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goldsteinn edited this page Apr 11, 2024 · 4 revisions


1. Introducing Clear Linux' Code-Layout Optimizer

This post is to introduce our new code-layout optimizer: Thin-Layout-Optimizer. Thin-Layout-Optimizer is meant to be an alternative to existing tools such as BOLT and Propeller (more on them later). The primary design goal of Thin-Layout-Optimizer is to make a highly usable code-layout optimizer that fits into almost any build process while maintaining as much of the performance benefits as possible. The tool is currently in use by Clear Linux and could be easily used by any other Linux distribution with minimal setup regardless of the number of or size of the DSOs (executable/shared library) being built.

But first, some background and explanation. After all, what is code-layout optimization? And if there are existing tools out there, why do we need a new one?

This post will:

  1. Give a brief description code-layout optimizations, their purpose, and some of the existing tools.
  2. Explain the drawbacks with the current approaches.
  3. Introduce our solution, Thin-Layout-Optimizer.
  4. Go through a complete example of how to use Thin-Layout-Optimizer by using it to speed up Clang
  5. Measure the sped up DSOs optimized with Thin-Layout-Optimizer.

1.1 Code-Layout Optimization

Code-layout optimization primarily comes from decreasing frontend related overheads. Typically code-layout of optimization primarily benefits larger programs, where code frontend bottlenecks are often more pronounced. Code which spends the majority of its time in a few small loops will not benefit.

The primary components involved are:

One of the core code-layout optimizations, for example, is to reorder functions so that functions that call each other regularly are in close proximity in the final binary. This decreases both instruction TLB (ITLB) and instruction Cache (ICache) overhead.

A more advanced optimizer might also align loops to improve DSB coverage, or move branches/targets around to increase branch prediction rates.

To perform code-layout optimization effectively, precise profile data and code size information is required. The former is usually acquired using Linux perf alongside LBR. The latter is why most code-layout optimization happens post-compilation, were the exact instructions, along with their sizes, are known.

The two most prolific code-layout optimizers are BOLT and Propeller.

1.2 BOLT

The first, and probably most well-known, tool to successfully optimize a DSO post-compilation was BOLT. It is able to get up to an 8% performance improvement on top of LTO and PGO. Most of this is attributable to code-layout optimizations. BOLT applies a reordering algorithm on a weighted CFG generated using the Linux perf, LBR, and the disassembly of the input DSO. By clumping together strongly connected functions in the final binary, BOLT is able to effectively speedup the frontend performance in large applications. Originally BOLT used the HFSort algorithm for reordering, but since its release it has moved first to HFSort+, and now (as of writing this) to CDSort.

BOLT also performs other optimizations and has been actively developed in the LLVM project since its initial release. Currently it also supports:

It does all this by disassembling the entire DSO and essentially lifting the binary to a low-level intermediate representation. While this strategy gives BOLT an extremely precise view of the binary enabling many optimizations, it comes with both correctness and scalability concerns.

These concerns, in fact, led Google to develop its own code-layout optimizer.

1.3 Propeller

Google's Propeller is another code-layout optimizer that aims to keep the most valuable parts of BOLT (layout optimization) while addressing the scalability concerns related to the disassembly based design BOLT chose.

Confusingly, 'Propeller' does not refer to any single tool. Rather, Propeller actually describes a modified build process that includes code-layout optimization. Propeller, like BOLT, uses the Linux perf tools alongside LBR to generate weights for its CFG. Unlike BOLT, however, Propeller does not disassemble the DSO to actually construct its CFG. Rather, it requires the compiler (only LLVM as of writing this) to generate bespoke metadata to store the CFG (Basic-Block Sections) in its intermediate object files. With the weighted CFG, Propeller generates an optimized layout for the hot basic-blocks using AutoFDO and finally feeds AutoFDO's output to the linker (only LLD as of writing this) to produce the final binary.

This final binary is optimized for ITLB, ICache, DSB, and branch prediction performance.

The main advantage of Propeller is avoiding the disassembly step. This allows Propeller to guarantee correctness as well as scale significantly better when used on large applications (order of magnitude less memory consumption). One of the key insights that allowed for dropping the disassembly stage, was that layout optimizations are the important parts of BOLTs general purpose post-compilation optimization suite. After all, modern optimizing compilers are good at inlining, peephole, indirect call elimination, and all of the other optimizations that a disassembly driven process enables. What compilers don't have however, is address level profile data and exact code sizes, both of which are key to effective code-layout optimization.

