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This project will no longer be maintained by Intel.

This project has been identified as having known security escapes.

Intel has ceased development and contributions including, but not limited to, maintenance, bug fixes, new releases, or updates, to this project.

Intel no longer accepts patches to this project.


This project will no longer be maintained by Intel. Intel will not provide or guarantee development of or support for this project, including but not limited to, maintenance, bug fixes, new releases or updates. Patches to this project are no longer accepted by Intel. If you have an ongoing need to use this project, are interested in independently developing it, or would like to maintain patches for the community, please create your own fork of the project.


This plugin collects metrics using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). The plugin sends GET and GETNEXT requests to receive metrics from SNMP agents using numeric OID (Object Identifier) which indicates metric value or set of values.

  1. Getting Started
  1. Documentation
  1. Community Support
  2. Contributing
  3. License
  4. Acknowledgements

Getting Started

System Requirements

  • golang 1.6+ - needed only for building
  • access to SNMP agent which supports SNMP in one of the following versions: v1, v2c, v3

Operating systems

All OSs currently supported by snap:

  • Linux/amd64


Download snmp plugin binary:

You can get the pre-built binaries for your OS and architecture at plugin's Github Releases page.

To build the plugin binary:


Clone repo into $GOPATH/src/github/intelsdi-x/:

$ git clone<yourGithubID>/snap-plugin-collector-snmp

Build the plugin by running make in the repo:

$ make

This builds the plugin in ./build.

Configuration and Usage

Notice that this plugin is a generic plugin, it cannot work without configuration, because there is no reasonable default behavior.


Collected Metrics

The plugin collects metrics using SNMP.

Metrics are available in namespaces which are configurable by the user. Namespaces start with /intel/snmp/, further parts of namespaces need to be configured, details are described in sections: setfile structure and namespace. For each of metrics following tags are added:

  • OID - object identifier which is used to read metric,
  • SNMP_AGENT_NAME - name given by the user for SNMP agent in configuration of SNMP agent,
  • SNMP_AGENT_ADDRESS - IP address or host name with port number of SNMP agent.

Metric names are defined in Setfile and can be collected in one of following data types: int32, uint32, uint64, float64, string.

Detailed descriptions of data types are available in the table below:

SNMP data type SNMP plugin data type Description
Counter, Counter32 uint32 Represents a non-negative integer which monotonically increases until it reaches a maximum value of 32bits-1 (4294967295 dec), when it wraps around and starts increasing again from zero
Counter64 uint64 Same as Counter32 but has a maximum value of 64bits-1
Gauge32 uint32 Represents an unsigned integer, which may increase or decrease, but shall never exceed a maximum value
Integer int32 Signed 32bit Integer (values between -2147483648 and 2147483647)
Integer32 int32 Same as Integer
IpAddress string IP address
Object Identifier string An OID
Octet String string Arbitrary binary or textual data, typically limited to 255 characters in length
TimeTicks uint32 Represents an unsigned integer which represents the time, modulo 232 (4294967296 dec), in hundredths of a second between two epochs
UInteger32 uint32 Unsigned 32bit Integer (values between 0 and 4294967295)

Modification of metric value

It is possible to modify metric value using scale or shift parameters, for more information read setfile structure section.

The metric value is modified using the following equation:

new_metric_value = numeric_metric_value * scale + shift.

If scale or shift parameters are set (scale different than 1, shift different than 0) then numeric metrics are returned as float64.

snap's Global Config

Global configuration files are described in Snap's documentation and require the snmp section in collector along with the specific Setfile - path to SNMP plugin configuration file (path to Setfile). Examples of valid Global Config files are in examples/cfg/.

It is useful to set higher value of max_running_plugins in global configuration because, for SNMP plugin, for each of tasks a one instance of plugin is needed. Default value of max_running_plugins is 3 so by default only 3 tasks with SNMP plugin can be created.

