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This project defines templates for creating App Store Connect adapters for Visual Studio 2022, Visual Studio 2019, and the dotnet new command.

Templates installed using the dotnet new command can be used in Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio 2019 (v16.9 or later).

Installing Templates

You can install the App Store Connect adapter templates for dotnet new as follows:

Latest Version:

dotnet new install IntelligentPlant.AppStoreConnect.Adapter.Templates

To install a pre-release version, follow the Specific Version instructions below.

Specific Version:

dotnet new install IntelligentPlant.AppStoreConnect.Adapter.Templates::1.2.3

From Source:

Alternatively, you can install the template from source by checking out this repository, building the solution, navigating to the root templates folder from the command line, and running the following command:

dotnet new install .\

Creating an Adapter and Host using Visual Studio

Once the template package has been installed, search for Industrial App Store in Visual Studio's "Create a new project" window or choose Industrial App Store from the project types list:

Visual Studio template selection window

After selecting the "Industrial App Store Connect Adapter Host" template, you will be prompted to select a project location and then optionally enter some details about your adapter that will be applied to the template:

Visual Studio template parameters window

The template will create a new adapter hosted in a minimal API ASP.NET Core application that App Store Connect can connect to using REST API calls or SignalR. The file for the new project provides additional information about the adapter.

Creating an Adapter and Host using dotnet new

If you are not using Visual Studio, you can create a new C# project using the dotnet new command from the command line as follows:

mkdir MyNewAdapter
cd MyNewAdapter
dotnet new aschostedadapter

The template will create a new adapter hosted in a minimal API ASP.NET Core application that App Store Connect can connect to using REST API calls or SignalR. The file for the new project provides additional information about the adapter.

Specifying Project Parameters

When creating the project, you can provide command line parameters to pre-populate some project properties. Run dotnet new aschostedadapter --help to see all of the available options.


# Specifies adapter metadata.

dotnet new aschostedadapter --adapter-name "My MQTT Adapter" --adapter-description "Adapter for MQTT"
# Specifies vendor metadata.

dotnet new aschostedadapter --vendor-name "Intelligent Plant" --vendor-url ""