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  • Ionic v7
  • Angular v17

Development Notes

Run npm install to install necessary packages

Run npm run lint to lint app codebase

Run npm start to launch App locally

Run npm run i18n to update coverage of translateable static text

Starting a development server calling the stage environment

Run npm start to start a development server on your local, and calling or core-graphql endpoint for API

Starting a development server on the local environment

Run npm run local to serve app on localhost and calling for API

Run npm start to serve app on localhost

Release Processes

  1. Merge develop branch to master (if we are releasing develop branch)
  2. Merge master branch to release/eos
  3. Create a new release in Github with the release pull request link as the description
  4. Change the version number on Slack team-dev channel
  • master is always + 0.01 version ahead of live
  • develop is always + 0.1 version ahead of live

New Relics Setup (retired)

  1. Before we deploy app to live server, we'll need to create a newrelic.js file from project root directory's /assets folder
  2. Please select either or based on the deployment environment
  3. Live environment, use Development environment, use
  4. With the step above, new relic can collect and group collected information based on different environment.

Useful links

  1. Ionic Components
  2. Apollo Client Devtools

Automation Test

NPM commands

  1. npm run e2e test all features for desktop & Android & Iphone
  2. npm run e2e-dev used for devs to develop tests
  3. npm run e2e-sandbox used to run automation test on sandbox


  • Copy & paste e2e/config/index.default.ts and change the name to index.ts and fill in correct accounts
  • Copy & paste e2e/protractor-dev.default.conf.js and change the name to protractor-dev.conf.js
  • Change the feature file path in e2e/protractor-dev.conf.js to the feature that you are developing
  • If you need to develop automation test for mobile, uncomment the chromeOptions->mobileEmulation part inside e2e/protractor-dev.conf.js
  • run npm run e2e-dev to see the result

External link format

Login Options

  1. Normal login with user's credentials
  2. Direct link Login (core / login app)
    • Simplest form - *.com?do=secure&auth_token=*
    • Deeplinking form - *.com?do=secure&auth_token=*&redirect=*&tl=*
  3. Global Login (core / login app)
    • Format: *.com?service=LOGIN&multiple=true&apikey=*&stack_uuid=*

Deeplinking parameters:

  • auth_token - the auth token used to authenticate user
  • tl - timeline id of the program you are in
  • redirect - the page you will be redirect to (see details below)
Valid redirect parameter values/options:
  • home - redirect to home page
  • project - redirect to project page
  • activity - redirect to activity page with the following parameters
    • act - activity id
  • activity_task - redirect to activity-task page(without menu) with the following parameters
    • act - activity id
    • activity_task_referrer_url - if this url is passed in, we will redirect the user to this url when user click back button on activity detail page, or click continue button of last task
  • assessment - redirect to assessment page with the following parameters
    • act - activity id
    • ctxt - context id
    • asmt - assessment id
    • sm - submission id - [optional] if provide, will redirect user to assessment/:activityId/:contextId/:id/:submissionId
    • assessment_referrer_url - if this url is passed in, we will redirect the user to this url when user click back button or continue button on assessment page
  • topic - redirect to topic page with the following parameters
    • act - activity id
    • top - topic id
  • reviews - redirect to reviews list page
  • review - redirect to assessment review page with the following parameters
    • ctxt - context id
    • asmt - assessment id
    • sm - submission id
    • assessment_referrer_url - if this url is passed in, we will redirect the user to this url when user click back button or continue button on review page
  • chat - redirect to chat list page
  • settings - redirect to settings page
  • settings-embed - redirect to settings embed page
Optional parameters:
  • return_url - when user switch program, he/she will be redirect to this url
  1. *.com?do=secure&auth_token=abcdefg&redirect=project&tl=312 will redirect you to the project page
  2. *.com?do=secure&auth_token=abcdefg&redirect=assessment&tl=312&act=231&ctxt=393&asmt=928 will redirect you to the assessment page

3. Reset password


4. Registration


AWS code build

See buildspec.yml for the steps needed for the CodeBuild.

Environmental variables

Any variables that will be passed with the prefix CUSTOM_ will be merged into the the src/environments/environment.custom.ts file and in the angular.json. See the file for details.

Other variables that need to be passed to the codebuild project are:

  • S3_BUCKET - the S3 bucket where the code will be deployed.
  • CF_DIST_ID - the CF distribution that will be invalidated when a deploy happens
  • CUSTOM_COUNTRY - country for the installation, supported values - AUS, US
  • CUSTOM_JS_ENVIRONEMENT - used in angular.json for new relic, possible values prod, dev
  • CUSTOM_ENVIRONMENT - the env variable used in the src/environments/environment.custom.ts. Possible values develop, sandbox, stage, live
  • CUSTOM_S3_BUCKET - the bucket used for the filestack uploads
  • CUSTOM_API_ENDPOINT - the API endpoint
  • CUSTOM_APP - the name of the app, used to prefix the file uploads, needed for multi tenancy
  • CUSTOM_AWS_REGION - the region the app will work in
  • CUSTOM_GRAPH_QL - the graph QL endpoint
  • CUSTOM_INTERCOM - intercom details
  • CUSTOM_APPKEY - Appkey used to talk to the API
  • CUSTOM_PUSHERKEY - pusherKey used
  • CUSTOM_FILESTACK_SIGNATURE - the filestack signature
  • CUSTOM_FILESTACK_POLICY - the filestack policy
  • CUSTOM_FILESTACK_VIRUS_DETECTION - the filestack virus detection policy
  • CUSTOM_FILESTACK_KEY - the filestack key

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