Setfile structure

Setfile contains JSON structure which is used to define metrics. Each metric is defined as JSON object in the following format:

        "namespace": {
            {"source": "string", "string": "<string>"},
            {"source": "snmp", "OID": "<object_identifier>", "name": "<name>", "description": "<description>"},
            {"source": "index", "oid_part": <oid_part_number>, "name": "<name>", "description": "<description>"},
      "OID": "<object_identifier>",
      "mode": "<metric_mode>",
      "scale": <scale_value>,
      "shift": <shift_value>,
      "unit": "<unit>",
      "description": "<description>"

Detailed descriptions of all parameters in metric definition are available in the table below:

Parameter Type Possible options Required Description
namespace array - yes Array of configuration for namespace elements
namespace::source string string/snmp/index yes Source of namespace element, namespace elements can be defined as string value (string), can be received using SNMP request (snmp), or can be defined as a number from OID (index), see namespace section
namespace::string string - yes, for source set to string Namespace element defined by the user as a string value
namespace::OID string - yes, for source set to snmp Numeric OID which is used to receive namespace element
namespace::oid_part uint - yes, for source set to index Index of OID part which is used in namespace. It indicates part of OID which will be used in namespace, counting parts (numbers in OID) of OID from 0
namespace::name string - yes, for source set to index or snmp Name of dynamic metric
namespace::description string - yes, for source set to index or snmp Description of dynamic metric
OID string - yes Object identifier
mode string single/table/walk no Mode of metric, it is possible to read a single metric or read metrics from the specific node of MIB (ang. Management Information Base), see metric modes section, on default single is set
unit string - no Metric unit
description string - no Metric description
shift float64 - no Shift value can be added to numeric metric
scale float64 - no Numeric metric can be multiplied by scale value

Here is an example metric definition (with more available in examples/setfiles/):

  "mode": "single",
  "namespace": [
    {"source": "string", "string": "net-single"},
    {"source": "string", "string": "if-single"},
    {"source": "snmp", "name": "interface", "description": "interface name", "OID": "."},
    {"source": "index", "name": "id", "description": "number from OID", "oid_part": 10},
    {"source": "string", "string": "in_octets"}
  "OID": ".",
  "scale": 1.0,
  "shift": 0,
  "unit": "unit",
  "description": "description of metric"
  "mode": "table",
  "namespace": [
    {"source": "string", "string": "net-table"},
    {"source": "string", "string": "if-table"},
    {"source": "snmp", "name": "interface",  "description": "interface name", "OID": "."},
    {"source": "index", "name": "id", "description": "number from OID", "oid_part": 10},
    {"source": "string", "string": "in_octets"}
  "OID": ".",
  "scale": 1.0,
  "shift": 0,
  "unit": "unit",
  "description": "description  of metric"
  "mode": "walk",
  "namespace": [
    {"source": "string", "string": "net-walk"},
    {"source": "string", "string": "if-walk"},
    {"source": "index", "name": "index9", "description": "number from OID", "oid_part": 9},
    {"source": "index", "name": "index10", "description": "number from OID", "oid_part": 10},
    {"source": "string", "string": "value"}
  "OID": ".",
  "scale": 1.0,
  "shift": 0,
  "unit": "unit",
  "description": "description of metric"


Metrics namespaces are configured in Setfile. Namespaces start with /intel/snmp/, further parts of namespaces need to be configured.

Namespace is configured as an array which contains configuration of namespace elements (separted by /). For example metrics definition are shown in setfile structure section and this MIB:

. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = STRING: lo
. = STRING: eth0
. = INTEGER: softwareLoopback(24)
. = INTEGER: ethernetCsmacd(6)
. = INTEGER: 65536
. = INTEGER: 9001
. = Gauge32: 10000000
. = Gauge32: 4294967295
. = STRING: 
. = STRING: 
. = INTEGER: up(1)
. = INTEGER: up(1)
. = INTEGER: up(1)
. = INTEGER: up(1)
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Counter32: 2426340104
. = Counter32: 2116292856

following namespaces are built:

  • for single mode:
  • for table mode:
  • for walk mode:

Length of namespace can be different but the last element in array must have source option set to string.

