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IAUX User Service

This is a Typescript library to interact with the Internet Archive's User Service.


import { UserService } from '@internetarchive/user-service';

// instantiate a UserService object
const userService = new UserService();

// get the result
const result = await userService.getLoggedInUser();

// if the user is logged in, the User object will be in `result.success`
const user = result.success;
if (user) {
    'User:', user.username, user.itemname, user.screenanme, user.privs

// if the user is not logged in or you an error occurred,
// you'll get a `result.error` and can inspect `result.error.type`:
switch (result.error?.type) {
  case UserServiceErrorType.userNotLoggedIn:'User not logged in');
  case UserServiceErrorType.networkError:
    console.error('There was a network error fetching the user');
  case UserServiceErrorType.decodingError:
    console.error('There was an error decoding the user service response');
    console.error('An unknown error occurred fetching the user');

Advanced Usage


You can pass in a cache handler that implements UserServiceCacheInterface and the results will be cached:

import { LocalCache } from '@internetarchive/local-cache';

const cache = new LocalCache();
const service = new UserService({
  cacheTTL: 15 * 60 // seconds, optional
const result = await service.getLoggedInUser();
// subsequent calls will be cached

Local Demo with web-dev-server

yarn start

To run a local development server that serves the basic demo located in demo/index.html

Testing with Web Test Runner

To run the suite of Web Test Runner tests, run

yarn run test

To run the tests in watch mode (for <abbr title="test driven development">TDD</abbr>, for example), run

yarn run test:watch

Linting with ESLint, Prettier, and Types

To scan the project for linting errors, run

yarn run lint

You can lint with ESLint and Prettier individually as well

yarn run lint:eslint
yarn run lint:prettier

To automatically fix many linting errors, run

yarn run format

You can format using ESLint and Prettier individually as well

yarn run format:eslint
yarn run format:prettier

Tooling configs

For most of the tools, the configuration is in the package.json to reduce the amount of files in your project.

If you customize the configuration a lot, you can consider moving them to individual files.