2. Drawbacks

Both BOLT and Propeller have inherent drawbacks that make taking advantage of them for general purpose use or for a distribution difficult.

2.1. BOLT Drawbacks

The most notable drawback of BOLT is that it can't guarantee correctness. This is inherent to its disassembly architecture. The difficulty comes from constructing a complete CFG when the DSO contains indirect branches (i.e
jmp *(%rax)/call *(%rax)). To construct a CFG from a DSO containing indirect branches, BOLT needs to be able to determine the set of all possible destinations. Otherwise, when BOLT re-arranges the code, the old destination of the indirect jumps will no longer be to the same code resulting in an incorrect binary. While BOLT has a lot of heuristics for determining the address of indirect branches, and frankly does a remarkably good job on code generated by Clang/GCC, there can still be holes and buggy binaries. In fact, of the 6 DSOs Google tested BOLT on in their Propeller paper, BOLT caused 3 to crash:

Benchmark Metric % Improvement Propeller % Improvement BOLT
Clang Walltime 7.3 % 7.3 %
MySQL Latency 1 % 0.8 %
Spanner Latency 7 % Crash
Search QPS 3 % 4 %
Superroot QPS 1.1 % Crash
Bigtable QPS 3 % Crash

From Google's Propeller Paper

Further difficulties with using BOLT come from its speed and memory requirements. BOLT can easily consume 2-3 orders of magnitude more memory than standard build/linking, which can be prohibitive for large projects.

2.2. Propeller Drawbacks

Propeller solves the correctness, speed, and memory issues of BOLT, but in turn imposes significant adoption costs.

The most notable adoption cost related to Propeller is that it requires Clang/LLD. This can simply be a non-option for some packages that require GCC/GNU Binutils and at the very least presents a non-trivial entry barrier.

Further, use of Propeller requires significant changes to the build process. For distribution maintainers this can be prohibitive as modifying potentially thousands of build scripts is just too high a developer price.

Ultimately, while Propeller is able to scale up Google's needs well, it is not able to scale down to the level of general use or package distribution.

3. Our Solution and Thin-Layout-Optimizer

Thin-Layout-Optimizer is a new code-layout optimizer that primarily emphasizes ease of use and ease of adoption while remaining competitive in performance compared to BOLT/Propeller.

Like BOLT/Propeller, Thin-Layout-Optimizer operates on profiles generated with Linux perf and LBR.

Thin-Layout-Optimizer does not disassemble the binary, but rather works as a section reordered via linker scripts similar to Propeller.

Unlike Propeller however, it does not require basic-block sections, and works with any section granularity. An effective granularity is function-sections (-ffunction-sections) which is both near universally supported and provides a reasonable basis for reordering optimizations.

Further, it does not require any changes to the linker command and instead operates transparently by use of environment variables.

Finally, it transparently scales to an arbitrary number of packages and requires little to no incremental changes.

3.1. Thin-Layout-Optimizer Design

Thin-Layout-Optimizer contains 4 distinct stages:

  1. Profile a binary using Linux perf with LBR.
  2. Generate optimized section layouts files using thin-layout-optimizer
  3. Generate section linker layouts and a linker mapfile using the layout files outputted from thin-layout-optimizer
  4. Set the linker mapfile in the environment and re-link


3.2. Thin-Layout-Optimizer Section Granularity

Rather than trying to re-create the CFG from disassembly (BOLT) or requiring the complete CFG to be emitted by the compiler (Propeller), Thin-Layout-Optimizer will work on whatever section granularity your DSO was compiled with.

As can be expected, the finer the granularity, the more room Thin-Layout-Optimizer will have to make meaningful reorder decisions to improve performance. Key, however, is that Thin-Layout-Optimizer will work with anything given and has no hard requirements, it just might not do much good if the granularity is too coarse (i.e there is no reordering to be done with a single .text section). We recommend compiling your DSO with -ffunction-sections. This is a near universally supported option, and reordering at the function level can yield significant benefits1.

3.3. Thin-Layout-Optimizer Profiles

Profiles for Thin-Layout-Optimizer, just like with BOLT/Propeller, are generated using the Linux perf tool with LBR. Thin-Layout-Optimizer requires LBR to create the CFG, as unlike BOLT we aren't willing to potentially sacrifice correctness and unlike Propeller doesn't take in any extra information from the compiler.

One area where Thin-Layout-Optimizer deviates from BOLT/Propeller, however, is that we accept whole system profiles and will generate layouts for all sampled DSOs rather than only optimizing one DSO at a time.