Metric modes

There are three modes to gather SNMP metrics:

  • single - mode to read only one metric
  • table - mode to read set of metrics from one node
  • walk - mode to read set of metrics from multiple nodes, all children nodes are read

SNMP agent configuration

SNMP agent configuration is created in Task Manifest, in the config section /intel/snmp section must be created and set of appropriate SNMP agent parameters must be configured. All possible parameters for SNMP agent are gathered in the table below:

Parameter Type Possible options Valid for SNMP versions Default value Required Description
snmp_agent_name string - v1,v2c,v3 - no SNMP agent name give by the user, any string helpful for the user, this parameter is added as tag (SNMP_AGENT_NAME) for metrics
snmp_agent_address string - v1,v2c,v3 - yes IP address or host name with port number. This parameter is added as a tag (SNMP_AGENT_ADDRESS) for metrics
snmp_version string v1/v2c/v3 v1,v2c,v3 - yes SNMP version
community string - v1,v2c - yes Community
user_name string - v3 - yes User name
security_level string NoAuthNoPriv/AuthNoPriv/AuthPriv v3 - yes Security level
auth_password string - v3 - no Authentication protocol pass phrase
auth_protocol string MD5/SHA v3 - yes Authentication protocol
priv_password string - v3 - no Privacy protocol pass phrase
priv_protocol string DES/AES v3 - yes Privacy protocol
security_engine_id string - v3 - no Security engine ID
context_engine_id string - v3 - no Context engine ID
context_name string - v3 - no Context name
retries uint - v1,v2c,v3 1 no Number of connection retries
timeout int - v1,v2c,v3 5 no SNMP request timeout in seconds

WARNING: Notice that retries and timeout and also interval in Task Manifest files must be adjusted to SNMP agent responsiveness. Unsuitable values of these parameters could cause problems with metrics collection (some metrics could be missing).

Task Manifest

Example Task Manifest (more examples in examples/tasks/):

  "version": 1,
  "schedule": {
    "type": "simple",
    "interval": "30s"
  "workflow": {
    "collect": {
      "metrics": {
        "/intel/snmp/*": {}
      "config": {
        "/intel/snmp": {
          "snmp_agent_name": "host1",
          "snmp_agent_address": "",
          "snmp_version": "v2c",
          "community": "public",
          "network": "tcp",
          "timeout": 5,
          "retries": 5
      "publish": [
          "plugin_name": "file",
          "config": {
            "file": "/tmp/published_snmp.txt"


Here's an example of running the snap-plugin-collector-snmp plugin and writing data to a file using snap-plugin-publisher-file.

  • Create configuration file (Setfile) for SNMP plugin based on the examples in examples/setfiles/

  • Set path to configuration file as a field in the Setfile in Global Config based on examples in examples/configs/

  • Set up the Snap framework, in one terminal window, run snapteld (in this case with logging set to 1, trust disabled and global configuration saved in config.json ):

$ snapteld -l 1 -t 0 --config config.json
  • In another terminal window, download and load Snap plugins:
$ wget
$ wget
$ snaptel plugin load snap-plugin-publisher-file
$ snaptel plugin load snap-plugin-collector-snmp

See available metrics for your system:

$ snaptel metric list
$ snaptel task create -t task.json
  • And watch the metrics populate:
$ snaptel task watch <task_id>
  • To stop previously created task:
$ snaptel task stop <task_id>

Running in plugin diagnostic mode:

Plugin can be started in plugin diagnostic mode without need for Snap daemon to be running. This mode can be used for checking plugin output in development process.

General rule for runnig diagnostic mode is to launch plugin binary. This plugin needs configuration, so it is needed to pass that configuration as argument. For example:

$ ./build/linux/x86_64/snap-plugin-collector-snmp --config '{
    "setfile": "setfile.json",
    "snmp_agent_name": "host1",
    "snmp_agent_address": "",
    "snmp_version": "v3",
    "network": "udp",
    "user_name": "user",
    "security_level": "AuthPriv",
    "auth_password": "password",
    "auth_protocol": "MD5",
    "priv_protocol": "DES",
    "priv_password": "password"

If configuration is valid, plugin should output metric catalog and collected metrics to standard output. As runnig diagnostic mode command for this plugin is not handy, you can find above example as Bash script in examples/


There isn't a current roadmap for this plugin, but it is in active development. As we launch this plugin, we do not have any outstanding requirements for the next release.

If you have a feature request, please add it as an issue and feel free to then submit a pull request.

Community Support

This repository is one of many plugins in Snap, the open telemetry framework. See the full project at To reach out to other users, head to the main framework.


We love contributions!

There's more than one way to give back, from examples to blogs to code updates. See our recommended process in

And thank you! Your contribution, through code and participation, is incredibly important to us.


Snap, along with this plugin, is an Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 License.
