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220 lines (167 loc) · 12.1 KB

File metadata and controls

220 lines (167 loc) · 12.1 KB


Intel Owl was designed to ease the addition of new analyzers/connectors. With a simple python script you can integrate your own engine or integrate an external service in a short time.

Wish to contribute to the web interface ? See IntelOwl-ng.

Wish to contribute to the python client ? See pyintelowl.


Intel Owl welcomes contributors from anywhere and from any kind of education or skill level. We strive to create a community of developers that is welcoming, friendly and right.

For this reason it is important to follow some easy rules based on a simple but important concept: Respect.

  • Before starting to work on an issue, you need to get the approval of one of the maintainers. Therefore please ask to be assigned to an issue. If you do not that but you still raise a PR for that issue, your PR can be rejected. This is a form of respect for both the maintainers and the other contributors who could have already started to work on the same problem.

  • When you ask to be assigned to an issue, it means that you are ready to work on it. When you get assigned, take the lock and then you disappear, you are not respecting the maintainers and the other contributors who could be able to work on that. So, after having been assigned, you have a week of time to deliver your first draft PR. After that time has passed without any notice, you will be unassigned.

  • Before asking questions regarding how the project works, please read through all the documentation and install the project on your own local machine to try it and understand how it basically works. This is a form of respect to the maintainers.

  • Once you started working on an issue and you have some work to share and discuss with us, please raise a draft PR early with incomplete changes. This way you can continue working on the same and we can track your progress and actively review and help. This is a form of respect to you and to the maintainers.

  • When creating a PR, please read through the sections that you will find in the PR template and compile it appropriately. If you do not, your PR can be rejected. This is a form of respect to the maintainers.

Code Style

Keeping to a consistent code style throughout the project makes it easier to contribute and collaborate. We make use of psf/black and isort for code formatting and flake8 for style guides.

How to start (Setup project and development instance)

Please create a new branch based on the develop branch that contains the most recent changes. This is mandatory.

git checkout -b myfeature develop

Then we strongly suggest to configure pre-commit to force linters on every commits you perform:

# create virtualenv to host pre-commit installation
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# from the project base directory
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Now, you can execute IntelOwl in development mode by selecting the mode test while launching the startup script:

python3 test --django-server up

Every time you perform a change, you should rebuild the containers to have it reflected in the server:

python3 test down
python3 test up --build


  • With the --django-server changes will be instantly reflected to the application server without having to rebuild the docker images.
  • However remember that the changes won't be automatically reflected to other containers running the python code like the "celery" ones (that IntelOwl uses to execute analyzers). This means that you still need to rebuild everything when, for example, when you change or create an analyzer.

How to add a new analyzer

You may want to look at a few existing examples to start to build a new one, such as:

After having written the new python module, you have to remember to:

  1. Put the module in the file_analyzers or observable_analyzers directory based on what it can analyze
  2. Add a new entry in the analyzer configuration following alphabetical order:


"Analyzer_Name": {
    "type": "file", // or "observable"
    "python_module": "<module_name>.<class_name>",
    "description": "very cool analyzer",
    "external_service": true,
    "leaks_info": true
    "run_hash": true, // required only for file analyzer
    "observable_supported": ["ip", "domain", "url", "hash", "generic"], // required only for observable analyzer
    "supported_filetypes": ["application/javascript"], // required only for file analyzer
    "config": {
      "soft_time_limit": 100,
      "queue": "long",
    "secrets": {
      "api_key_name": {
        "env_var_key": "ANALYZER_SPECIAL_KEY",
        "type": "string",
        "required": true,
        "default": null,
        "description": "API Key for the analyzer",

The config can be used in case the new analyzer uses specific configuration arguments and secrets can be used to declare any secrets the analyzer requires in order to run (Example: API Key, URL, etc.). In that way you can create more than one analyzer for a specific python module, each one based on different configurations. MISP and Yara Analyzers are a good example of this use case: for instance, you can use different analyzers for different MISP instances.