This allows us to make more holistic decisions when optimizing layouts and can simplify profile collection.

On the former point, imagine a scenario where you have one binary (A.exe) and one shared library (

If we have the following call sequence


When trying to pack ITLB pages and ICache lines, its important to know that between A::foo and the next node in A, we will have had to fetch all of that code from the B control flow.

3.4. Thin-Layout-Optimizer Generating Layouts and Save States

With a profile, Thin-Layout-Optimizer operates similarly to AutoFDO. It will process the profile data, mapping samples to sections and LBR records to edges. This creates an incomplete CFG, but if a function never shows up in a profile it is likely not hot and thus unimportant to layout2.

Thin-Layout-Optimizer will read the sections from the profiled DSOs and debug information if it is available. We provide scripts for collecting all the relevant DSOs from a Linux perf profile so that you can profile and run Thin-Layout-Optimizer on different machines.

Thin-Layout-Optimizer has two output options for a given profile.

  1. Generate a "save-state" that can be reused later on and/or merged with other save-states.
  2. Generate an optimized section layout for all the recorded DSOs.

3.5. Thin-Layout-Optimizer Save States

Save-states were a key design goal for us. They:

  1. Enable us to merge many profiles.

    • This can be useful if you have multiple benchmarks you want to optimize for. For example if you are distributing GLIBC, just about every benchmark will go through it at some point or another. Being able to merge the CFGs from each of the benchmarks allows Thin-Layout-Optimizer to make layout decisions for GLIBC based on its holistic use, rather than being pigeon-holed into picking a single benchmark to optimize for.
  2. Provides a convenient intermediate state for storage.

    • A full file for a long running benchmark can easily reach tens or hundreds of gigabytes. That combined with all the profiled DSOs can become expensive to store. On one the other hand, having a simple save-state, which will rarely exceed the tens of MB, is (hopefully) within most users storage budget and can be easily transferred/stored for later use.
  3. Creates an easy way to query when you need to re-profile.

    • With a save state that contains all the relevant meta data from the profile and DSOs, it's fairly trivial to check how different a profiled DSO is from its current form. We can do this by comparing the number of distinct sections and their sizes between the existing profiled DSO and the new one. While this isn't bullet proof, we find it sufficient to see when a package needs to have its section layout file regenerated for Clear Linux.

Ultimately the save-states are an entirely optional component. We find them useful and believe you will as well, but if they don't fit your use case they can be entirely ignored.

3.6. Thin-Layout-Optimizer Layouts

Generating the optimized section layout is done (as you might have guessed) with the HFSort algorithm, although more algorithms can be added. The layout files themselves simply contain our optimized section order for a particular DSO along with a bit of metadata.

The optimized section order optimizes for ITLB and ICache locality. Further the metadata we gather can optionally be used to align hotter sections. Section aligning, depending on the sections granularity, can be used to improve DSB hit rate (although this is admittedly less precise than what either BOLT or Propeller can do for the DSB).

Ultimately, we acknowledge we do trade some optimization potential for usability.

3.7. Thin-Layout-Optimizer Generating Linker Scripts

The final step before re-linking is to generate the section linker layout scripts and linker mapfiles.

At this stage, you can also specify parameters for which sections to align and how much to align them by (or just run with the defaults).

3.8. Thin-Layout-Optimizer Re-Linking

Unfortunately, we currently rely on custom patches for LD and GOLD to get our desired transparent functionality. We are working to upstream our changes.

We patch LD and GOLD in three key ways:

  1. Read a linker mapfile from an env variable
  2. Lookup the current link target in the mapfile pointed to by the env variable (if present) to find the target's optimized layout preferences.
  3. Take layout preferences and apply them

The linker mapfile serves as a map from DSO name to section linker layout scripts.

A typical mapfile might look like:

DSO_0 /full/path/to/
DSO_1 /full/path/to/
DSO_n /full/path/to/

The linker will lookup the output DSO's name in the mapfile set in the environment, and if it finds a match, use the associated section linker layout script for ordering the output DSO's sections.

This means that as new DSOs are added/removed there is no change to the build process. If the mapfile is set in the environment, the linker will search for the output DSO in it. If the mapfile is unset or the DSO is not found, there is absolutely no change to the linking process. If the mapfile and DSO are both found, the only change to the linking process is the section order/alignment. Finally, if the DSO you are building has its own custom linker script, those preferences will always be respected.

Ultimately this workflow is meant to be as transparent to the build process as possible. If you want to have an optimized layout for a certain DSO, simply add its layout script to mapfile. If not, don't. Either way the build process is exactly the same.

