format(cppdefaults[typ] if dflt == True else dflt) if dflt != None else ''
pydefault = ''
cppdefault = ''
sphinx_default = ''
assert(' ' not in typ), 'Error in parsing variable "{}"'.format(decl)
# hjpat_input needs dist {% if step_specs is defined %}
# {% set inp_dists = step_specs[0].inputdists if step_specs|length else inputdists %}
# {% else %}
# {% set inp_dists = None %}
# {% endif %}

def mk_var(decl=''):
if decl == '':
return FmtVar()
d = decl.rsplit('=', 1)
t, name = d[0].strip().rsplit(' ', 1)
const = 'const ' if 'const' in t else ''
ref = '&' if any('&' in x for x in [t, name]) else ''
ptr = '*' if any('*' in x for x in [t, name]) else ''
name = name.replace('&', '').replace('*', '').strip()
typ = t.replace('const', '').replace('&', '').replace('*', '').strip()
pydefault = ' = {}'.format(pydefaults[typ]) if len(d) > 1 else ''
cppdefault = ' = {}'.format(cppdefaults[typ]) if len(d) > 1 else ''
assert(' ' not in typ), 'Error in parsing variable "{}"'.format(decl) = d4pname
self.daalname = name
self.value = value if name else ''
self.typ_cpp = typ if name else ''
self.arg_cpp = d4pname
self.arg_py = d4pname
self.arg_cyext = cy_callext(d4pname, typ_cy, typ_cyext, s2e) if name else ''
self.arg_c = arg_c if name else ''
self.decl_c = decl_c if name else ''
self.decl_cyext = '{}{} {}'.format(typ_cyext, ref if ref != '' else ptr, d4pname) if name else ''
self.decl_cy = '{}{}'.format('' if any (x in typ_cy for x in notyp_cy) else typ_cy+' ', d4pname) if name else ''
self.decl_dflt_cpp = '{}{}{} {}{}'.format(const, typ, ref if ref != '' else ptr, d4pname, cppdefault) if name else ''
self.decl_dflt_cy = '{}{}{}'.format('' if any (x in typ_cy for x in notyp_cy) else typ_cy+' ', d4pname, pydefault) if name else ''
self.decl_cpp = '{}{}{} {}'.format(const, typ_cyext, ref if ref != '' else ptr, d4pname) if name else ''
self.decl_member = '{}{} _{}'.format(typ_cyext, ptr, d4pname) if name else ''
self.arg_member = '_{}'.format(d4pname) if name else ''
self.init_member = '_{}({})'.format(d4pname, 'NULL' if ptr else '') if inpt else '_{0}({0})'.format(d4pname) if name else ''
self.assign_member = '_{0} = {0}'.format(d4pname) if name else ''
self.todaal_member = todaal_member if name else ''
self.spec = '("{}", "{}", "{}")'.format(d4pname, typ_flat, 'REP' if 'model' in d4pname else 'OneD') if name else ''
self.sphinx = ':param {} {}:{}'.format(typ_sphinx, d4pname, ' [optional, default: {}]'.format(sphinx_default) if sphinx_default else '') if name else ''

return FmtVar(name = name,
typ = typ,
arg_cpp = name,
arg_cy = name,
arg_py = name,
decl_dflt_cpp = '{}{}{} {}{}'.format(const, typ, ref if ref != '' else ptr, name, cppdefault),
decl_cpp = '{}{}{} {}'.format(const, typ, ref if ref != '' else ptr, name),
decl_dflt_cy = '{}{} {}{}'.format(typ, ref if ref != '' else ptr, name, pydefault),
decl_dflt_py = '{} {}{}'.format(typ, name, pydefault),
decl_member = '{}{} _{}'.format(typ, ref if ref != '' else ptr, name),
arg_member = '_{}'.format(name),
init_member = '_{0}({0})'.format(name),
def format(self, s, *args):
'''Helper function to format a string with attributes from given var
{}s are replaced with the respective attributes given in args
a = [getattr(self, x) for x in args]
return s.format(*a) if else ''

return fmt_var(name, typ, const, dflt, inpt, algo)

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