Please see Analyzers customization section to get the explanation of the other available keys.
  1. Add the new analyzer in the lists in the docs: Usage. Also, if the analyzer provides additional optional configuration, add the available options here: Advanced-Usage

  2. Ultimately, add the required secrets in the files docker/env_file_app_template, docker/env_file_app_ci and in the docs/

  3. In the Pull Request remember to provide some real world examples (screenshots and raw JSON results) of some successful executions of the analyzer to let us understand how it would work.

Integrating a docker based analyzer

If the analyzer you wish to integrate doesn't exist as a public API or python package, it should be integrated with its own docker image which can be queried from the main Django app.

  • It should follow the same design principle as the other such existing integrations, unless there's very good reason not to.
  • The dockerfile should be placed at ./integrations/<analyzer_name>/Dockerfile.
  • Two docker-compose files compose.yml for production and compose-tests.yml for testing should be placed under ./integrations/<analyzer_name>.
  • If your docker-image uses any environment variables, add them in the docker/env_file_integrations_template.
  • Rest of the steps remain same as given under "How to add a new analyzer".

How to add a new connector

You may want to look at a few existing examples to start to build a new one:

After having written the new python module, you have to remember to:

  1. Put the module in the connectors directory
  2. Add a new entry in the connector_config.json following alphabetical order:


"Connector_Name": {
    "python_module": "<module_name>.<class_name>",
    "description": "very cool connector",
    "maximum_tlp": "WHITE",
    "config": {
      "soft_time_limit": 100,
      "queue": "default",
    "secrets": {
         "env_var_key": "CONNECTOR_SPECIAL_KEY",
         "type": "string",
         "required": true,
         "default": null,
         "description": "API Key for the connector",

Remember to set at least:

  • python_module: name of the task that the connector must launch
  • description: little description of the connector
  • maximum_tlp: maximum TLP of the analysis upto which the connector is allowed to run.

Similar to analyzers, the config can be used in case the new connector uses specific configuration arguments and secrets can be used to declare any secrets the connector requires in order to run (Example: API Key).

Please see Connectors customization section to get the explanation of the other available keys.

  1. Add the new connector in the lists in the docs: Usage. Also, if the connector provides additional optional configuration, add the available options here: Advanced-Usage
  2. Follow steps 4-5 of How to add a new analyzer

Create a pull request


Please create pull requests only for the branch develop. That code will be pushed to master only on a new release.

Also remember to pull the most recent changes available in the develop branch before submitting your PR. If your PR has merge conflicts caused by this behavior, it won't be accepted.

Install testing requirements

Run pip install -r test-requirements.txt to install the requirements to validate your code.

Pass linting and tests

  1. Run psf/black to lint the files automatically, then flake8 to check and isort:

(if you installed pre-commit this is performed automatically at every commit)

$ black . --exclude "migrations|venv"
$ flake8 . --show-source --statistics
$ isort --profile black --filter-files --skip venv

if flake8 shows any errors, fix them.

  1. Run the build and start the app using the docker-compose test file. In this way, you would launch the code in your environment and not the last official image in Docker Hub:
$ python3 ci build
$ python3 ci up
  1. Here, we simulate the GitHub CI tests locally by running the following 3 tests:
$ docker exec -ti intelowl_uwsgi unzip -P infected tests/
$ docker exec -ti intelowl_uwsgi python test tests

Note: IntelOwl has dynamic testing suite. This means that no explicit analyzers/connector tests are required after the addition of a new analyzer or connector.

If everything is working, before submitting your pull request, please squash your commits into a single one!

How to squash commits to a single one

  • Run git rebase -i HEAD~[NUMBER OF COMMITS]
  • You should see a list of commits, each commit starting with the word "pick".
  • Make sure the first commit says "pick" and change the rest from "pick" to "squash". -- This will squash each commit into the previous commit, which will continue until every commit is squashed into the first commit.
  • Save and close the editor.
  • It will give you the opportunity to change the commit message.
  • Save and close the editor again.
  • Then you have to force push the final, squashed commit: git push --force-with-lease origin.

Squashing commits can be a tricky process but once you figure it out, it's really helpful and keeps our repo concise and clean.