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RedHat has abandoned RHV and thusly oVirt is likely dead. This project will not be maintained going forward :(


govirt allows you to perform basic tasks in oVirt on the command line.

I highly recommend starting with --help before following the example below. There are very simple things you'll want to know how to set as you go, such as:

  • the oVirt engine API URL
  • engine authentication
  • template name
  • template version
  • storage domain name

Example of building a 5-node kubernetes cluster using k3s

  1. clean up previous tests (if any):

    # clear known_hosts
    for i in k3s{0..4} k3s{0..4}.domain{0..4}; do \
        ssh-keygen -R ${i}; \
    # force-stop any existing VMs with the same names
    for i in {0..4}; do \
        govirt vm stop \
            --force \
            --name "k3s${i}"; \
    # delete any existing VMs with the same names
    for i in {0..4}; do \
        govirt vm rm \
            --yes \
            --name "k3s${i}"; \
  2. create new VMs:

    1. clone each VM from a sealed template:

      for i in {0..4}; do \
          govirt vm create \
              --name "k3s${i}" \
              --memory 4 \
              --cpu 2; \
    2. prepare cloud-init scripts for each new VM to run at bootup:

      mkdir -p "${HOME}/cloud-init" && \
      for i in {0..4}; do \
      govirt cloud-init create \
          --fqdn "k3s${i}.lan" \
          --ssh-key "ssh-rsa some_ssh_public_key with_comment_if_you_like" > "${HOME}/cloud-init/k3s${i}.yml"; \
    3. start VMs with cloud-init script:

      for i in {0..4}; do \
          govirt vm start \
              --name "k3s${i}" \
              --init \
              --script "${HOME}/cloud-init/k3s${i}.yml"; \
  3. setup ansible controller:

    # wait for VMs to come up with correct hostname, ip address, etc and accept host ssh key
    for i in k3s{0..4}.domain; do \
        ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new "${i}" -t hostname -s; \
  4. config management:

    # deploy config management and the k3s cluster
    ansible-playbook -i ~/ansible/inventory/kubernetes.yml -e reboot=yes ~/ansible/playbooks/k3s.yml
    # copy the kubeconfig from first node to controller node to make life easy
    rsync -avhP k3s0:"~/.kube/config" ~/.kube/config && sed -i 's||https://k3s0.domain|g' ~/.kube/config
  5. verify cluster:

    kubectl get nodes -o wide
    kubectl get pods -A