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An API for Audealize, to encourage fast prototyping of semantic audio applications with Web Audio API.

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Audealize API

A Web Audio node to encourage fast prototyping of semantic audio applications. Audealize (above: screenshot of an example reverberator interface using Audealize)

Audealize API provides a natural language interface for controlling two audio effects: equalization and reverberation. The API provides a Web Audio AudioNode that uses crowdsourced mappings between descriptions and low-level signal parameters to allow a user to control the settings of each effect by specifying a word (e.g. "bright", "warm") that describes their desired sound. We hope that this node will be useful for implementing audio production interfaces based on natural language on the web.


Download Audealize API in one minified .js file here.

Getting Started

Audealize is a Web Audio AudioNode. It can be used as a part of a Web Audio graph to apply equalization and reverberation effects to audio.

Start by creating an AudioContext and an audio source. For this example we’ll use an OscillatorNode to generate a 1000 Hz square wave.

	var context = new AudioContext();
	var oscillator = context.createOscillator();
	oscillator.type = 'square';
	oscillator.frequency = 1000;

Create an Audealize node, passing our AudioContext as an argument.

	var audealize = new Audealize(context);

Connect our source buffer to the Audealize node. Then connect the Audealize node to our output.


Controlling the Effects

At this point, you should hear a dry saw wave. To add EQ and reverb effects, set eq_descriptor and reverb_descriptor. This will engage both effects.

	audealize.eq_descriptor = 'bright';
	audealize.reverb_descriptor = 'hall';

To change the amount of each effect, use the eq_amount and reverb_amount parameters.

`reverb_amount is the ratio between dry and wet signals. It must be a value between 0 and 1.

	audealize.reverb_amount = 1; // The node will now output only the reverb signal
	audealize.reverb_amount = 0; // The node will now output only the dry signal.
	audealize.reverb_amount = 0.5; // The node will now output a mix of reverb and dry signals

eq_amount scales the range of the EQ curve, making the effect more or less intense. Negative values will cause the EQ to apply the inverse of the descriptor’s effect.

	audealize.eq_amount = 1; // The default value
	audealize.eq_amount = 2; // A more intense curve (more 'bright')
	audealize.eq_amount = 0.5; // A less intense curve (less 'bright')
	audealize.eq_amount = 0; // A flat curve (no effect)
	audealize.eq_amount = -1; // The opposite of 'bright'

To disable or enable an effect, set eq_on or reverb_on.

	audealize.eq_on = false; // EQ is now bypassed
	audealize.reverb_on = false; // Reverb is now bypassed


An API for Audealize, to encourage fast prototyping of semantic audio applications with Web Audio API.






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