4. Thin-Layout-Optimizer Full Walkthrough

In this example, we will go through the full process of checking out Thin-Layout-Optimizer, building it, setting up a patched LD, and using it all to optimize Clang.

  1. Create a scratch directory
$> mkdir demo-thin-layout-optimizer
$> cd demo-thin-layout-optimizer
$> export DEMO_ROOT=$(pwd)
  1. Clone Thin-Layout-Optimizer
$> git clone thin-layout-optimizer
$> cd thin-layout-optimizer
  1. Build Thin-Layout-Optimizer
$> cd build
$> cmake ..
$> make -j$(nproc)
  1. Clone LD
$> cd ${DEMO_ROOT}
$> export CUSTOM_LD_INSTALL=${DEMO_ROOT}/binutils-build
$> git clone git://
$> cd binutils-gdb
# Latest release as of writing this (also what the patches are based on)
$> git checkout binutils-2_41
$> git am ${DEMO_ROOT}/thin-layout-optimizer/patches/ld/*.patch
  1. Build LD
$> ./configure --disable-werror --enable-gold --prefix=${CUSTOM_LD_INSTALL}
$> make -j$(nproc) && make install
  1. Set patched LD as system LD
# May need sudo
$> cp /usr/bin/ld /usr/bin/ld.orig
# May need sudo
$> cp ${CUSTOM_LD_INSTALL}/bin/ld /usr/bin/ld
  1. Clone LLVM
$> cd ${DEMO_ROOT}
$> export CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL=${DEMO_ROOT}/llvm-build
$> git clone
$> cd llvm-project
  1. Build LLVM
# Latest release as of writing this.
$> git checkout llvmorg-18.1.1
# The key here is the -ffunction-sections, otherwise is a fairly standard build command
$> cmake -S llvm -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL} -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='clang;llvm;lld' -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-ffunction-sections -march=native -O3" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-ffunction-sections -march=native -O3" -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-ffunction-sections" -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS="-ffunction-sections" -DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS="-ffunction-sections" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$> cd build
$> make -j$(nproc) && make install
  1. Setup LLVM Compile Time Benchmark
$> cd ${DEMO_ROOT}
$> export DEMO_PROFILES=${DEMO_ROOT}/profiles
$> mkdir ${DEMO_PROFILES}
$> git clone
$> cd llvm-test-suite
$> mkdir build
$> cd build
# The key here is the 'CTMark' test suite. This is used to test Clang's compile time
$> cmake -DTEST_SUITE_SUBDIRS=CTMark -DTEST_SUITE_RUN_BENCHMARKS=OFF -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL}/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL}/bin/clang++ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fuse-ld=lld --ld-path=${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL}/bin/ld.lld -O3 " -DCMAKE_AR="${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL}/bin/llvm-ar" -DCMAKE_NM="${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL}/bin/llvm-nm" -DCMAKE_RANLIB="${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL}/bin/llvm-ranlib" -DCMAKE_LINKER="${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL}/bin/ld.lld" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-fuse-ld=lld --ld-path=${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL}/bin/ld.lld -O3 " -DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS=" -fuse-ld=lld --ld-path=${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL}/bin/ld.lld" -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=" -fuse-ld=lld --ld-path=${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL}/bin/ld.lld" -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=" -fuse-ld=lld --ld-path=${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL}/bin/ld.lld" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
# Might need sudo or `echo -1 > /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid`
$> perf record -e cycles:u,branch-misses -j any,u make
  1. Get Layout Files and Mapfile using Thin-Layout-Optimizer
# Use Thin-Layout-Optimizer to create the optimized layout files in directory
# llvm-layouts-base using the profile we just collected.
$> ${DEMO_ROOT}/thin-layout-optimizer/build/thin-layout-optimizer -p ${DEMO_PROFILES}/ -o llvm-layouts-base --save
# Create the linker layout scripts and the linker mapfile from the
# layout files We just generated.
# The target (-t) is for the LD linker
$> python3 ${DEMO_ROOT}/thin-layout-optimizer/scripts/ -i llvm-layouts-base -o llvm-linker-layouts-base --map llvm-linker-layouts-base-map -t ld
  1. Re-Link LLVM
$> cd ${DEMO_ROOT}/llvm-project/build
# Remove all DSOs (this will trigger relink)
$> rm bin/*; rm $(find . -name "*.so");
# Measure link time without any layout optimizations
$> time make -j$(nproc)
real	0m43.628s
user	14m11.514s
sys	1m34.897s
# Enable optimized linker mapfile
$> export LD_ORDERING_SCRIPT_MAP=${DEMO_PROFILES}/llvm-linker-layouts-base-map
# We have the mapfile, re-link optimized Clang
$> rm bin/*; rm $(find . -name "*.so");
$> time make -j$(nproc)
real	0m44.249s
user	14m4.631s
sys	1m35.236s
# Compare the order of sections in baseline LLVM to optimized section layout
$> python3 ${DEMO_ROOT}/thin-layout-optimizer/scripts/ ${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL}/bin/clang-18
Distance: 82950.86089733157
$> make install
# Re-compare distance after install (see that out linker script had an effect).
# Lower number means "closer". The exact value is not particularly meaningful.
$> python3 ${DEMO_ROOT}/thin-layout-optimizer/scripts/ ${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL}/bin/clang-18
Distance: 125.38092655443599

