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InterMine 5.0.1 (Broken)

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@danielabutano danielabutano released this 20 May 17:37
· 234 commits to master since this release

Due to a sync issue, the bio-webapp 5.0.1 artifact has been built wrapping intermine-webapp 5.0.0 instead of 5.0.1 and, as a consequence of this, it doesn't contain some of the following fixes.
Patch release including:
#2344 - Why feature.setAttribute("scoreType", record.getSource()) in
#2352 - Enrichment web service fails if using ids and background population
#2356 - Graph and table windgets WSs do not work when passing IDs
#2358 - Check the type in the bag upload form
#2367 - preparation release 5.0.1