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InterMine 3.1.2

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@julie-sullivan julie-sullivan released this 11 Apr 11:37
· 1033 commits to dev since this release

#1497 - Docs: links in search results drop .html extension, only on index pages.
#1766 - Web services: Add tags to templates
#1773 - Gradle: when installing bio project, SHOULD NOT be mandatory
#1909 - Gradle: logs need sorting out
#1952 - GAF 1.0 - remove this code
#1965 - bio and bio/sources: java.lang.ClassCastException on org.apache.xerces.parsers
#1984 - Set converter.class in the right place
#1988 - Fix protein atlas displayer in humanmine
#2001 - NCBI web services = error with NULL values
#2002 - modify SolrIndexHandler to support newer Solr versions (thanks @arunans23!!)
#2007 - Gretty plugin - remove from bio-webapp?
#2008 - Error using CHEBI web services
#2009 - Publication abstract is longer than postgres index
#2013 - Remove Phenotype, it's not in the core model and has conflicting key (thanks @sammyjava)
#2036 - ObjectStoreSummary does not handle ignored fields consistently. (thanks @JoeCarlson )