And we are done, in ${CUSTOM_LLVM_INSTALL} we now have a Clang with an optimized layout. Admittedly, this isn't the easiest process, but the good news is that it only gets easier.

If at this point you wanted to upgrade your LLVM version, you wouldn't need to do anything other than rebuild normally with the env variable set.

If you wanted to re-profile and regenerate the optimized layout as well (recommended) you would also need to repeat steps 9, 10, and 11.

Finally, you can also do multiple packages at once. Step 10 could have either taken a profile that included many DSOs or could have taken in the save-states from multiple profiles.

But what is this all for? How much does it actually improve your binaries?

5. Performance Comparison

I will be comparing the performance of 4 different versions of Clang-18 here:

  1. clang.base: A baseline build (step 8 from above)
  2. clang.tlo: A build optimized with Thin-Layout-Optimizer (step 11 from above)
  3. clang.bolt: A build optimized with BOLT
  4. A build optimized with a linker script that just sorts the functions by hotness (this is not a good idea, it's just here to demonstrate the value of a good grouping algorithm).

I will again be generating profiles and comparing performance with the CTMark test suite.

For measuring time/perf I used:

$> taskset -c 0 perf stat --all-user -e branch-misses,L1-icache-load-misses,iTLB-load-misses time make

This isn't the most precise timer, but the numbers are large enough that a 1 second error bar doesn't change the results.

Finally, benchmarks where all performed on an Intel SKX Server.

So, let's see the results. Baseline (clang.base) first:

$> taskset -c 0 perf stat --all-user -e branch-misses,L1-icache-load-misses,iTLB-load-misses time make

     4,605,822,043      branch-misses
    36,578,719,286      L1-icache-load-misses
       100,895,592      iTLB-load-misses

     163.478107273 seconds time elapsed
     149.900829000 seconds user
      13.466970000 seconds sys

And comparing to the baseline:

metric % Improvement BOLT % Improvement Thin-Layout-Optimizer % Improvement Hot
time 7.6 % 4.0 % -3.9 %
branch-misses 0.8 % 0.0 % -0.3 %
L1-ICache-load-misses 31.0 % 5.4 % -3.0 %
ITLB-load-misses 1.0 % 50.2 % -53.1 %
Page Cross Calls 22.9 % -13.1 % -9.3 %

So, where do we sit? With a 4% performance improvement, not as good as BOLT but not something to scoff at either, especially considering the comparative coarseness of our view.

It is also worth noting that Thin-Layout-Optimizer uses the HFSort algorithm, whereas BOLT in these examples has upgraded to the CDSort. This is part of the reason BOLT does a much better job on improving ICache misses but we do a much better job on ITLB misses.

We are actively working to include more layout optimization algorithms in Thin-Layout-Optimizer and improving their heuristics (valuing ICache more than ITLB for example).

6. Closing

Thin-Layout-Optimizer is a new code-layout optimizer we are happy to be releasing. It is still in its infancy and there is a lot of room for improvement, but we believe its emphasis on usability and transparent scalability will be valuable, and hope that if you have been weary of integrating prior code-layout optimization tools into your workflow, this might change your mind.


[1]: If you are using clang you can also use basic-block sections, although note that basic-block sections imply an additional jump between each basic block (no fallthrough path) and Thin-Layout-Optimizer will not clean those up on its own.

[2]: There is a potential issue in that if we have foo() calls bar() calls baz() and we have no samples from bar(), we won't have any record of it in the CFG. Although with LBR, its highly unlikely that any even modestly hot call sequence has missing links in a reasonably complete profile.