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tombisho edited this page Jul 14, 2023 · 18 revisions

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This wiki explains in detail the standard operating procedure for installing and configuring the software that are needed to conduct privacy enhancing federated analysis as part of InterConnect.


  1. Brief overview of how federated analysis works and what are the steps to get there
  2. Description of the options for deployment
  3. Examples of configurations
  4. Uploading data
  5. Setting up users and permissions

Opal will be used as the core data warehouse in your installation. Opal provides all the necessary tools to import, transform and describe data. Note that Opal is not a database: Opal needs to connect to a database application to store its data.

R provides a software environment for statistical computing and graphics. R will be used as a server: Opal will connect to this server to control remote accesses, push data to be analysed and retrieve results. The instructions given assume that Opal, R and the database servers will be deployed on Ubuntu. These applications can also be installed on other Debian-like Linux distributions. Packages for Fedora-like Linux distributions are also available: alternative installation instructions for these systems are provided as reference to the relevant installation guides.

Most of the following instructions and related information are taken from Opal Server Administrator Guide. Please refer to this online documentation for updated information.